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題名: 2014年港台社會運動之比較研究
Social Movements in 2014: A Comparative Study on Hong Kong and Taiwan
作者: 詹亞風
Juarez, Adolfo Zambrana
貢獻者: 李 明
Lee, Ming
Adolfo Zambrana Juarez
關鍵詞: 亞洲的學生運動
Student movements in Asia
Identities in Greater China
Democratic process in a “Two level game”
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 17-八月-2015
摘要: 本論文主要研究台灣學生本土宣言與香港學生宣言的相似處,且提供了此兩社群跨國界合作的機會。香港與台灣兩地的活動家在西元2014年1月13日正式接洽。香港及台灣泛民主團體的學生與政治家在台北舉行為期一周的會談,標誌著倡議民主的雙方首次接觸。\n本次爭議以地方來說,主要是反對當地政府,以國際來講,則是反對中華人民共和國。此活動有利於民主、自決與身分認同。因此,兩次社會運動與兩方社群推行相似的目標及面對共同的敵人。會談後,雙方新階段的合作展現於台灣「太陽花學運」和香港「讓愛與和平佔領中環活動」。世界正在目睹跨國家社會運動間,為了加強其宣言力量而興起的趨勢。\n本研究論點是基於社會運動影響理論,隨機在羅伯特·普特曼雙層賽局理論中,採用了道格·麥克亞當的集體行動間動態交互模型。該理論框架指出,一個國家的社會運動(香港或台灣)可以作為另一個社會的參考,尋求由地方政府創造「國際機會」(如:反對地方政策或一個國家:中華人民共和國)。這種情況已經出現於2014年9月28日,在香港突然出現的抗議活動。而且,幾乎立刻,近4000人聚集在台北的自由廣場以表支持。這樣一大群人,他們大多數為學生,在如此短的時間內聚集,此現象提供了本論文研究基礎,探討是否此情緒也在台灣學生中蔓延。
The present thesis argues that the resemblance found between Taiwanese students in their local claims and those of Hong Kong students, has provided an opportunity for both societies to start collaborating at a transnational level. The first formal approach between Hong Kong and Taiwan activists came in January 13, 2014. Pro-democracy groups of students and politicians from Hong Kong and Taiwan gathered in Taipei for a weekend of talks. This marked the first real approach between both democratic advocates.\n\nLocally the struggle was directed at the governments and internationally against the PRC. The objectives of these movements favor democracy, identity and self-determination. Therefore, both social movements and societies push for similar objectives and share a common foe. After the meeting a new level of cooperation was reached between the two sides that was shown during the Sunflower movement in Taiwan and the Occupy the Central with Love and Peace OCLP in Hong Kong. The world is witnessing the dawn of a cross-national approach between social movements that seek to strengthen the force of their claims. \n\nThe argument of the present study is based on the Social Movements Impact theory, using Professor’s Doug McAdam’s dynamic interactive model of a collective action, in a Robert Putman’s "Two Level-game" case of opportunity. This theoretical framework suggests that a social movement of one country (Hong Kong or Taiwan) can be used as a reference the society of another to renew the “international opportunity” (rejection of a local policy or a country: PRC) created by the local government. This case was seen on the on September 28, 2014 when abruptly emerged the protests in Hong Kong and, almost immediately, near four thousand people gathered at Taipei’s Liberty Square to show their support. The fact that such a large group of people, most of them students, gathered in so short period of time, provides the ground for the present study to explore if the sentiment is spread in the Taiwanese student community.
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