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題名: 電視競選廣告產製策略:2014連勝文參選台北市長個案研究
TV Campaign Advertising Production Strategy:the Case Study of Lien`s Camp during the 2014 Taipei Mayoral Election.
作者: 朱凱翔
Chu, Kai Hsiang
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Chu, Kai Hsiang
關鍵詞: 2014台北市長選舉
2014 Taipei city mayoral election
campaign communication strategy
campaign ads, group dynamics
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 1-Mar-2016
摘要: 本研究以2014年台北市長選舉,連勝文陣營為個案,探討其電視競選廣告的產製策略。首先根據外在環境因素與內在組織因素,將選戰劃分為三個時期,再分別探討連勝文陣營在這三個時期的競選傳播策略,以及組織動力,如何影響電視競選廣告的產製。研究方法為深度訪談法與參與觀察法。\n\n研究結果顯示,由於連勝文陣營缺乏競選傳播策略,無法產製有效文宣,在選戰早期就該形塑的候選人定位也始終不明。選戰中遭遇危機,無法適時調整策略,競選廣告沒有扣連明確功能,而成為創意的試驗場,甚至造成反效果。\n\n若從組織動力的角度切入,連勝文陣營競選傳播策略不明的問題,與遲遲無法建立領導核心有關。競選陣營的決策機制,往往是多元與效率的拉鋸,但為了因應瞬息萬變的選戰情勢,必要時應以效率為先,只是在組織與內規建立時,也應設下內控機制。
This research focuses on Sean Lien camp’s strategy on the production of televised campaign communication during the 2014 Taipei city Mayoral election. First, the campaign can be divided into three phrases in terms of external factor and internal factor. This research will further look into the campaign communication strategy, and how televised campaign communication of Lien camp’s organization during the three phrases. The research methods are in-depth interview and observation in person.\n\nThe research results show that Lien camp lacks campaign communication strategy, so Lien camp cannot produce effective campaign ads during his campaign. Lien camp fails to identify what kind of the candidate will play if elected, and also cannot adjust its campaign strategy to cope with urgent situation. Lien camp’s campaign communication cannot effectively promote candidate, but just to become the experiment of imagination and leads to counter-effect to the campaign.\n\nJudging from Lien camp’s organization, Lien camp fails to establish a clear leadership which is related to ineffectiveness of campaign communication. Decision-making mechanism of campaign headquarters is the tug-of-war between diversity and effectiveness. Sometimes, campaign headquarters must set effective measures as top priority in order to deal with changing campaign situation. However, internal control mechanism must be built while the establishment of organization of campaign headquarters and internal rules.
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資料類型: thesis
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