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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Jenn Hwanen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Yien_US
dc.creatorWang, Yien_US
dc.description.abstractUnder the pressure of environmental deterioration and economic downturn, Chinese government have to seek to find a more intensified, innovative and environmental friendly (green) path to development, which differs from the inherent one. As a result, strategic emerging industries like New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) that bear the target of energy saving, environmental protection and industrial transformation start rising. For local governments who take main responsibility of acting, the way how they implement is to combine the industrial development with local urbanization process, which could be called as City-Industry Integration Model.\n\nThis paper research the development of New Energy Vehicles in Jiading District, Shanghai Municipality and argues that in order to adapt to the changes of external conditions, local government chooses to “grasp the developmental initiative” to introduce the NEVs industry. However, the essence of the action is to grasp the changeless local key resources, which is the land development rights. Rely on the industrial uncertainty and the bridging of developmental legitimacy under Green Consensus, more autonomy and fault-tolerant space has been obtained by local government. Moreover, local officials could implement spatial transformation through the construction of industrial base and international demonstration area, and then gain short-term land development interests, which is in the cost of long-standing goal of industry booming. Overall, this research would reveal the fact that urbanization occupies a larger proportion than industrial development in the City-Industry Integration Model, and discuss the transformation of local developmental model in China under the new mainstream discourse of sustainable development.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n一、中國地方「產城融合」的新模式 1\n二、「綠色驅動」與新能源汽車產業的興起 2\n第二節 研究缺口與問題意識 6\n第三節 研究個案——上海市嘉定區 10\n第二章 理論架構與研究假設 14\n第一節 理論架構 15\n一、改革開放後的地方政府行為 15\n二、稅制改革與地方政府經營城市的轉向 20\n三、項目制與中央政策在地方的轉化 22\n第二節 研究假設——重「城」輕「產」的「產城融合」實踐 28\n第三節 研究方法 30\n第三章 新能源汽車產業在中國 32\n第一節 中國新能源汽車產業的發展歷程 33\n第二節 新能源汽車產業中的地方政府 42\n第四章 「把握發展主動權」:新能源汽車的落地與嘉定發展策略的轉變 47\n第一節 汽車興城:傳統汽車工業下的嘉定 49\n第二節 「把握發展主動權」:嘉定發展新能源汽車的策略 54\n第三節 築巢引何鳳?嘉定發展新能源汽車的成效和矛盾 62\n第五章 新動力、新城市:利用新能源汽車實現地方空間轉型 68\n第一節 「把握發展主動權」與土地開發 69\n一、作為關鍵性資源的土地開發權 69\n二、地方政府如何把握土地開發權? 71\n第二節 利用新能源汽車佈局「產城融合」的空間轉型 74\n一、國際汽車城與安亭新鎮的發展困境 74\n二、藉新能源汽車產業帶動空間轉型 76\n第三節 以「綠色共識」橋接地方長期目標與短期利益 85\n第六章 結論 91\n參考文獻 95zh_TW
dc.format.extent3018183 bytes-
dc.subjectLand Politicsen_US
dc.subjectCity-Industry Integration Modelen_US
dc.subjectNew Energy Vehiclesen_US
dc.subjectGrasp the Developmental Initiativeen_US
dc.subjectGreen Consensusen_US
dc.titleNew Motion? New City? The Development of New Energy Vehicles and the City-Industry Integration Model in Jiading Under Green Consensusen_US
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