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題名: 簽訂自由貿易協定對產業衝擊之因應策略:以韓國對美國簽訂FTA為例
The Countermeasures to the Affected Industries when Signing FTAs: A Case Study of KORUS FTA
作者: 劉偉辰
Liu, Wei Chen
貢獻者: 童振源
Tung, Chen Yuan
Liu, Wei Chen
關鍵詞: 韓美自由貿易協定
affected industries
trade adjustment assistance
日期: 2014
上傳時間: 5-一月-2015
摘要: 自由貿易有利有弊,一方面為國內經濟的出口優勢產業開拓新市場,另一方面伴隨著撤除各種貿易壁壘措施,將會使國內弱勢、內需產業遭到衝擊,無法避免國外進口不斷增加帶來的傷害。因此在自由貿易過程中,政府如何制訂對進口競爭引起衝擊的相關救濟問題與貿易調整協助措施,或是補償措施逐漸受到重視,例如美國自1962年開始採取的貿易援助法案(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA),後改為貿易調整協助方案,旨在透過協助方式協助貿易自由化下容易受到衝擊的產業與勞工,而韓國也因簽訂美韓 FTA 而制定相似的救濟政策。\r\n本文以韓美FTA作為個案討論,研究發現以韓國角度來看,韓美FTA簽訂快速的原因包含政府及人民的大多數支持、韓國政府對受衝擊產業制定各項因應措施等因素。而這些因應措施無論是在談判階段或是協議簽訂後,都不斷在修正與制定,以達到符合協助受衝擊產業之目的。
Free trade is accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, it could expand new markets for the export advantageous industries; on the other hand, it could affect the disadvantageous minority industries while removing trade barriers. Thus, it is important how the government sets up the countermeasures or the indemnify measures to ease the harm that foreign import products bring. For instance, the United States have adopted Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) since 1962, it is meant to assist industries and workers that are affected by free trade. South Korea has established similar countermeasures since KORUS FTA was concluded.\r\nThis study is a case study of KORUS FTA . It shows that from South Korea’s perspective, it has support among government and people, Korean government has established countermeasures for the affected industries, and all these factors made KOURS FTA took less time to sign than South Korea’s most FTAs. These countermeasures were being amended during the negotiation process and after the FTA was concluded, in order to achieve the goal of assisting affected industries.
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