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題名: 人力資源教育訓練遊戲化學習成效之研究
Research into Learning Effectiveness of Gamified Human Resource Training Program
作者: 高翊瑄
Kao, Yi Hsuan
貢獻者: 姜國輝
Chiang, Kuo Huie
Kao, Yi Hsuan
關鍵詞: 教育訓練
Human Resource Training
Adventure Game
Learning Effectiveness
日期: 2014
上傳時間: 1-Jun-2015
摘要: 教育訓練對於企業的營運是很重要的,但是一般教育訓練的內容有時並不是很有趣,而且當教育訓練的內容是傾向沒有唯一解答的主題時,企業也不容易透過傳統上課、閱讀教材或考試等方法了解員工是否真的理解教育訓練所要傳達的觀念。\r\n本研究希望以一種新的教育訓練模式提升員工參與教育訓練的動機和意願,並同時達到一定程度的學習成效,因此本研究在企業教育訓練之中加入遊戲化 (gamification)和冒險遊戲 (adventure game)的要素,將員工玩遊戲的動機轉化為學習的動力。而為了了解這種新的教育訓練模式的學習成效,本研究以人壽業T公司的遊戲化教育訓練課程為例,收集T公司員工實際進行課程的學習紀錄進行分析。\r\n經過資料分析之後,本研究認為員工對於這種新的教育訓練模式有一定程度的參與意願和完成課程的動機之外,同時也能夠達到和傳統教育訓練差不多的學習成效。而且,與一般傳統的教育訓練方法相較,這種新的教育訓練模式可以以相對較少的時間與力氣實施員工的學習難點分析,能夠幫助企業快速找到員工需要加強的部分,進而實施更符合員工特性的相關課程內容或宣導活動。
Human resource training programs are important to enterprises, but the contents of these training programs are sometimes not very interested to employees. On the other hand, when the contents of training programs have characteristics of high flexibility, it is hard for managers to evaluate whether employees really understand the concepts of training programs by traditional methods such as lectures, reading materials or exams.\r\nThis research aims to propose a new human resource training method to increase employees’ motivation and willingness to join training programs, and to achieve a certain level of learning effectiveness as well. In this new training method, skills of gamification and adventure game are applied. To examine the learning effectiveness of this new training method, a gamified human resource training program of Company T is studied. Data from employees of Company T, who have been actually joining this gamified training program, is collected and analyzed.\r\nThis study addresses that the employees are willing to join this gamified training program, and are motivated to complete the program. At the same time, the learning effectiveness of the program is equivalent to that of traditional training programs. Moreover, compared to traditional training programs, gamified training program enables managers to easily analyze learning weak points of their employees, which is helpful for enterprises as they implement further training programs or campaign that are more suitable for their employees.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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