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題名: 國小教師的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗之分析-以一年級社會科教學觀察為例
The analysis of the teachers` curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences in the elementary school
作者: 陳秀玉
Chen, Hsow-Yu
貢獻者: 詹志禹
Chen, Hsow-Yu
關鍵詞: 國小
Elementary School
Social Studies
Curriculum Interpretation
Curriculum Operation
Case Study
日期: 2000
上傳時間: 18-Apr-2016
摘要: 本研究主要是對三位國小一年級教師的社會科教學進行觀察,以分析她們的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗,並深入理解與探討這些經驗所顯示的意義與教師課程詮釋時的內在世界。具體言之,主要研究目的如下:
The purpose of this study was to find out what curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences the elementary school teachers have, and to explore the meanings from those experiences, and also to understand the inner worlds of the teachers who interpret the curriculum.
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