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題名: 文化變遷下的族群認同 ----以泰國丹塞(Dansai)面具文化為中心之研究
Ethnic Group Identity under Cultural Changes : A Case Study of Mask Culture in Dansai, Thailand.
作者: 張雅粱
Chang, Ya Liang
貢獻者: 張中復
Chang, Chung Fu
Chang, Ya Liang
關鍵詞: 面具
culture area
cultural performance
Phi Ta Khon Festival
cultural change
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-四月-2014
摘要: 雲南及其鄰近地區的面具文化豐富,但卻鮮少有學者以整體性的研究視野論述該地區的文化特質,因此本文以文化區的學理檢視雲南及其鄰近地區的面具文化,並視其為一文化特質,提出「面具文化圈」的論點。同時從文獻分析得知,現有研究大多集中於儺、藏面具研究,這與現存多地區的面具文化現象有極大落差,換言之,在面具文化圈中還有許多尚未被研究與記錄的面具文化。\n\n 面具文化圈與其內部的地區面具文化在族群、文化、歷史與生態環境上形成複雜關聯,本文一方面以丹塞鬼面節為例,說明面具文化圈中文化型式的差異,另一方面視鬼面節為文化展演,紀錄並分析鬼面節儀式,從宗教、國族意識、觀光經濟與地方教育等觀察面向,說明在地文化情境如何建構鬼面節,並與寮國佬族面具文化形成差別,最後再由文化變遷的現象,進一步探討伊森地區族群認同的議題。\n\n 透過面具文化圈與鬼面節的論述過程,本研究得出三大結論:(一)雲南及其鄰近地區可視為一「面具文化圈」,(二)從面具文化原型與變形辯證中,可說明在地情境是主導文化產生變遷的重要因素,以及(三)當伊森特性促成文化變遷的同時,也可能會對族群認同產生影響。在泰、寮的文化脈絡裡,丹塞鬼面節案例呈現出文化變遷和族群認同兩大意義,本文希望透過鬼面節的實證研究,增加面具文化的區域研究案例,使其既能在大區域的面具文化圈中呈現出文化意義,又能深入顯示出文化情境對區域文化所產生的結構性影響。
This dissertation regards Yunnan Province and neighboring areas as the "mask culture circle" from the theory of culture area, and explores its forming reasons, such as ethnic migration, mask-culture trait and archetype of mask-ritual and so on. The author finds the most mask studies to focus on the researches of Nuo-mask and Tibet-mask through analysis data , so it means that there are many mask cultures have not been studied and recorded yet within "mask culture circle". \n\n “Mask culture circle” and its regional mask culture form complex relationship in terms of ethnic, culture, history and environment. This dissertation takes Phi Ta Khon Festival in Dansai as a case and illustrates it how to make different with the cultural model of “mask culture circle”. Meanwhile, the author thinks Phi Ta Khon Festival as a cultural performance and records, analyzes Phi Ta Khon Festival in terms of religion, national consciousness, tourism economy and local education in Dansai, for understanding local environment how to construct Phi Ta Khon Festival. Because local environment makes regional mask culture form cultural changes, so we can have a further discussion about the issue of ethnic identity in Isan. \n\n Generally, there are three conclusions in this dissertation: (a).Yunnan Province and neighboring areas can be regarded as the "mask-culture circle". (b).Through discussing with the relationship of archetype and variety of mask culture, it can help us to know that local environment is an important factor to cultural changes. (c).When Isan-ness makes cultural changes, at the same time, it maybe also exert an influence on ethnic identity. Phi Ta Khon Festival shows the meanings of two things, one is cultural changes, and another is ethnic identity. This dissertation hopes Phi Ta Khon Festival can increase case studies of mask culture, and lets it not only present the cultural meaning to” mask culture circle” , but also show the impact of local environment on regional mask culture.
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