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題名: 開創兩岸的經貿發展──兩岸共同市場
其他題名: Create Cross-strait Economic and Trade Development: Cross-strait Common Market
作者: 張秀雲
Chang, Hsiu-Yun
關鍵詞: 全球金融危機; 亞洲金融風暴; 兩岸共同市場; 兩岸關係; 經濟解嚴
global financial crisis; Asian financial storm; cross-strait common market; cross-strait relations; economic liberalization
日期: Dec-2009
上傳時間: 3-May-2016
摘要: 二十一世紀以來,中國大陸快速崛起,已逐漸成為亞洲經濟的重心、全球的經濟大國。兩岸經貿歷經三十年的發展,形成密不可分的互動關係,台灣的經濟利益已經繫於中國大陸,不可能失去中國大陸市場與商機。1997年爆發的亞洲金融風暴,台灣倖免於難,然而,受制於閉鎖政策,2002年開始,台灣在四小龍中反而屈居劣勢。2008年5月,台灣總統馬英九上任後,兩岸從過去防堵的經濟思維,改為採取開放自由的經濟政策,台灣與中國大陸的經濟發展已進入新的階段。2008年發生全球金融危機,對於台灣原本已不景氣的經濟而言,無異是雪上加霜,台灣的因應之道為何?關鍵之鑰──建立「兩岸共同市場」,將是兩岸「和平發展、互利共生」的重要契機,並藉以舖設一條展望未來,全球布局的康莊大道。
Given the rapid development of China in the 21st century, the nation has become the center of Asian economies and one of the largest in the world. Over the past 30 years, the development of cross-strait economic and trade has formed an indivisible interactive relationship between China and Taiwan. The latter’s economic benefit is connected with China and it cannot afford to lose the business opportunities in that market. Although Taiwan was able to emerge unscathed from the Asian financial storm in1997, it was constricted by closed government policies. As a result, it has been in an inferior position among the Four Dragons since 2002. After President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May 2008, Taiwan has transformed from preventive economic thinking to one that adopts opening and liberalizing economic policies. Taiwan and China’s economic development has entered a new phase. However, the global financial turmoil in 2008 has no doubt added insult to injury since the nation is already entering a recession. How should Taiwan respond to this challenge? The key to the problem – establish a cross-strait common market, which will represent the important opportunity for parties across the strait to “peacefully develop and co-survive with mutual benefits.” Also, through the creation of a common market, a high road to future prospects and globalization strategies could be designed.
關聯: 中國行政, 81,29-54
Chinese journal of administration
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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