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dc.contributor.advisorMa, Ai Hsuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yu Lingen_US
dc.creatorChen, Yu Lingen_US
dc.description.abstractThe need for long-term care increases with Taiwan’s aging population. According to the Chinese tradition as well as current social norms and expectations, care work is considered women’s responsibility. However, with women’s increasing participation in the labor force, many financially-abled women started to outsource care work to relieve their responsibility. The rise in the rate of hiring foreign caregivers in Taiwan manifests this trend. Current literature on outsourcing maternal care work has pointed out the ways mothers maintain family intactness and justify their behavior of outsourcing maternal care. Does the same situation happen in outsourcing filial piety? How do sons, daughters and daughter-in-laws justify such behavior? How would they reinterpret the meaning of ‘filial piety’ after sourcing parental care?\r\n\r\nThe study found that the choice of outsourcing parental care work was affected by factors such as children`s financial conditions, roles in the family, and relationship with parents. Sons, daughters and daughters-in-law often played different roles of decision makers and managers in outsourcing parental care. For those who outsourced parental care work to foreign caregivers, their roles were changed from `primary caregiver` to `supervisor` or `manager` to ensure that their parents would obtain high quality care. In this way, the meaning and practice of filial piety were redefined. `Parents living at home till the end of life` and `quality control of parental care` became the core considerations of filial piety. By emphasizing foreign caregivers` professionalism and their family-like relationship with foreign caregivers, those children who outsourced parent care work justified their choice of outsourcing and claimed that such arrangement was beneficial to parents who were cared for. In addition, the care work provided by foreign caregivers often generated `spillover effects` for the whole household; not only parents but other family members could also obtain benefits from hiring foreign caregivers. For example, foreign caregivers helped cleaning house, cooking and so on. Consequently, the choice of outsourcing parental care work to foreign caregiver was considered most appropriate for the whole family.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents謝辭 \r\n摘要 I\r\nAbstract II\r\n目錄 III\r\n表目錄 VI\r\n第一章 緒論 1\r\n第一節 研究動機與問題意識 1\r\n第二節 章節安排 4\r\n第二章 文獻探討 6\r\n第一節 照顧工作的性別分工 7\r\n一、照顧工作性別分工的起因 7\r\n二、家庭照顧 8\r\n三、家庭照顧的性別差異 11\r\n四、照顧性別差異化的影響 13\r\n第二節 家務工作的外包現象 14\r\n一、母職工作的外包 15\r\n二、奉養工作的外包 18\r\n三、奉養工作外包的形式 20\r\n四、代間契約與孝道行為 24\r\n第三節 小結 28\r\n第三章 研究問題與研究方法 30\r\n第一節 研究問題與引導性假設 30\r\n一、研究問題 30\r\n二、引導性假設 30\r\n第二節 研究方法 32\r\n第三節 資料蒐集過程與受訪者簡介 33\r\n一、訪談過程說明 33\r\n二、受訪者家庭介紹 37\r\n第四章 研究發現 42\r\n第一節 奉養工作外包的原因─以聘請外籍看護的方式 42\r\n一、工作與照顧無法兼顧 42\r\n二、避免與家中長輩的衝突 43\r\n三、亂倫禁忌─子女照顧異性父母讓雙方感到尷尬 44\r\n四、外籍看護具有相對「專業」的照顧 46\r\n五、外籍看護是能滿足諸多需求的照顧形式 49\r\n六、小結 54\r\n第二節 奉養工作外包的協商與執行過程之類型 55\r\n一、媳婦負責決定與執行 56\r\n二、兒子負責決定與部分執行 57\r\n三、媳婦負責執行,但非主要決定者 59\r\n四、兄弟姊妹討論,女兒執行 61\r\n五、小結 64\r\n第三節 奉養工作外包後的情況 77\r\n一、外籍看護維持了親子關係的和諧 78\r\n二、子女/媳婦從照顧者轉換為監督者/主導者 81\r\n三、外籍看護是外人,還是一家人? 85\r\n四、小結 88\r\n第四節 對奉養工作外包的看法─外籍看護 VS. 機構照顧 90\r\n一、無法監督機構 90\r\n二、長輩離開熟悉的環境 91\r\n三、社會觀感 92\r\n四、機構照顧破壞了家庭的完整性 95\r\n五、小結 96\r\n第五章 結論 98\r\n第一節 研究發現與討論 98\r\n一、照顧工作的性別分工情況依然存在 98\r\n二、和母職外包的比較 99\r\n三、奉養工作外包市場化與傳統孝道的妥協 100\r\n四、孝道行為的詮釋與認知 102\r\n五、奉養工作外包後孝的核心條件 104\r\n第二節 相關政策啟發 105\r\n第三節 研究限制與未來建議 106\r\n第四節 後記 108\r\n附錄一:台灣外籍看護工人數 111\r\n附錄二:訪談大綱 112\r\n附錄三:高雄市與屏東縣之居家服務內容 114\r\n附錄四:表4變項說明 115\r\n附錄五:高雄市與屏東縣評鑑優等之機構 116\r\n參考文獻 117zh_TW
dc.format.extent8615199 bytes-
dc.subjectoutsourcing care worken_US
dc.subjectforeign caregiveren_US
dc.subjectgender division in care worken_US
dc.subjectpractice of filial pietyen_US
dc.titleUnderstanding the Meanings of Children’s Practice of Filial Piety from Outsourcing Parental Care Work: The Examples of Families Hiring Foreign Caregiversen_US
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