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題名: 威權體制與抗爭政治:中國大陸城市基層選舉中的政治挑戰2003-2012
Authoritarian Regime and Contentious Political: The Electoral Challenge in Urban China 2003-2012
作者: 陳奕伶
貢獻者: 陳陸輝
關鍵詞: 居委會直選
Direct Election in Residential Committee
Contentious Politics
Resource Mobilization Theory
Electoral Competition
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 2-Nov-2015
摘要: 自1990年代中起國大陸經濟發展欣欣向榮之際,城市治理議題則圍繞在國家如何平抑發展中可能的基層動亂。本研究選取中國大陸經濟發展前沿城市的上海基層社區--居民委員會選舉作為觀察主題,直接選舉的推動是否會影響社區政治中黨國的單一獨斷?學習效果(learning effects)的理論預設是,隨著選舉演練次數和民眾政治參與的增加,會引發「批判公民」(critical citizens)意識的興起。這樣的理論預設是否能在上海基層選舉中看到?\n 本研究觀察2003年到2012年的居委會換屆選舉。發現近年來,社區民眾對黨國的挑戰並未因為選舉限制的不斷增強而退卻,反之,民眾會利用選舉過程來挑戰官方威權或是作為社區事務發聲的管道。社區民眾如何在嚴酷的制度環境中發起對當權者的政治挑戰?本文將從居委會選舉中的選舉競爭,分析民眾挑戰執政當權所使用的資源稟賦。最後,通過基層競選觀察獲得的啟發是,民眾權利意識的提升,使得黨國忠誠不再凌駕一切。開放直接選舉的制度效果,如現代化理論所昭示的,存在學習效應並且在中產階級社區最為明顯。
Undergoing the dramatic development of economic and social change in China, local governments pay great strength on the issue of governance for preventing any potential contentious activities. Facing the challenges of local governance, the Chinese governments adopt “Direct elections" for reducing the tension between state and society. In Urban city, direct elections as an important political reform, have been initiated in Residential Committee. Under the CCP party-state system, the local elections have been under severe surveillance. The negative result sharply deduces citizens’ political efficacy, especially on the manner of the participating in voting and political confidence towards local governments. \n However, in recent years, we observed that some Residential Committees in Shanghai experienced electoral competitions. In these cases, citizens organized the campaign to challenge the authority. The main questions are below: why Chinese people challenge the local authority? And how do they mobilize the campaign? Finally, how should we evaluate these political subjects? Based on these experiences, I conclude that the social-economical development may bring positive consequences on Chinese political reform.
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