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題名: 蘇聯經濟改革研究 (1985-1990戈巴契夫經改路線研究)
Soviet Economic Reform Study (1985-1990 Govacev`s Perestroika udy)
作者: 董崇豪
Tung, Chung Hao
貢獻者: 蔡中涵
Tsay, Chung Han
Tung, Chung Hao
關鍵詞: 市民社會
Structurol-functional Approch
Historical Approach
日期: 1993
上傳時間: 29-Apr-2016
摘要: 80年代, 蘇聯開始了大規模的經濟改革, 其所引發的效應立刻席捲了東歐
參考文獻: 陳鴻瑜,政治發展理論,台北:桂冠圖書股份有限公司,民國74年\n雷格斯著,金耀基譯,行政生態學,台北:商務書局,民國77年3月\n蘇聯共黨第二十七屆黨大會資料,莫斯科大學社會研究所, 1986. 。\n蘇聯國民經濟年鑑,蘇聯中央統計局編, 1986 。\n蘇聯經濟研究,美國國會出版組編,1986年版。\n蘇聯經濟環境的惡化,日本拓殖大學國際關係研究所,1991 \n列寧著,帝國主義論。\n經濟學教科書,蘇聯科學院經濟研究所編,第三版, 1959。\n\n\nAganbegyan, A. G., Inside Perestroika:The Future of the ---\nsoviet Economic, NY:Harper and Row, 1989.\nAganbegyan, A. G., The Economic Challenge of Perestroika,\nBloomington:Indiana University Press, 1988.\nA. Nove, An Economic History of the USSR, Peguin Books, 1992. -----\nSoviet Economy in ~ New Perspective, Government Printing\nOff ice, 1976.\nAslund, A., Gorbachev`s Struggle for Economic Reform, Ithaca:\nCornell`University Press, 1989.\nDavid, C. Leege and Wayne L. Francis, Political Research:\nDesign, Measurement and Analysis, New York, 1974.\nDavies, R. W., The Development of the Soviet Budgetary\nsystem, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1988.\nGomulka, S. Growth: Innovation and Reform in Eastern\nEurope, Brighton:Weastshef Book, 1986.\nGeneral Situation in the USSR and Change in Foreign Economic\nActivities Legislation, Report No. 8, No.9, No. 10, Moscow,\n1991.\nI. Wallerstein, The Moclern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture\nand the Origins -of -th-e European World-Economic -in t-he Sixteenth\nCentury, NY:Academic Press, 1974.\nK. W. Ryavec, Int r oduction is Soviet Society and the Communist\nParty, Univers i ty of Massachusetts Press, 1978.\nMonthly Bulletin in Trade with USSR & Easteurope, 1991,\n蘇聯東歐經濟研究所,日本東京大學\nMorton R. Davies and Vanghan A. Lewis, Models of Pol i t i cal\nSystem, New York, 1971.\nS. Bialev, The Soviet Paradox, 1986.\nT. H. Rigby, ~ Conceptual Approach to Authority:Power and\nPolicy in Soviet Union, Macmillan Press, 1983.\nT. Luke, G. L. Ulmen, I. Szelenyi, Z. Bauman, G. T. Rittersporn,\nG. Gill, Review-Symposium on Soviet-Type Societies, Telos, 1984.\n\n岡崎次郎編「現代マルクス゛レノニン主義辭典」(上)\n期刊、報紙\nJournal of the History of Ideas\nThe New England Quarterly\nNew Left Review\nBusiness Week\nEconomic Trend\n蘇聯研究\n蘇聯經濟秘密報告\n世界\n\n« ЭКОIЮМlжа се,1ЬСКОГО ХО3Яlicтва)\n«Экономическая СТ(]ТИСПIка»\n{ИзвеСПIЯ ЦК I(IlCC>\n« k1Зl3еспlЯ}\n«ПrаОД(l)\n(СОl3еТСКП51 P()CCII~)\n4.ЭКОН(I\\.lическая газета>\n~:ВОПРОСЬ! экономики)\n(Аргументы и факты>\n,кЭ I(О »\n<Новый мир>\n(Л итера турная газета> •\n<{ COUIIO_10rI1 1{eCKJ,e &quot;се -lедоl3D.` `I!я;q\n« Иlбрзн:~ ы с реЧi! 11 стан. Н»\n{MOCKoBct\\lle H0130011 ~\n{OrOli<::K)\n<Сельская жизнь>\n<Труд>\n( КО,\\.,МУНlfста::>\n{Вестник стаПIСТlfЮР\n([Запросы ЭI\\ОIЮЩI!<Н>\n<Про6.1емы ЭКОНО~\\11f\\J1)\n<[Иного Ile Аано>
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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