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題名: 匯率波動對最適外銷退稅之影響
作者: 黃雅琪
貢獻者: 翁永和
關鍵詞: 外銷退稅
日期: 1998
上傳時間: 27-Apr-2016
摘要: 由於近年來東南亞金融風暴,各國匯率紛紛走貶,大陸維持匯率固定下,對出口產生不利影響。當出口形勢艱難時,採取貨幣貶值是提振出口競爭力最簡單直接的方式,但由於人民幣貶值將對世界經濟產生嚴重衝擊,而中共今年初以來也多次重申人民幣不貶值承諾,在出口競爭力衰退,人民幣確又不能貶值的情況下,提高出口退稅就成為中國大陸最佳的選擇。因此大陸自去年始至今年初數度提高外銷退稅率,以鼓勵出口。
參考文獻: 中文:\n(1) 劉碧珍,翁永和 (1997),「外銷退稅制度與生產技術之提昇」,經濟論文叢刊,第二十六輯第二期,頁145-160。\n(2) 邱俊榮,黃鴻 (1996),「中間財的輸出與最適貿易政策」,中央研究院經研所經濟論文,第二十四卷第二期,頁253-272。\n(3) 林燕淑,黃鴻 (1995),「因素進口、產品出口與最適貿易政策」,中央研究院經研所經濟論文,第二十三卷第一期,頁95-117。\n(4) 袁金和 (1984),「外銷退稅政策之經濟效果」,中國文化大學經濟學研究所碩士論文。\n(5) 李憲佐 (1994),「我國關稅退保制度之法律問題」,台灣大學法律學研究所博士論文。\n(6) 郭潤漁 (1971),「外銷退稅制度之理論與實際」,中國生產力中心。\n(7) 蕭峰雄 (1994),「我國產業政策與產業發展」,遠東經濟。\n(8) 劉泰英 (1973),「外銷退稅制度之改進」,財政部財政人員訓練所。\n(9) 詹德和 (1979),「外銷品沖退稅概要」,財政部財政人員訓練所。\n(10) 宋文雄 (1965),「中國外銷退稅制度之研究」,政治大學財政研究所。\n(11) 莊水吉 (1985),「外銷退稅與保稅制度」,三民書局。\n(12) 汪堯田,于申 (1993),「關貿總協定與中國經濟」,新華社。\n(13) 汪堯田,范淑蓉 (1993),「關稅與貿易總協定基本文件彙編」,中國對外經濟貿易部。\n(14) 蕭富山 (1989),「關稅暨貿易總協定在我國適用之法律問題」,東吳大學法律學研究所。\n\n英文:\n(1) Van Z.G. and Kotze F.C. (1994) " An Analysis of the Tariff Structure of the Motor Vehicle and Related Industries in South Africa ", Journal for Studies in Economics and Eco-nometrics,18(2),August 1994,p27-39.\n(2) Choi E.K.and Johnson S.R.(1991)" Uncertainty,Price Stabi-lization and Welfare" ,Southern Economic Journal,57(3),Janu-\n ary 1991,p789-797.\n(3) Dean A.D. (1987) "A positive View of Duty Remission Sche-mes",Quarterly Review of Economics and Business,27(2),Summer 1997,p43-49.\n(4) Won W.K. and David K. (1991) "Determinant of World Wheat Trade Flows and Policy Analysis",Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 39,October 1991,p439-455.\n(5) Jay P. C. (1995) "Optimal tariff and the choice of technology discriminatory tariff vs.The *Most Favored Nation* ",Journal of International Economics,38,p143-160.\n(6) Galenson,W. (1979) "Economic Growth and Structural Change in Taiwan:The postwar Experience of the R.O.C.",Ithaca:Cornell University Press.\n(7) Gustav R. and John C.H. (1988) "The Evolution of Policy behind Taiwan*s Development Success",Yale University Press.\n(8) James A.B. and barbara J.S. (1987) "Foreign Direct Investment with Unemployment and Endogenous Taxes and Tariffs",Journal of International Economics,22,p257-279.\n(9) Sharmika V. (1997) "North-south Technology Transfer Through Licensing" , The International Trade Journal, 6(4), Winter 1997,p484-513.\n(10) David R.C. (1997) " Delegation and Strategic Trade Policy" , International Economic Journal ,11(3),Autumn 1997,p35-46.\n(11) Robert C.F. (1998) "Symmetric Pass-through of Tariffs and Exchange Rates under Imperfect Competition:An Empirical Test", Journal of International Economics,27,p25-45.\n(12) Pinelopi K.G. (1995) "Strategic Export Promotion in the Absence of Government Precommitment",International Economic Review,36(2),May 1995,p407-426.
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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