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dc.contributor.authorZHANG, YAO-RENen_US
dc.creatorZHANG, YAO-RENen_US
dc.description.abstract環境資源係一公共財,由於不具有交易市場,因此無從計算其所隱含的價值。本文係利用Hanemmn(1984 )所提出的隨機效用理論分析消費者在面臨不同支付價格下,對環境資源、品質改善的行為決策,並利用封閉式假設市場價值評估法來評估大台北地區空氣品質與淡水河中下游水質改善的經濟效益。若以線性所得的效用函數及Probit機率模型估計,研究結果顯示,一、同一消費者在不同時期對空氣品質改善的經濟效益比較,今年的經濟效益比去年低。二、空氣品質與淡水河水質改善的經濟效益,其個別評估與加總評估的比較,個別評估時的結果往往zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 前言……………………..1\r\n第一節 研究動機. ……………………..1\r\n第二節 研究目的與架構……………………..2\r\n第二章 假設市場價值評估法的理論基礎……………………..5\r\n第一節 效益的衡量……………………..5\r\n第二節 願付代價與願受補償的差距……………………..12\r\n第三節 效益的分類……………………..15\r\n第四節 效益的加總問題……………………..17\r\n第五節 假設市場價值評估法實際應用上的缺點……………………..21\r\n第三章 實證模型與資料來源……………………..21\r\n第一節 封閉式二分選擇模型的理論基礎……………………..30\r\n第二節 實證模型的設定……………………..35\r\n第三節 資料來源……………………..42\r\n第四節 實證結果……………………..60\r\n第五節 結論與未來研究方向……………………..75\r\n參考文獻……………………..76\r\n附錄一 參與焦點團體座談的十位民眾其個人基本資料\r\n附錄二 空氣品質指標與圖表\r\n附錄三 水質梯度表與淡水河流域圖zh_TW
dc.title大台北地區環境品質改善的經濟效益評估 : 假設市場價值評估法之應用zh_TW
dc.relation.reference一、 中文部分\r\n\r\n1.劉錦添 民國79 年9 月 \"淡水河水質改善的經濟效益評估?封閉式假設市場價值評估法之應用\" 中研院經濟論文P99-128\r\n2. 陸 雲 民國79 年 \"環境資源估價之研究?非市場估價方法\" 中研院經濟論文93-135\r\n3. 許志義、李文堯 民國76 年 \"環境品質之價格化:基隆河案例\" 中華經濟研究院P55-103\r\n4. 官俊榮、蔡東霖 民國80 年 \"以補償變量評估遊憩效益\" 台大農經論文發表\r\n\r\n二、英文部分\r\n\r\n1. Bandford, Knetch & Mauser 1977 \"Compensating & Equivalent Measures of Consumer`s Surplrs: Further Survey Results \"Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver\r\n2. Bishop & Heberlein 1979 \"Measuing Values of Extra-Market Goods: Are Indirect Measures Biased ? \" AJAE P926-930\r\n3. Brookshire, Randall & Stoll 1980 \"Valuing Increments in and Decrements in Natural Resources Service Flow\" AJ AE P478-488\r\n4. Bishop 1982 \"Option Value: An exposition & Extension \"Land Economics P1-15\r\n5. Bradford 1970 \"Benefit-Cost Analysis and Demand Curve for Public Goods\" Kyklos P775-791 \r\n6. Boyle & Bishop 1988 \"Welfare Measurements Using Contingent Valuation :A comparision of Techniques \" AJAE P20-28\r\n7. Bishop, Heberlein & Kealy 1983 \"Contingent Valuation of Environmental Assets: Comparisons with a ` simulated Market\"NRJ P619 -633\r\n8. Boyle, Bishop & Welsh 1985 \"Starting Point Bias in Contingent Valuation Bidding Games\" Land Economics P188-195\r\n9. Bowker & Stoll 1988 \"Use of Dichotomous Choice Nonmarket Methods to Value the Whooping Crane Resource AJAE P372-381\r\n10. Coursey, Schulze & Hovis 1983 \"A comparison of Alternative Valuation Mechanisms for Non-market Commodity\" University of Wyoming\r\n11. Cummings, Brookshire & Schulze 1986 \"Valuing Environrrental Goods: An Assessment of Contingent Method\" To towa N. Y : Rowman & AllanheId\r\n12. Cameron & James 1987 \"Efficient Estimation Methods For Closed-Ended` Contingent Valuation Surveys\" RES ta P269-276\r\n13. Hicks J. R. 1941 \"The Rehabilitation of Consumer`s Surplrs\" RES tud P108-116\r\n14. Hicks J. R 1943 \"The Four Consumer Surpluses\" RES tud P31-41\r\n15. Hanemann 1991 \"Willingness To Pay and Willingness To Accept: How much Can They Differ? \"AER P635-647\r\n16. Harrision 1991 \"Valuing Public Goods with The Contingent Valuation Method: A Critique of, Kahneman & Knetsch\"\r\n17. Hanemann 1984 \"Welfare Evaluation in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses\" AJAE P332-341\r\n18. Knetsch & Sinden 1984 \"Willingness To Pay and Compensation Demand: Experimental In Measures of Value\" QJE P507-521\r\n19. Kahneman, Daniel & Tversky 1979 \"Prospect Theory : An analysis of decisions Under Risk\" Econometrica P263-291\r\n20. Kahneman & Knetsch 1990 \"Valuing Public Goods: The Purchase of Moral Satisfaction\" JEEM\r\n21. Mitchell & Carson 1989 \"Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method\"\r\n22. Milon 1989 \"Contingent Valuation Experiments for Strategic Behavior\" JEEM PZ93-308\r\n23. Randall & Stoll 1980 \"Consumer`s Surplus in Commodity Space \" AER P449-454\r\n24. Rowe, d`Arge & Brookshire 1980 \"An Experiment on the Economic Value of Visibility\" JEEM P1-17\r\n25. Randall, Hoehn & Brookshire 1983 \"Contingent Valuation Surveys for Evaluating Environrrental Assets \"NRJ P635-648\r\n26. Sinclair 1976 \"The Economic -Social Impact of the KemanoⅡ Hydroelectric Project on British Columbias Fisheries Resources\" Department of Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Vancouver\r\n27. Samuelson 1954\"The Pure Thory of Public Expenditure\" RES ta P387-389\r\n28. Smith K & JIN Tan Liu 1990 \"Risk Communication and Attitude Change: Taiwan`s National Debate Over Nuclear Power\" Risk and Uncertainty P331-349\r\n29. Strand & Taraldset 1991 \"The Valuation of Environmental goods in Norway: A Contingent Valuation Study with Multiple bias testing\" working paper.\r\n30. Willig R.D 1976 \"Consumer`s Surplus Without Apalogy\" AER P589-597zh_TW
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