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dc.description.abstract本研究欲透過對國內中高階公關主管的深度訪談,探討初階公關人員最重要的人格特質和公關職能,企業對公關人才之選才模式,以及選才模式對公關人員實際聘用之成效。研究對象為8位公關顧問公司主管,以及4位一般企業之公關部門主管;受訪公司涵蓋知名公關集團、中小型公關公司,以及國內外上市櫃之企業。\n\n本研究發現,主動積極與工作熱忱是初階公關人員最受重視的人格特質;而對初階公關人員幫助最大的職能為溝通能力,其次為撰寫能力,此亦呼應其工作內容需要常和媒體、客戶、第三單位進行溝通,並需撰寫大量之新聞相關文件。對於哪些人格特質可以透過工作中培養,受訪者較無共識,許多受訪者皆認為主動積極及工作熱忱都與個性有關,難以培養;而溝通能力與企劃能力等職能是受訪者認為最能從工作中培養的,但實際狀況仍視個人資質與學習態度而定。\n\n對於初階公關人員之選才模式,大多以筆試及面試為主,筆試通常包含中英文翻譯,以及企劃書與新聞稿模擬寫作;在面試時,多數公關主管都會詢問其過去經歷,以及面對挫折的反應,藉此了解其溝通能力,以及是否具備公關職能和抗壓性。\n\n另外,溝通能力是在受訪者公司目前選才模式下,認為新進初階公關人員較缺乏之職能,其次為企劃能力與管理能力。初階公關人員離職比例約為45%,平均任職約1.47年會異動,主要離職原因是想嘗試不同領域工作,以及壓力大或工作太多。多數受訪者都認為其公司之選才流程有需要改進的空間,並建議公關業界可採取集體面試、優先考慮大傳系畢業生、分層面試、推薦人才、實習制度…等方法。\n\n本研究提出的建議為,1.充分告知工作內容與可能面臨之加班狀況,作為新人是否願意接受工作挑戰之考量;2.透過更詳實的評估,找出具有主動積極與工作熱忱的公關新人;3.利用情境模擬的提問,評估應徵者的溝通能力;4.發展實習制度,培養有潛質的公關人才;5. 設置專職的人力資源單位,並加強主管面試技巧的訓練。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe present study involved a series of in-depth interviews of mid- and high-ranking public relations (PR) supervisors to identify the key personality traits and PR competencies of junior PR personnel, the recruitment models enterprises utilize to employ PR staff, and the effectiveness of these recruitment models in resulting in permanent productive employment. The participants in the study comprised eight supervisors serving at PR consultancy firms and four supervisors of PR departments in various enterprises.\nInterviewed companies included well-known PR groups, small and medium PR agencies, and listed domestic and international companies.\n\nThe findings of the study indicated that “initiative” and “enthusiasm” were the personality traits of junior PR personnel that the interviewees most favored during the recruitment process. The study also found that the PR competency of junior PR personnel that the interviewees regarded as the most beneficial was “communication ability,” followed by “writing skill.” Both of these competencies are heavily employed in PR tasks, where personnel are often required to communicate with the media, clients, or third parties, and draft large numbers of news-related documents. \n\nHowever, the interviewees expressed diverse opinions regarding which personality traits can be developed in the workplace. Several of them argued that because traits such as “initiative” and “enthusiasm” are personality-related, they are difficult to cultivate. By contrast, a majority of the interviewees considered “communication ability” and “planning ability” as the PR competencies that personnel could most easily improve in the workplace, noting nevertheless that the magnitude of development typically depends on an individual’s intelligence, motivation, and attitude for learning.\n\nRegarding recruitment models used to bring in junior PR personnel, the study found that a majority of the enterprises employ written tests and interviews. Typically, the written tests seek to assess the candidate’s skill in Chinese/English translation, proposal, and press release writing. During interviews, interviewers typically endeavor to determine a candidate’s communication ability, whether they possess experience in PR competencies, and their degree of resistance to pressure. The study showed that interviewers try to achieve this by asking candidates to provide their past experiences and by observing their response to failure.\n\nIn addition, the participating companies, when they used their current recruitment models, considered “communication ability” to be the competency most lacking in newly-employed junior PR personnel, followed by “planning ability” and “management ability.” The resignation ratio for junior PR personnel was approximately 45%, with personnel changes occurring after an average of 1.47 years of employment. The primary reason for resignation was “trying different areas of work,” followed by “too much pressure,” or “too much work.” A majority of participants conceded that the current recruitment procedures employed by their companies needed to be improved. To effect improvements, they suggested that the PR industry could attempt collective interviews, emphasize recruiting graduates with mass communication degrees, employ cross functional team interviews, consider recommendations, and adopt internship systems.\n\nThe study proposed the following: (1) Provide candidates with sufficient information about work content and potential overtime conditions, so that they can use this as a reference when determining whether they are able to accept the work challenges; (2) Identify active and enthusiastic candidates through comprehensive and detailed analyses; (3) Evaluate candidates’ communication ability by asking questions involving situational simulations; (4) Develop internship systems to cultivate potential PR talent; and (5) Establish a dedicated human resources unit and offer training to supervisors to strengthen their interview skills.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 3\n第二節 研究目的 5\n第三節 研究問題 6\n\n第二章 文獻探討 11\n第一節 公關人格特質探討 11\n第二節 公關工作職能探討 15\n第三節 公關選才探討 20\n\n第三章 研究方法與設計 28\n第一節 研究方法 28\n第二節 深度訪談流程與策略 30\n第三節 訪談設計 32\n\n第四章 訪談結果與分析 41\n第一節 公關工作之人格特質結果分析 43\n第二節 公關工作職能結果分析 52\n第三節 企業公關選才結果分析 62\n第四節 公關職能與選才交叉比對結果分析 79\n\n第五章 研究結論、建議與限制 95\n第一節 研究結論 95\n第二節 對公關選才的建議 101\n第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 104\n\n參考文獻 108\n一、中文部份 108\n二、英文部份 110\n三、網站資料 112\n\n附錄 114\n一、深訪受訪者資料 114zh_TW
dc.format.extent1038344 bytes-
dc.subjectpublic relationsen_US
dc.subjectpersonality traiten_US
dc.subjectPR competencyen_US
dc.subjectrecruitment modelen_US
dc.subjectreason of resigningen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Needs of Junior Public Relations Personnel and Public Relations Personnel Recruitment Modelsen_US
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