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題名: 《只為快一秒》劇本創作
The Film Script of "All for One Second"
作者: 曾懿晴
貢獻者: 廖慶松
關鍵詞: 資訊焦慮
anxiety of information
real-time news
anxiety of real-time news
digital convergence
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 3-Feb-2016
摘要:   網路、智慧型手機普及後,國內媒體環境近年驟變,過去稱霸社會主要輿論導向的老字號報紙力求轉型,全力在網路上發展即時新聞,企圖迎合網路時代越來越多變的閱聽人樣貌。傳統媒體彷彿罹患即時新聞焦慮症,將即時新聞作為轉型的第一步。\n  這是一個傳統媒體轉型的戰國時代,報紙、電視無不改變經營策略,新媒體的出現,看似帶來更多自由、多元、開放的選擇,打破過去由傳統媒體壟斷的資訊,卻因資訊爆炸,同時產生了更多資訊焦慮。焦慮對新聞界而言,不僅是有史以來最大的一場洪水,更像這個時代特有的流行病,面對不確定的未來,感到焦慮的不只是媒體本身,還包括閱聽人。\n  本文聚焦於報紙記者在面臨轉型的過程中所產生的即時新聞焦慮,並呼應現代人在資訊爆炸時代中所面臨的資訊焦慮,進一步探討未來可能的解決之道,並預想未來透過海量資料分析及群眾力量所發展出來的智慧,有機會運用在新聞上,將過量的重複資訊透過篩選加以刪除,找到新的新聞表現形態,讓新聞能更加貼近事件真實,讓資訊的出現不再只是加法,而是增加減法機制,朝更正確的方向邁進。\n  劇本背景設定在2016年,傳統媒體面對新媒體的到來仍在找尋轉型方式,故事主角由傳統報紙記者試圖揭發一起台鐵連續弊案,探討傳統新聞定義、資訊蒐集方式,與過去大不相同的可能性,記者在數位匯流時代的工作方式轉變以及即時新聞焦慮症,進一步呼應整個社會對於資訊不確定性的焦慮,並預言新聞未來的可能發展類型。以劇本為表現方式,意在期盼對於新媒體的未來發展,在媒體型態不斷革命的今天,能有更多的想像及展現空間,找到更多的可能。
As the network, smart phones and other mobile devices are booming in recent year, there are dramatic changes in domestic mass media. In attempt to cater to increasingly diverse audiences in the Internet era, old-branded newspapers, dominating the main public opinion in the past, is developing real-time news on the Internet thoroughly. Those traditional mass media corporations seem to suffer from anxiety disorders of real-time news competition, and consequently conclude that real-time news should be the first step for them to transform.\n\n In this war of transforming traditional media, newspaper companies and broadcasting television all have to change their strategies. It has seemed to bring more free, pluralistic, and open-minded choices since brand new media emerging. In spite of breaking through the way of getting information, information explosion has turned people into deep anxiety for getting it. Anxiety is regarded as an epidemic, partucularly in this era. Facing uncertain future, it does not only make media anxious, but also the audience.\n\n This article emphasizes on journalists who felt anxious about real-time news while they encountered the transformation of media. Meanwhile, it describes information anxiety among modern people. This article further figures out possible solutions, and assumes the mechanism of news in the future. It includes two traits, the big data analysis and crowdsourcing intelligence, as for the mechanism of news. The more appropriate form of news can be developed not only on the way of accumulating information, but also the screening of removing repeated information. Thus, we could be much closer to reality.\n\n Presented via the form of a script writing and based on a story in the year of 2016, the script describes that traditional media is struggling to figure out a way toward successful transformation, while facing the confrontation of the new media. The main character of the story, a newspaper journalist, tried to uncover a scandal of Taiwan Railway Administration. By following the journalist`s work, this article discusses about definition of traditional news, the way of collecting information, and the differences how journallists are working in the digital convergence era, reflecting the entire society`s anxiety toward uncertainties of information. This article also tries to predict possible development of news in the future by storytelling. In this continuing evolution of media nowadays, we hope that society can embrace more imagination and possibilities.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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