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題名: 電視暴力卡通的再現與抵抗:成人與兒童觀點比較
Study of the Representation and Resistance of Violence in TV Cartoon Text: A Comparison between Perspectives of Adult and Children
作者: 蕭孟萱
Hsiao, Meng Hsuan
貢獻者: 張盈堃
Chang, Yin Kun
Hsiao, Meng Hsuan
關鍵詞: 卡通
the representation of violence
critical media literacy
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 13-Jul-2015
摘要: 本研究旨在探討成人眼中的暴力卡通,對兒童來說是否真的是暴力嗎?本研究具\n體進行步驟有三,一為Tom & Jerry的文本分析;二為兒童對暴力卡通的行動與敘說;三為身為幼教工作者,該如何進行批判的媒體識讀?本研究站在文化研究的立場,透過童年之死派、電子世代派等理論觀點來探討此議題,同時說明媒體識讀對全民之重要性。 \n 本研究共有四個主要發現: \n1.不同角度看世界-成人與兒童觀點之差異:透過Tom & Jerry中角色形象性格分析與劇情解析,得知以成人觀點其屬暴力卡通。但在兒童眼中,劇中暴力行為僅是逗趣的故事劇情,並不是暴力。成人與兒童對暴力卡通的觀看角度截然不同。 \n2.男女大不同-不同性別探討暴力卡通之區別:男女生分享劇情的切入點與方式\n大有不同。女生敘說,多著墨劇情情感面,對暴力並未細談;男生則針對劇情中的動作及細節加以敘述。 \n3.朋友的影響力-同儕文化與兒童敘說:兒童在發言時,常因身旁有無要好同儕\n而決定是否發言。 \n4.向日葵心中的太陽-成人角色的定位:透過活動過程中與兒童的分享交流,皆可看見成人的縮影。由此可知,兒童所處的社會環境(指所接觸的成人)對他們的影響力比電視卡通來得大。成人毋需過度在意電視傳播內容的好壞,或是過於執著替兒童選擇成人眼中的優良讀物。重點應該是在兒童觀看這些電視媒體訊息時,成人到底扮演什麼樣的角色。 \n\n關鍵字:卡通、暴力再現、批判的媒體識讀
The purpose of this study is to inquire violent representation and resistance from TV cartoon text (Tom & Jerry as an example), and to compare the difference between perspectives of adults and children. The theoretical framework in this study follows by \ncultural studies tradition, and focuses on the discourse from David Buckingham and Joseph Tobin in particular. The concrete research’s concerns in this study include: (1) content analysis of Tom & Jerry, (2) children’s action and narrative related to violence in TV \ncartoon, and (3) how kindergarten teacher to conduct the critical media literacy in the classroom? \n There are four main findings from this study as follows: \n1. The difference between perspectives of adult and children:For adult, it is a violent cartoon through the roles’ personalities and the story in Tom & Jerry. However, it is not violence just a funny cartoon from the children’s view. In other words, obvious differences between adults and children are clear. \n2. Gender issues related to narratives about the violence in TV cartoon:This study finds the difference of narratives related to gender issue when kids talk about Tom & Jerry. \nGirls focus on the emotion and seldom talk about the violence in Tom & Jerry, but boys not only focus on actions but also describe details in Tom & Jerry text. \n3. Friendship plays the key issue to influence on children’s narrative: Friendship decides kids whether to speak or not. \n4. The position of adult’s role to conduct critical media literacy:This study finds adult’s impact is stronger than the impact from the TV cartoon. That is, media texts do not really matter, but the key issue is from the position of adult to conduct the critical media literacy. \n \nKeywords: cartoon, the representation of violence, critical media literacy
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