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題名: 俄羅斯政治菁英流動之研究(1991-1996年)
作者: 許峻郎
貢獻者: 彼薩列夫
關鍵詞: 菁英
日期: 2000
上傳時間: 18-Apr-2016
摘要: 本篇論文主要是探討從一九九一年到一九九六年俄羅斯政治菁英變動的情況。俄羅斯菁英的變動主要是根基於兩個主要的因素,一為戈巴契夫的改革,另一則為九一年的蘇聯解體。本篇文章主要是利用兩個面向去探討俄羅斯菁英變動的情形,一為菁英結構的分化,另一則為菁英政治態度的凝結度。同時我們認為利用職官名錄身份來測量新菁英是否為重製的標準是不妥當的。我們認為職官名錄應視為一政治階層,而非菁英團體。本篇論文研究的結果顯示,現今俄羅斯菁英的組成已經與過去蘇聯時期的菁英有所不同,尤其是新進角色—專業人員的加入更是重要。由此,可以得知俄羅斯菁英已經產生循環的現象。
In this thesis we want to find out the situation of the change of the Russian political elite from 1991 to 1996. The change of Russian elite is influenced by two causes: one is the Gorbachev’s reform, the other is the collapse of the Sovit Union in 91’. In this thesis we use two dimensions, the differentiation of elite’s structure and the unity of elite’s political attitude, to find out in Russia the circulation of elite happens or not, and meanwhile we also argue the nomenklatura is used to be as a standard to measure the level of reproduction of elite is not appropriate. We think the nomenklatura is a political stratification, not a political elite group. The result of the study shows that the proportion of the Russian elite has been changed, is different from that of the Sovit Union. The character of New Comer, has been joined in the Russian elite group is the evident of the circulation of Russian elite has happened.
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