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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 449
8-May-2019本土、勇武與犬儒:傘後香港的社會趨勢陳健民; Chan, Kin-Man; 吳木欣; Vitrierat, NG
8-May-2019香港的本土化浪潮:中國因素氣旋下的抵抗動員方志恒; Fong, Brian C.H.
8-May-2019Indonesia`s Debate and Response to China`s One Belt, One Road Initiative: Balancing between Developmental Incentives and Geopolitical AnxietiesShekhar, Vibhanshu
8-May-2019中國大陸公共治理與經濟發展之關係黃瓊如; Huang, Chiung-Ju; 何艷宏; Ho, Yuan-Hong
8-May-2019威權環境主義流域治理之機制與限制:以中國昆明河長制度為例簡旭伸; Chien, Shiuh-Shen
8-May-2019One Belt, One Road: Visions and Challenges of China`s Geoeconomic Strategy蒲曉宇; Pu, Xiaoyu
8-May-2019Is China a Challenger? The Predicament of China`s Reformist Initiatives in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank陳宗巖; Chen, Ian Tsung-Yen
8-May-2019從中美與東亞間貿易的互動看中國大陸的貿易在垂直生產的角色:基於貿易數據之觀察洪淑芬; Hung, Shu-Fen
8-May-2019「馬習會」對兩Impact of the Ma-Xi Meeting on Taiwanese Public Opinion Regarding Cross-Strait Political Negotiation岸政治談判的民意衝擊:一項臺灣民眾的民意調查分析楊喜慧; Yang, Hsi-Hui; 鄭龍水; Cheng, Long-Shui; 陳明通; Chen, Ming-Tong
8-May-2019轉型策略、制度變遷與中央-地方關係:中國大陸財政轉移支付之研究曹海濤; Tsao, Hai-Tao
8-May-2019穩定壓倒一切?改革開放初期中國大陸天津市的發展模式探討陳蓉怡; Chen, Rung-Yi
8-May-2019"Enlisted Participation" in China`s Public Governance: An Institutional Arrangement of the "Authoritarian Resilience"徐斯儉; Hsu, Szu-Chien
8-May-2019當中國夢遇見網際網路:一種創新宣傳模式的升起?洪敬富; Hung, Chin-Fu; 司昕山; Si, Xin-Shan
8-May-2019「大一統」文化與中國「大一統」:明鄭時期的案例研究楊仕樂; Yang, Shih-Yueh
8-May-2019中國大陸旅遊外交政策之研究:以出境旅遊發展為例范世平; Fan, Shih-Ping
8-May-2019黨政會議新聞的市民消費表述-人民日報與京華時報對“兩會”新聞的報導異同張裕亮; Chang, Yu-Liang
8-May-2019從黨的喉舌到黨營傳媒企業一廣州日報制度變革分析張裕亮; Chang, Yu-Liang
8-May-2019中國大陸私立大學組織特徵的環境因素分析閻鳳橋; Yan, Feng-Qiao
8-May-2019中共對信心建立措施之立場、實踐經驗與策略運用唐仁俊; Tang, Ren-Chun
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 449