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dc.description.abstractThis thesis consists of two essays on the relations\nhip between monetary policy and\nasset price dynamics. The first essay examines the\nextent to which Greece, Ireland,\nPortugal and Spain experienced property bubbles and\ninvestigates the role of\nEuropean Central Bank’s (ECB) monetary policy in th\ne formation of these bubbles in\nthe period from 1999 to 2012. The analysis shows th\nat Spain and Ireland experienced\nthe largest bubble formation followed by Portugal a\nnd Greece. Cointegration tests and\nVEC impulse responses indicate a significant long-\nand short-run relationship\nbetween ECB’s monetary policy and bubble formation\nin Greece, Ireland and Spain.\nThe second essay examines long- and short-run dynam\nics between global commodity\nprices, economic activity and monetary policy of Ch\nina in the period from 1998M01\nto 2012M12. While Toda and Yamamoto (1995) type Gra\nnger causality tests provide\nno evidence for a long-run relationship between mon\netary policy and commodity\nprices, VAR generalized impulse responses suggests\nthat agricultural commodity\nprices overshoot in response to a drop in the real\ninterest rate. The analysis further\nfinds evidence that industrial metals prices tend t\no be higher when China’s exchange\nrate regime is relaxed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction ...................................\n...................................................\n.......................... 1\n2. Monetary Policy and Real Estate Bubbles ........\n...................................................\n...... 9\n2.1. Introduction .................................\n...................................................\n.....................9\n2.2. Literature Review ............................\n...................................................\n...............16\n2.2.1. Real Estate Bubbles ........................\n...................................................\n.........16\n2.2.2. Monetary Policy and Property Bubbles .......\n...............................................19\n2.3. Framework ....................................\n...................................................\n.................20\n2.3.1. Property Bubble Determination ..............\n...................................................\n.20\n2.3.2. Monetary Policy Transmission ...............\n...................................................\n.23\n2.4. Data .........................................\n...................................................\n.......................25\n2.5. Empirical Analysis ...........................\n...................................................\n..............29\n2.5.1. Long-Run Dynamics ..........................\n...................................................\n.....29\n2.5.2. Short-Run Dynamics .........................\n...................................................\n......32\n2.6. Discussion ...................................\n...................................................\n...................37\n2.7. Conclusion ...................................\n...................................................\n...................41\n3. Monetary Policy and Global Commodity Prices ....\n................................................. 4\n4\n3.1. Introduction .................................\n...................................................\n...................44\n3.2. Framework ....................................\n...................................................\n.................51\n3.3. Data and Methodology .........................\n...................................................\n..........53\n3.3.1. Data........................................\n...................................................\n..................53\n3.3.2. Methodology.................................\n...................................................\n...........59\n3.4. Empirical Analysis ...........................\n...................................................\n..............62\n3.4.1. Unit Root Tests and Lag Length Selection....\n.............................................62\n3.4.2. VAR Estimation and Model Robustness ........\n............................................64\n3.4.3. Long-Run Dynamics ..........................\n...................................................\n.....65\n3.4.4. Short-Run Dynamics .........................\n...................................................\n......67\n3.5. Conclusion ...................................\n...................................................\n...................70\n4. Conclusion .....................................\n...................................................\n....................... 73\n5. References .....................................\n...................................................\n........................ 78zh_TW
dc.format.extent468689 bytes-
dc.titleEssays on Monetary Policy and Asset Pricesen_US
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