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題名: iBeaGuide導覽服務系統之設計與研發
The Design and Implementation of iBeaGuide for Guide Service System
作者: 鄭嘉鼎
Cheng, Chia Ting
貢獻者: 陳儒修<br>陳恭
Cheng, Chia Ting
關鍵詞: 導覽服務系統
Guide Service System
Mobile Guide
Digital Guide
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 2-三月-2016
摘要: 在博物館或各類型展覽中,導覽是非常普遍的服務。數位科技的進步帶來許多新的導覽互動體驗方式,從早期紙本、錄音機、語音導覽到目前智慧型裝置已成為重要的導覽載具,提供使用者更多便利性與行動應用的擴展。然而以現行的主要的導覽模式,使用者仍須手動操作選擇導覽內容,例如選按數字鍵盤或點選觸控畫面等,影響參觀展覽的流暢性。另外,目前在智慧型裝置上的導覽服務,多為針對展館或單一展覽設計,缺少重複使用性也無法連結使用者每次的參觀行為與經驗。\n本研究之目的為加強導覽內容管理效率並透過iBeacon提昇觀眾之展覽導覽服務使用體驗。結合iBeacon實作一包含網頁後台管理系統與前台統一入口app之導覽服務系統,以iBeacon基地台主動推之特性減少導覽使用者需自行操作的頻率,並同時將導覽服務由展覽品內容介紹推廣至觀眾進入展覽前、參觀展覽中、離開展覽後不同階段的服務應用,並讓觀眾能跟展覽場域有更多互動。另一方面,將導覽製作的過程簡化,展覽單位只需要操作網頁即可透過管理系統將內容上架至前端app,且可同時管理多個不同展覽。藉由前後台的配合完成一套完整的導覽服務系統,並根據使用者測試結果歸納出可改進或後續開發設計之功能建議。
Guide service is common in exhibitions and some museums. The improvement in digital technology has brought us to a new era of guide experience. Visitors used to read guidebook or listen to an audio guide via recorder, but smart devices now play an important role in guide service. However, most of guide devices require user to press buttons or touch screen when they want to access particular exhibits and the application in those devices are designed for one specific exhibition.\nThis research designed and developed a guide service system with iBeacon, in order to make guide content management more efficient and enhance the visitor experience. The system iBeaGuide contains a Web-based content manage system and a portal guide service mobile app for exhibition visitors. With the feature of iBeacon, users no longer need to select the guide of exhibits they are watching. When iBeaGuide app detect iBeacon signal, it will turn to the correspond page automatically, not only when watching masterpieces but also when enter the exhibition venue or close to some facilities like information desk or toilet. iBeacon content manage system is for exhibition administrator. Via this Web system, administrators can easily upload guide content and update immediately.
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