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題名: <回家的路>劇本創作論述
The Film Script and Description of &quot;My Way Home&quot;
作者: 楊婷婷
Yang, Ting Ting
貢獻者: 蔡琰
Tsai, Yean
Yang, Ting Ting
關鍵詞: 劇本
children’s sense of security
loneliness of elders, relationship between human and animal
deer symbolism
日期: 2014
上傳時間: 1-Apr-2015
摘要: 世界上有一條路,最筆直也最曲折、最簡單也最艱難,叫做「回家」。這是一個關於渴望被愛、找尋與放下的故事。本劇希冀探討所謂的「你認為的好,不一定適合我」的概念。主角是一名患有氣喘的小女生,被雙親送到鄉下讓阿嬤照顧。她為了回家想盡各種方法,並在嘗試的過程中結識了一頭小鹿和孤僻的鄰居阿公。透過主角、小鹿及鄰居阿公三者間的互動,揭示了孩童的不安全感、動物的靈性及喪偶老人的孤獨等生命課題。\n\n本文共分《回家的路》劇本、創作論述及附錄等三部分。創作論述中先說明故事發想歷程與創作背景,並回顧此劇探討面向的相關資料,包含兒童的安全感、老人的孤獨感及其與動物互動等;其次為劇本結構與人物研究,最後是創作心得與檢討。附錄則為相關電影介紹及分場大綱。
There is one road in this world. It is the most straight and tortuous, the simplest and most difficult road – the road that takes us “home.” This story is about the desire to be loved, to search and to let go. The film script is hoping to explore the so-called “what is good to you may not mean the same to me” concept. It is about a little girl who suffers from asthma that her parents once took her to the countryside, and asked her grandma to take care of her. The little girl tried various ways to go home, and during the time she met a cute little deer and a solitary old neighbor. Through interaction among the little girl, the deer and the neighbor, the story reveals some life issues such as insecurity of children, spirituality of animals and loneliness among widowed elders.\n\nThe thesis consists of three parts: the film script, literature review and appendixes. In the first part, the creative process and background of the story is mentioned, then to review on documents of children’s sense of security, loneliness of elders and the interaction between human and animal. Following with script organization and studies on characters, this thesis lastly presents the personal creation review and an overview of the script writing. Attached in the appendix is the introduction of related movies and outline plot.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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