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題名: 印尼蘇卡諾政權與中共外交關係
作者: 徐尚禮
貢獻者: 江炳倫
日期: 1988
上傳時間: 4-May-2016
摘要: 論文提要內容:
參考文獻: 參考書目\n(依照內容性質排列)\n壹、中文\n一、書籍:\n1.江炳倫著,「政治文化研究導論」,台北:正中書局,民國七十二年一月初版。\n2.謝高橋著,「社會學」,台北:巨流圖書公司,民國七十年六月。\n3.王雲五編,「雲五社會科學大辭典」,第三冊,政治學,台北:商務印書館,民國七十四年二月四版。\n4.洪鐮德著,「世界政治新論」,台北:牧童出版社,民國六十六年八月初版。\n5.鄭學稼著,「印度尼西亞史」,台北:黎明文化事業股份有限公司,民國六十三年七月。\n6.馬樹禮著,「印尼獨立運動史」,台北:正中書局,民國六十六年增訂版。\n7.宋哲美主編,「印度尼西亞人物誌」,香港:東南亞研究所,一九八一年七月出版。\n8.戴鴻琪著,「印尼華僑經濟」,海外出版社,民國四十五年十月初版。\n9.黃希珍著,「東南亞現勢」,台北:人文出版社,民國四十九年一月初版。\n10.朱鶴賓著,「東南亞新興國家」下冊,台北:中華文化出版社事業委員會,民國四十六年十一月初版。\n11.張耀秋著,「東協王國政情總論」,台北:幼獅文化出版事業委員會,民國七十一年十月。\n12.吳俊才著,「東南亞史」,台北:正中書局,民國六十五年。\n13.陳烈甫著,「東南亞的華僑、華人與華裔」,台北:正中書局,民國六十八年。\n14.郭湘章譯,「東南亞華僑」,下冊,台北:正中書局,民國五十六年十一月。\n15.「中共對外改策論集-國際問題研究專輯之四」,台北:國家安全局編印,民國七十五年九月。\n16.尹慶耀著,「中共外交與對外關係」,台北:國際關係研究所,民國六十二年六月初版。\n17.錢剛鐔著,「中共外交政策與策略」,台北:黎明文化公司,民國七十二年五月。\n18.李偉成著,「中共對東南亞政策之研究」,台北:嘉新水泥公司文化基金會叢書,民國五十三年九月。\n19.高崇雲著,「中共與東南亞」,台北:黎明文化公司,民國七十年十月十日初版。\n20.王章陵著,「共黨戰略與策略」,台北:世界反共聯盟中華民國分會,民國七十五年五月。\n21.「共匪對東南亞的滲透活動」,國防部情報局編印,民國五十年四月。\n22.馮文著,「共匪對印尼華僑的統戰策略」,台北:僑務委員會,民國五十九年二月。\n23.張耀秋著,「共匪顛覆東南亞陰謀」,台北:僑務委員會,民國五十六年十一月。\n24.「毛澤東選集」,第二卷,北京:人民出版社,一九六九年。\n25.「毛澤東選集」,第四卷,北京:人民出版社,一九六九年。\n26.「毛澤東選集」,第五卷,北京:人民出版社,一九七七年。\n27.「關於國際共產主義運動總路線的論戰」,上冊,北京:人民出版社,一九六五年。\n28.「關於國際共產主義運動總路線的建議和有關文件」,北京:人民出版社,一九六三年。\n29.「亞洲會議文件選集」,北京:世界知識社,一九五五年。\n\n二、期刊論文:\n1.鄭學稼著,「『九‧三0』事變前之印尼共產黨」(上),東亞季刊,第五卷第三期,台北:國立政治大學東亞研究所,民國六十三年月一日。\n2.同上,下冊,東亞季刊,第五卷第四期,民國六十三年四月一日。\n3.畢英賢著,「蘇聯對亞太地區的政策」,問題與研究,第十八卷第三期,台北:政大國際關係研究中心,民國六十七年十二月十日。\n\n三、報紙:\n1.人民日報,一九六一年六月十一日至十五日。\n2.人民日報,一九六五年十月十九日。\n3.人民日報,一九六五年十月二十日。\n4.人民日報,一九六六年八月三日。\n5.人民日報,一九六六年九月七日。\n6.人民日報,一九六一年十月十一日。\n7.人民日報,一九六七年四月二十日。\n8.人民日報,一九六七年九月六日。\n9.中央日報,民國五十五年七月二十四日。\n10.中央日報,民國五十六年四月三十日。\n11.中央日報,民國五十六年五月一日。\n12.中央日報,民國七十六年八月二十七日。\n13.中央日報,民國七十七年四月十二日。\n14.星洲,聯合早報,一九八八年四月十二日。\n15.星洲,聯合早報,一九八八年四月十三日。\n\n\n貳:English\n一、 Books:\n1. Snyder, Richard C. , H. W. Bruck, and Burton Spin, Foreign Policy Decision-Making : An Approach to the Study of International Politics, New York: The Free Press, 1962.\n2. Macridis, Roy C. , Foreign Policy In World Politics, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1967.\n3. Holsti, K. J. , International Politics: An Framework For Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1983.\n4. Leifer, Michal. Indonesia`s Foreign Policy, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1983.\n5. Weinstein, Franklin B. Indonesian Foreign Policy and The Diliemma of Dependence : From Sukarno to Soeharto, Ithaca and London : Cornell University Press, 1976.\n6. Leifer, Michael. The Foreign Relation of The New States, Hong Kong: Dai Nippon Printing Co. 1974.\n7. Jones, Howard Palfrey. Indonesia: The Possible Dream, New York: Harcourt Brace Joranovich, Inc., 1971.\n8. Crouch, Harold. The Army and Politics In Indonesia, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. 1978.\n9. Van Der Kroef, Justus M. , The Communist Party of Indonesia, Its History, Program, and Tactics, Hong Kong: University of British Columbia, 1965.\n10. Hindley, Donald. The Communist Party of Indonesia 1951–1963, USA: University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1966.\n11. Feith, Herbert. The Decline of Constitutional Democracy In Indonesia, Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1968.\n12. Feith , Herbert and Lance Castles. Indonesian Political Thinking 1945–1965, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1970.\n13. Bhattacharjee G. P. . Southeast Asian Politics : Malaysia and Indonesia, Columbia: South Asia Book, 1977.