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題名: 高科技產業負面事件公關處理個案檢視
The Case Study Of Public Relation Strategies In High-Tech Industry
作者: 謝耀增
Hsieh, Yao Tseng
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Hsieh, Yao Tseng
關鍵詞: 高科技產業
High-tech Industry
Public Relation Strategies
Public Relation Effectiveness
Negative Event
Crisis Management
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 4-Jun-2014
摘要: 本研究依研究對象與研究主題分為兩個部份。在研究對象方面,以台灣高科技產業為目標,探討台灣高科技標竿企業,在面臨負面事件時的公關處理策略。並藉由國內外文獻研究與案例蒐整,分析企業面臨負面事件時,公關處理策略各個不同層面的指標效益,嘗試建構出一個評估指標的架構,以作為企業面臨負面事件時公關處理策略擬定的依據。\n\n 本研究採個案研究法,透過相關資料之蒐集與分析,深入了解高科技產業危機處理模式,並邀請新聞媒體與公關廣告專家,針對個案公司的公關策略處理成效指標評分,並透過深入訪談的方式,探討高科技產業在面對危機事件時的處理策略,透過分析比較與驗證,希望藉此建構企業危機處理成效的全方位指標。\n\n本研究結果如下:\n一、組織層面的目標達成度,是企業公關處理策略最重要的指標\n二、關係層面關於利益關係人的指標,需顧及雙邊利益才能展現成效\n三、媒體層面的報導曝光,會讓負面事件的影響層面擴大\n四、企業面臨負面事件時,需盡早設定目標擬定危機處理策略\n五、企業面臨負面事件,公關策略目標未必要以媒體為主
This study is separated by two parts. One is to analyze the PR strategies of high-tech industry when they foce on the negative events. The other is to collect all kinds of papers and cases to analyze the effectiveness of PR strategy and build up the evaluating index. Based on this PR index, corporates can prevent the negative events spreading to the crisis. \n\n The related information and analysis of high-tech corporate are collected by case study. Through interview and coding by expert, we try to realize the purpose and effectiveness of PR strategies. To make sure the reliability and validity we use expert validity to check it.\n\nThe conclusions can be induced as following:\n1.The achievement of corporate objective is the most important index of PR strategies.\n2.The relation with stakeholders should consider with mutual benefit.\n3.Media exposure will expand the influence level of negative events.\n4.Corporates should set up objective and PR strategies as soon as posible when they face on the negative events.\n5.The purpose of PR strategies may not be the media-based when corporates face on the negative event.
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資料類型: thesis
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