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題名: 財經談話性節目關鍵要素之研究
The Study on Key Factors in Finance Talk Shows
作者: 傅秀玉
Fu, Hsiu Yu
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Fu, Hsiu Yu
關鍵詞: 財經
talk shows
Delphi method
factor analysis
the television media
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 13-Jul-2015
摘要: 電視談話性節目的製播,在台灣的媒體生態圈,儼然成為主流,播出時間與影響力大幅提升,各種類型談話性節目順應而生,其中探討財經議題的談話性節目近年來受到觀眾歡迎且廣泛討論,由於學術界探討談話性節目均以政治議題做為主要的訴求,少有研究針對財經議題來深入了解,本研究以財經談話性節目為主要的研究背景,給有意投入此領域之人員有效掌握財經談話性節目之關鍵要素。\n\n本研究取用財經談話性節目實務運作所含蓋之元素,進行基本要素之整理、歸納,並分析財經談話性節目相對應之指標,採用修正式德菲法,整合連結性高之專家、學者與從業人員,取得專家們一致認可之關鍵要素,並透過因素分析來擬定財經談話性節目的關鍵要素為何。其中包含:\n壹、 來賓專長區隔\n貳、 題材緊扣社會脈動\n參、 主持人具場控能力\n肆、 時段安排適切\n伍、 主持風格明確
Production and broadcasting television talk shows Taiwan’s media ecosystem , has become mainstream, significantly enhance the broadcast time and influence,adapt to all types of talk shows conform born , which examines issues of Finance talk shows in recent years by the audience and widely discussed , as talk shows are in academia discuss political issues as the main demands of the few studies to gain insight for Finance issues , this study Finance talk shows as the main research background , to intentionally put into this area of Finance personnel to effectively grasp the key elements of talk shows .\n\n This study was drawn elements Finance talk shows practical operation of the covers , the basic elements of the sort , summarize, and analyze the Finance talk shows the corresponding indicators used to repair a formal Delphi method , the integration of high connectivity experts, academics and practitioners, to obtain the key elements of the experts unanimously approved , and through factor analysis to develop what are the key elements of Finance talk shows. Which contains:\n1.The guest specialty segmente\n2.Closely linked to the pulse of the subject matter\n3.Host a field control capability\n4.Appropriate arrangements for air time\n5.Clear TV host style
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資料類型: thesis
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