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題名: 電子化政府對e生活品質影響模型之建立
The Model of Influences on Quality of e-Life by Electronic Government
作者: 顏郁婷
Yen, Yu Ting
貢獻者: 朱斌妤
Chu, Pin Yu
Yen, Yu Ting
關鍵詞: 評估電子化政府政策
evaluation e-government policy
quality of life
Information System Success Model
Structural Equation Modeling
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2016
摘要: 電子化政府(Electronic Government)是我國運用資訊通訊科技(Information and Communications Technology)提升政府管理與服務的重要政策,隨著網際網路在日常生活的普及,在各國政府推動EG提供民眾日常所需服務時,提升民眾整體生活品質不僅是該政策所要達到的重要目標,亦成為社會大眾所期待的公共價值。然而對電子化政府的評估,目前仍著重於基礎建設、滿意度、使用服務次數等層面,欠缺相關生活品質衡量指標。因此,本研究將聚焦於電子化政府網路面向上的服務,探討該政策對民眾生活品質的影響。\n鑑於網路對生活的影響力日益漸增,本研究所稱e生活品質,是參考數位生活與生活品質的概念,強調個人在虛擬環境下的生活品質。先以DeLone& McLean (2003)的資訊系統成功模型為基礎,參考Heeks (2006)、Millard & Shahin (2006)、Wauters (2006)等人提出的評估電子化政府政策流程,以使用者的角度建構電子化政府對e生活品質的影響模型,並進一步採用電子治理研究中心於2013年進行的「數位國家治理:國情追蹤與方法整合」研究計畫資料,透過結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)統計分析方法進行模型驗證。結果發現,電子化政府的服務品質、資訊品質對滿意度有顯著影響,而滿意度又會影響使用效益,進而影響至e生活品質,除此之外,個人在網路上搜尋生活資訊的頻率也會影響e生活品質。\n本研究結果顯示電子化政府政策要提升民眾e生活品質感知的目標,必須循序漸進地在提供服務過程中的每個階段予以改善,並提出相關政策建議,另因填答者普遍認為政府所提供的資訊可靠,加上資訊的搜尋有助於提升e生活品質,本研究認為電子化政府透過網路及搭配多元途徑提供日常所需資訊為達到提升e生活品質目標的重要關鍵。
Electronic government in Taiwan has been recognized as a major policy to promote administrative management and public service. Lately, with the internet penetrating to daily lives, the enhancement of quality of life (QOL) has not only become the important goal of e-government policy, but also the essential public value people expected. However, most existing indicators to evaluate e-government were focused on infrastructure, satisfaction and frequency et al., lack of dimensions on QOL. Accordingly, this study focused on online service of e-government, and aimed to construct a model to assess the effect on the QOL in internet environment (Quality of e-Life, EQOL) by e-government.\nFirst, this study proposes a causal model in view of users, which based on DeLone & McLean’s Information System Success Model and referred to related theories of e-government processing evaluation, to examine the impacts on EQOL by e-government. Secondly, the author used a secondary survey data collected by the research of Taiwan e-Governance Research Center, and validated the model by Structural Equation Modeling method. The results of research showed that service quality and information quality have a great influence on satisfaction of e-government, and satisfaction of e-government will affect use benefits, further make effect on EQOL. In addition, the daily lives information searching frequency also affects EQOL. \nThis study indicated that government should gradually improve the process of online service of e-government, including service and information quality stage, satisfaction of e-government stage, uses benefit stage and EQOL stage. Regarding each stage, this thesis also made some policy suggestions. Besides, due to information searching is helpful for increasing EQOL, and the result of questionnaires shows that most people consider the information provided by government is trustful, this research argued that government provides information through various channels on internet is the key factor to enhance EQOL.
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資料類型: thesis
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