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題名: 中國大陸外人直接投資與產業升級
The Influence of Foreign Direct Investment on China`s Industrial Upgrading
作者: 潘俊男
Pan, Jiun-Nan
貢獻者: 黃智聰
Huang, Jr-Tsung
Pan, Jiun-Nan
關鍵詞: 中國大陸
Foreign Direct Investment, FDI
Industrial Upgrading
Industrial Development
日期: 2001
上傳時間: 15-Apr-2016
摘要: 本文利用一九九三∼一九九四年,與一九九七∼一九九九年中國大陸官方的地區別產業合併資料(panel data),運用固定效果計量模型(fixed effect model),以Chenery修正後的Hoffmann指數的倒數(C-H指數)為應變數,來檢測外人直接投資,對中國大陸製造業產業升級的影響。
This thesis investigates the issue regarding whether or not foreign direct investment (FDI) has upgraded China’s industrial structure. Using China’s official regionally-based panel data in 1993~1994, and 1997~1999, and several specifications of the fixed-effect model with a reciprocal of the Chenery-revised-Hoffmann ratio (C-H ratio) as the dependent variable, the primary finding is that FDI has had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. This conclusion is surprising, but reasonable, due to (1) FDI resources coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan are concentrated on consumption goods industries in China. (2) FDI didn’t have absolutely a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China. Relative to the level of industrialization, industries of FDI is less then total industries. Therefore, FDI was no use on industrial upgrading in China.
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資料類型: thesis
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