\n14. Pye, Lucian W. . Southeast Asia`s Political Syetems, New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc. 1974。\n15. Pye, Lucian W. . Asian Power. and Politics The Cultural Dimensions of Authority, London: Harvard University Press, 1985.\n16. Feith , Herbert . Government, S and Politics of Southeast Asia, Part Three : Indonesia, Ithaca, New York: Second Printing, 1965.\n17. Smith, Roger m . . Southeast Asia Documents of Political Development and Change, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1971.\n18. Neher, Clart D. Politics In Southeast Asia, USA: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc. 1981.\n19. Crozier, Brian. South east Asia. In Turmoil, USA : Penguin Books, 1966.\n20. Scalapino, Robert A. The Communist Revolution. In Asia: Tactics, Goals, And Achievement, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Second Editon.\n21. Martin, Edwin W. , Southeast Asia and China, The End of Containment. Colorado: Westview Press, 1977.\n22. Fitzgerald, C. P. , China and Southeast Asia Since 1945, Hong Kong: Dai Nippon Printing Co, 1973.\n23. Tajima , Takshi . China and South-east Asia: Strategic and Policy Prospects, London: International Institute For Strategic Studies, 1981.\n24. Mozingo, David, Chinese Policy Toward Indonesia, 1919–1967, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1970.\n25. Mozingo, D. P. , Sino-Indonesian Relation: An Overview loop-1965, USA: The RAND Corporation, 1965.\n26. Coppel, Charles A. , Indonesian Chinese In Crisis, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.\n27. Wu, Yuan-Li, The Strategic Land Ridge, Peking`s Relations With Thailand, Malaysia , Singapore and Indonesia, Hoover Institution Press, 1975.\n28. Gurtor, Melvin, China and Southeast Asia–The Politics of Survival : A Study of Foreign Policy Interaction, Balt im Ore and London: The John Hopkings University Press, 1971.\n29. Ness, Peter Wan, Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy, USA: University of California Press, 1973.\n30. Camilleri, Chinese Foreign Policy The Maoist Era and Its Aftermath, Southampton and London: Richard Clay Ltd. 1980.\n二、Articles :\n1. Range, Willard, "Sukarnoism: An Interpretation" ORBIS, Vol. X, No2, (Summer 1966), P. 495.\n2. Taylor, Carl, "Indonesian Views of China." Asian Survey Vol. III, No. 3 (March 1963), PP. 171-172.\n3. Van Der Krolef, Justus M. "Indonesia, Malaya, And The North Borner Crisis" Asian Survey Vol. III, No. 4, (April, 1963), P.173.\n4. Hindley, Donald, "Indonesia`s Confrontation With Malaysia: A Search for Motives" Asian Survey Vol. IV, No. 6, (June 1961), P. 910.\n5. Pauker, EWA T., "Has The Sukarno Regime Weakened The PKI?" Asian Survey, Vol. IV. No.9, (September 1964), PP.1058-1059.\n6. Pauker, EWA T., "Indonesia. In 1964: Toward A "People`s Democracy"?" Asian Survey, Vol. V. No. 2, (February 1965), P. 88.\n7. Van der Kroef, Justus M. "Indonesian Communism`s Revolutionary Gymmastics" Asian Survey Vol. W. No. 5, (May 1965), PP. 217-230.\n8. Keyfitz Nathan, "Indonesian Population and the European" Asian Survey, Vol. V. No. 10, (October 1965), PP.504-507.\n9. Derkach, Nadia. "The Soviet Policy Towards Indonesia In The West Irian And The Malaysian Disputes" Asian Survey Vol. V. No. 11, (Novermber 1965), P.568.\n10. Lev. Daniel S, "Indonesia 1965: The Year of The Coup" Asian Survy Vol. VI, No. 2, (February 1966) P.101.
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資料類型: thesis
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