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題名: 團結工聯與波蘭民主化之研究
A Study of Solidarity and Democratization in Poland
作者: 林倩宇
貢獻者: 林永芳
關鍵詞: 波蘭民主化
Democratic Transition
日期: 2014
上傳時間: 3-Feb-2015
摘要: 團結工聯是波蘭第一個獨立工會,也是數十年一連串反對運動的結晶,並成為撼動波蘭社會,推動波蘭民主轉型主要的變革力量。本研究將波蘭視為東歐民主轉型之代表案例,以民主轉型動態模型為基礎,綜合結構途徑與行為者取向途徑解釋波蘭的民主轉型,分析團結工聯如何藉由公民抗爭影響政府決策,將團結工聯自崛起至執政之間的歷史脈絡,對應波蘭民主化各階段之發展,並以1989年圓桌會議和1989年後多次自由選舉作為其約定轉型和民主奠基選舉時期之重要事件加以論述。\n波蘭反對運動之所以興起,主要是受到波蘭歷史、政治、經濟和社會因素之影響,反對力量不斷從錯誤中學習,進而化整為零匯合形成團結工聯。團結工聯成立後受到戒嚴之影響,試圖透過結構重建,對抗波共之壓迫,以集體抵抗政權之模式存活下來。圓桌會議是波蘭民主化的轉捩點,波共政權與團結工聯雙方終達成共識,共同尋求和平之解決方案,透過協商而非對抗達成約定轉型。透過圓桌會議協議之一系列民主選舉,團結工聯以壓倒性勝利擊敗波共和其傀儡政黨,組成東歐第一個非共政府,之後更贏得總統選舉順利執政,迫使非民主政權垮台,促成波蘭之約定轉型。綜上所述,團結工聯透過各種行動形塑波蘭政治,與波蘭民主化發展各階段息息相關,在波蘭民主化過程中確實具有舉足輕重之地位
Solidarity, the result nurtured by series of opposition movements in decades, is the first independent trade union in Poland. It not only shook Polish society, but also promoted democratic transition in Poland. This study regards Poland as an iconic case of democratic transition in Eastern Europe. The main approach is based on dynamic model of democratic transition, combing structure approach and actor-oriented approach to explain Polish democratic transition pathways and analyze how citizen protests influenced government decisions. To support the theory, I will follow the historical context of Solidarity through its rise to power, corresponding to each stage of democratization development in Poland, and further discuss the significant events, as roundtable talk and free elections. \n The rise of the opposition movements in Poland is greatly influenced by historical, political, economic and social factors. The oppositional trends, who learnt from past mistakes, later converged to form Solidarity. Shortly after establishment, Solidarity attempted to survive under the imposition of martial law by reconstructing into the form of exercising collective resistance against the authority. In Poland’s democratization, Roundtable talk is a turning point, where Communist Government and Solidarity reached a consensus, agreeing on achieving pacted transition through negotiation rather than confrontation. Solidarity beat communist government and pro-communist parties with overwhelming votes of a series of democratic elections. Solidarity formed the first non-communist government in Eastern Europe, won the presidential election and induced the collapse of the non-democratic regime. To sum up, Solidarity indeed shapes Polish politics through various actions and has a pivotal position in the process of democratization in Poland.
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