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題名: 蘇聯末期公民社會萌芽之研究
The Research of an Emerging Civil Society in late USSR
作者: 羅彥傑
Lo, Yen-Chieh
貢獻者: 郭武平
Lo, Yen-Chieh
關鍵詞: 蘇聯
Soviet Union
Civil Society
New institutionalism
日期: 2001
上傳時間: 15-Apr-2016
摘要: 自一九七○年代中期南歐、拉丁美洲與蘇聯暨東歐各國相繼爆發民主浪潮以來,「公民社會」(Civil Society)即成為政治與社會學界探討的焦點。「公民社會」有賴於對個人結社言論自由、公共參與自由和政治參與自由的保障,因此其具有國家及社會走向自由化的意函。由於自由化往往先於民主化,在研究極權與威權國家民主轉型的過程中,「公民社會」便正好可作為研究一國走向民主化的起點。在世界各國民主轉型的例子中,蘇聯的民主轉型過程顯得與眾不同,這一方面是因為蘇聯本身是多民族帝國,境內民族問題嚴重,另一方面是因為蘇聯作為全球第一個、也是實施最久的社會主義國家,其擁抱的極權主義體制對國家與社會之間的關係產生深刻的影響。
Since South Europe, Latin America and the Soviet bloc began the democratization in 1970s, civil society has become the focus of the politics and sociology of academic circle. Civil society depends on the assurance of the association freedom, speech freedom, public participation freedom and political participation freedom, implying that the state and society are being or have been liberalized. Because liberalization always goes ahead of democratization, civil society happens to be used as a starting point of research of post-Communist transition. The USSR’s case seems so different with others, not only it as a multi-nation empire, but also it as the first and long-enduring socialist country in the world.
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