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題名: 類神經網路與結構性時間數列之比較與研究
The comparison and reaserch between artifical neural network and structural time series
作者: 陳振鈞
Chen, Jenn Jiun
貢獻者: 毛維凌
Mao, Wei Ling
Chen, Jenn Jiun
關鍵詞: 狀態空間
state space
kalman filter
processing element
artifical neural network
日期: 1993
上傳時間: 29-Apr-2016
摘要: 長久以來,人類在萬物中獨具的高智慧特質吸引了無數的哲學家和科學家
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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