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題名: 大專畢業生在公共部門與民間部門就業偏好之選擇 : 受限應變數聯立方程模型之應用
作者: 張麗姬
貢獻者: 單驥
日期: 1986
上傳時間: 5-May-2016
參考文獻: 參考文獻\n(1)林荔華、單驥,「大專畢業青年就業分析」,經濟前膽,No.1,中華民國75年1月10日,中華經濟研究院出版。\n(2) Amemiya , T. "Bivariate Probit Ana1ysis: Minimum Chi-Square Methods" Journal of the American Statistial Association 69,1974, pp.940-4.\n(3) Arnemiya, T." Bivariate Probit Analysis: Minimum Chi-Square Methods" Journal of the American Statistial Association 69,1974, pp.940-4.\n(4) Amemiya,T." Qualitative Response Models: A Survey." Journal of Economic Literature\n19(4), 1981, pp.483-536.\n(5) Goldberger, A. S. Econometric Theory; 1964 New York: Wiley.\n(6) Goldberger, A.S. "Linear Regression After Selection. " Journal of Econometrics 15, 1981, pp. 35 7-66.\n(7) Goldfeld , S. M. and R. E. Quandt, " The Estimation of Structural Shifts by Switching Regressions. "Annals of Economic and Social Measurement 2, 1973, pp. 475-85.\n(8) Goldfeld, S.M. and R.E .Quandt, "Estimation in a Disequilibrium Model and the Value\nof Information: Journal of Econometrics 3(3), 1975, pp,325-48.\n(9) Gronau, R. " Wage Comparisons -A Selectivity Bias." Journal of Political Economy 82,\n1974, pp,1119-43.\n(10) Heckman, J. " Shadow Prices, Market Wages, and Labor Supply, " Econometrica 42. 1974, pp,679-94.\n(11) Heckman, J. Dummy Exogenous Variables In a Simultaneous Equation System. " Econometrica 46,1978. pp. 931-59.\n(12) Heckman, J. " Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error." Econometrica 47, 1979, pp. 153-61.\n(13) Johnson, N.L. and S. Kotz. Distributions in statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions, 1972, pp.81-3. New York: Wiley.\n(14) Kenny, L. W., L.F, Lee, G.S. Maddala, and Trost." Returns to College Education An\nInvestigation of Self-Selection Bias Based on the Project Talent Data." International Economic Review 20(3), 1979, pp.775-89.\n(15) Lee, L.F. "Estimation of Limited Dependent Variable Models by Two-stage Methods." ph. D. disseration. University of Rochester., 1976\n(16) Lee, L.F. "Unionism and Wage Rates: A Simultaneous Equation Model with Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables." International Economic Review 19,1978. pp. 415-33.\n(17) Lee, L.F. " Identification and Estimation In Binary Choice Models with Limited(Censored) Dependent Variables. " Econometrica 47, 1979.\npp.977-96.\n(18) Lee, L. F. " Some Approaches to the Correction of Selectivity Bias." Review of Economic Studies 49, 1982, pp.355-72.\n(19) Lee, L. F." Generalized Econometric Modis with Selectivity." Econometrica 51, 1983,\npp. 507-12.\n(20) Lee, L.F., G.S. Maddala, and R.P. Trost, " Asympototic Covariance Matrics of Twostage Probit and Two-stage Tobit Models for Simultaneous Equations Model with\nSelectivitY." Econometrica 48,1980, pp.491-503.\n(21) Lee, L. F., and R.P. Trost, " Estimation of Some Limited Dependent Variable Models with Applications to Housing Demand." Journal of Econometrics 8,1978, pp.357-82.\n(22) Lewis, H.G." Comments on Selectivity Bias in Wage Comparisons." Journal of political Economy 82(6), 1974, pp.1145-55.\n(23) Maddala, G.S. Limited- dependent and Qualitative Variables 1n Econometrics, 1983, Cambridge University press.\n(24) Maddala, G. S., and F. Nelson. "Maximum Likelihood Methods for Markets in Disequilibrium." Econometrica 42,1974, pp.1013-30 .\n(25) Nelson, F.D. "Estimation of Economic Relationships with Censored, Truncated and\nLimited Dependent Variables." ph. D. dissertation. University of Rochester. 1975.\n(26) Quandt, R.E. "A New Approach to Estimating Switching Regressions." Journal of the\nAmerican Statistical Assqciation 67, 1972, pp.306-10.\n(27) Roy , A. D. " Some Thoughts on the Distribution of Earnings. " Oxford Economic\nPapers 3, 1951, pp.135-46.\n(28) Tobin, J. " Estimtion of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables." Econometrica 26.1958, pp.24-36.\n(29) Trost, R. P." Demand for Housing : A Mode1 Based on Interrelated Choices Between\nOwning and Renting. " Vnpublished ph. D. dissertation. University of Flrida., 1977.\n(30) Willis, R., ands. Rosen" Education and Self-Selection. "Journal of Political Economy\n87(5, part 2), 1979, pp.507-36 .
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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