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題名: 巴古寧的革命信念與實踐之研究(1814-1876)
The Study of the Revolutionary Conviction and Practice of M. A. Bakunin
作者: 陳兆君
Chen, Chao Chun
貢獻者: 賀允宜
Chen, Chao Chun
關鍵詞: 巴古寧
Michael Bakunin
Russian populism
日期: 2002
上傳時間: 31-Mar-2016
摘要:   巴古寧是十九世紀最著名與最活躍的革命家之一。他橫跨歐洲的革命活動、領導俄國的革命民粹運動,以及在第一國際中與馬克思的爭論,使他成為歷史中的一股動力。另外,他的無政府主義思想更使他加入近代政治思想家的行列中。然而,巴古寧的個性、活動與思想的多樣與複雜,卻讓他擁有許多不同的面貌刻畫,有讚美也有毀謗;他的思想也獲得不同的闡釋,是真理也是矛盾。因此,以「革命」作為理解巴古寧生平與思想的關鍵字,本論文試圖探求巴古寧的革命信念源於何處?他的革命思想與實踐如何交互影響與演進?又要如何看待這位毀譽摻雜的歷史人物?
  Michael Bakunin(1814-1876) was one of the most famous and active revolutionaries in the 19th century. His dazzling revolutionary activities across Europe and his famous controversy with Karl Marx(1818-1883) made him an influential historical actor. Besides, his anarchism also ranked him as one of the political thinkers in modern times. However, the complexity of his personality, activities and thoughts were portrayed from the diabolical to the glandular to the heroic; his thoughts were interpreted differently as truths or paradoxes. The purposes of this thesis were to explore where his revolutionary conviction came form, to examine how his thoughts and life interwove and evolved, most of all, to reassess his significance and relevance basing on the up-to-date research.
參考文獻: 徵引書目\r\n一手史料\r\n(一)俄文:\r\n1、 Бакунин, Михаил Александрович. М. А. Бакунин: философия, социология и\r\n политика. По Пустарнакова, В. Ф. Москва: Правда, 1989.\r\n 巴古寧著,普斯塔爾納可夫編,《巴古寧:哲學、社會學與政治》(莫斯科: 真理出版社,1989年)。\r\n2、Бакунин, Михаил Александрович. М. А. Бакунин: избранные философские сочинения и письма. По Пустарнакова, В. Ф. & Пирумовы, Н. М. Москва: Мысль, 1987.\r\n 巴古寧著,普斯塔爾納可夫、皮魯莫娃編,《巴古寧:哲學作品與書信選集》(莫斯科:思想出版社,1987年)。\r\n3、 Бакунин, Михаил Александрович. Собранные сочинения и письма. Том III.\r\n По Стеклова, Ю. М. Москва: Издательство всесоюзного общества\r\n политкаторжан и ссыльно-поселенцев, 1935.\r\n 巴古寧著,斯切克洛夫編,《巴古寧文集與書信集》,第三冊,(莫斯科:全\r\n 蘇政治犯與移民流刑犯出版會社,1935年)。\r\n(二)英文:\r\n1、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. Bakunin on Anarchism. Trans. and Eds. Sam Dolgoff. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1980.\r\n2、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. God and the State. New York: Dover, 1970.\r\n3、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. The Basic Bakunin : Writings, 1869-1871. Trans. and Eds. Robert M. Culter. New York: Prometheus Books, 1992.\r\n4、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. The Political Philosophy of Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism. Comp. and Eds. Maximoff, G. P. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1953.\r\n5、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. The Confession of Mikhail Bakunin: With the Marginal Comments of Tsar Nicholas I. Trans. Robert C. Howes. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1977.\r\n6、 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. Statism and Anarchy. Trans. and Eds. Marshall S. Shatz. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.\r\n7、 Confino, Michael, ed. Daughter of a Revolutionary: Natalie Herzen and the Bakunin-Nechayev Circle. Trans. Hilary Sternberg and Lydia Bott. LaSalle, Ill.: Library Press, 1973.\r\n二手專書\r\n書籍:\r\n(一)俄文:\r\n1、Графский, В. Г. Бакунин. Москва: Юридическая литература, 1985.\r\n 葛拉夫斯基著,《巴古寧》(莫斯科:法律文學社,1985年)。\r\n2、Должиков, В. А. М. А. Бакунин и Сибирь, 1857-1861 гг.. 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K. \"Herzen, Bakunin, and the Polish Insurrection of 1863,\"\r\n Journal of Central European Affairs, 8(April 1948): pp. 58-78.\r\n9、Gouldner, Alvin W. \"Marx Last Battle - Bakunin and the 1st International,\" Theory\r\n and Society, Vol. 11, No. 6(1982): pp. 853-884.\r\n10、Halbrook, Stephen P. \"Lenin`s Bakuninism,\" International Review of History and\r\nPolitical Science, 8 (February 1971): pp. 89-111.\r\n11、Hardy, Deborah. \"Consciousness and Spontaneity, 1875: The Peasant Revolution\r\nSeen by Tkachev, Lavrov, and Bakunin,\" Canadian Slavic Studies, 4(Winter\r\n1970): pp. 699-720.\r\n12、Harrison, J. Frank. \"Bakunin`s Concept of Revolution,\" Our Generation, 11, No.\r\n4(Winter 1977): pp. 27-35.\r\n13、Kun, Miklos. \"Bakunin and Hungary (1848-1865),\" Canadian-American Slavic\r\nStudies, 10(Winter 1976): pp. 503-534.\r\n14、Shatz, Marshall. \"Introduction,\" Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 10(Winter\r\n 1976): pp. 463-464.\r\n15、Orton, Lawrence. \"Bakunin`s Plan of Slav Federation, 1848,\" Canadian-American\r\nSlavic Studies, 8(Spring 1974): pp. 107-115.\r\n16、Orton, Lawrence. \"The Echo of Bakunin`s `Appeal to the Slavs` (1848),\"\r\nCanadian-American Slavic Studies, 10(Winter 1976): pp. 489-502.\r\n17、Pirumova, Natalia. \"Bakunin and Herzen: An Analysis of Their Ideological\r\nDisagreements at the End of the 1860s,\" Canadian-American Slavic Studies,\r\n10(Winter 1976): pp. 552-567.\r\n18、Pomper, Philip. \"Bakunin, Nechaev, and the `Catechism of the Revoltionary`: The\r\nCase for Joint Authorship,\" Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 10(Winter 1976): pp. 535-551.\r\n19、Ravindranathan, T. R. \"Bakunin in Naples - An Assessment,\" Journal of Modern History, Vol. 53, No. 2(1981): pp. 189-212.\r\n20、Voegelin, Eric. \"Bakunin`s Confession,\" Journal of Politics, 8(February 1946): pp.24-43.
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資料類型: thesis
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