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題名: 創新擴散模式對高級中學教師科技接受模式影響之研究
Research on the Effect of Diffusion of Innovation Model to Technology Acceptance Model by Teachers in High Schools
作者: 蘇麗美
Su, Li Mei
貢獻者: 張奕華<br>林顯達
Chang, I Hua<br>Lin, Hsien Ta
Su, Li Mei
關鍵詞: 創新擴散
diffusion of innovation
technology acceptance
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-Apr-2014
摘要: 本研究旨在探討創新擴散模式對高級中學教師科技接受模式影響之研究,分析臺北市公私立高中教師在不同背景變項下,知覺創新擴散與科技接受的差異情形,檢視創新擴散的五大認知屬性對科技接受模式的線性關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市50 所公私立高中教師為抽樣對象,共寄發問卷780 份,回收513份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷461 份,回收率65.7%。本研究採用以IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 和 LISREL 8.80 統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論:\n一、高中教師知覺創新科技之創新擴散和科技接受現況為中高程度。\n二、高中教師知覺創新擴散模式之認知屬性以相對優勢最具影響力。\n三、高中教師知覺科技接受模式中以有用性最具影響力。\n四、高中教師在創新擴散與科技接受的認知調查與實際行動仍有些落差。\n五、不同性別、年齡、教育程度及服務年資之高中教師在知覺創新擴散及科技接受上,並無顯著差異。\n六、不同擔任職務、研習時數、任教科目、使用創新科技比例及個人資訊素養之高中教師在知覺創新擴散及科技接受上,具有顯著差。\n七、本研究建構之模式經過結構方程模式檢定獲得支持。\n八、創新擴散模式中的相對優勢、複雜性及可觀察性對科技接受模式中的知覺易用性具有正向顯著的影響。複雜性、可觀察性及可試用性對知覺有用性具有正向顯著的影響。\n最後依據上述研究結論,提出推動創新科技融入教學之具體建議,以做為高級中學行政參考運用。
This research aims to study the effect of innovation diffusion model and technology acceptance model by teachers in high schools, along with the relevance between the two models. This study analyzed the differences of the models with different variables among high school teachers, and discussed the linearity among five cognitive attributes of innovation diffusion and technology acceptance model. Based on the results, suggestions are proposed for the relevant authorities as reference. \nTo achieve the aim of the research, the study adopted questionnaires to survey,with the teachers of Taipei city’s high schools as the target population. A total of 780 questionnaires were distributed, and 461 effective samples were retrieved. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 and LISREL 8.80. The results are as follows:\n1.The levels of the subjects’ perception on innovation diffusion model and technology acceptance model are both medium-high.\n2.The high school teachers hold that the attribute of relative advantage is the most influential in the innovation diffusion.\n3.The high school teachers believe that usefulness is the most influential factor in technology acceptance model.\n4.There is a gap between teachers’ perceiving innovation diffusion and accepting technology and their action.\n5.Gender, rage, educational background, and years of service in high school make no significant difference in the teachers’ perception of innovation diffusion and technology acceptance.\n6.Positions, hours of in-service training, courses they teach, proportions of using innovative technology, and information literacy of the teachers make significant differences in diffusing innovation and accepting technology.\n7.The model constructed in this study is testified and supported by structural equation modeling test. Innovation diffusion model has a significant positive impact.\n8.The comparative advantages, complexity and observability of diffusion of innovation model have positive and significant effects on perceived availability in technology acceptance model. The complexity, observability and triability have positive and significant effects on perceived usefulness. \nBased on the above results, concrete suggestions on integrating innovative technology into teaching are proposed as a reference for the administration in high schools.
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