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dc.description.abstractThe study was based on narrative research approach exploring the females’s psychological process of an unmarried adult female who had more than one lover at the same time. According to the research and practical experience, some people, especially the females who had more than one lover at the same time would experience a lot of negative feelings. The participator Diane was introduced by a friend based on purposive sampling. After interviewing and interpreting the story, there are some important stories under what she had said. Although she looked like optimistic and didn’t care about external pressure, in fact, she wanted to be accepted and worried about the social judgment. Therefore, she told about her story carefully, and explained her behavior again and again. Besides, she regulated her self-image all the time when she falling in love with two men. Not only influencing the narration in the interview, the negative social judgment also played a key person from the beginning. It was internalized by the female who had more than one lover at the same time, and oppressed her through stigmatization. “This is not a story talking about unfaith; this is a story talking about a person who seek to be accepted, be permitted to survive under the struggle between the self-image and the need of love.”\r\nFinally, there were some discussion about the phenomenon that a person had more than one lover at the same time and some suggestions to the researchers and counselors.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 5\r\n第一節、 研究動機與目的 5\r\n第二節、 研究者立場 8\r\n第三節、 研究問題 10\r\n第四節、 名詞界定 11\r\n第二章 文獻探討 12\r\n第一節、 未婚多重戀情與已婚外遇之現況 12\r\n第二節、 未婚多重戀情的研究 15\r\n第三節、 婚後外遇的內涵 18\r\n第四節、 評價的性別差異 27\r\n第五節、 總結 29\r\n第三章 研究方法 32\r\n第一節、 研究的理論觀點 32\r\n第二節、 研究參與人員 36\r\n第三節、 資料收集方式與研究工具 42\r\n第四節、 研究程序 48\r\n第五節、 分析方法 52\r\n第六節、 研究檢覆 59\r\n第四章 故事底下,還有故事 62\r\n第五章 分析與詮釋:重新看故事 73\r\n第一節、 覺醒:研究者的自我覺察 73\r\n第二節、 拼圖:詮釋與分析 76\r\n第六章 下一次的故事 90\r\n第一節、 分析與詮釋的歷程 90\r\n第二節、 反思與討論 91\r\n第三節、 如何進行質性研究 96\r\n第四節、 身為諮商員的反思 98\r\n第五節、 終章~緩緩起飛 101\r\n參考文獻 103\r\n附錄 108\r\n\r\n表目次\r\n \r\n表 二 1未婚多重戀情與婚後外遇的統計數據整理 12\r\n表 二 2婚外情現象的性別差異 21\r\n表 二 3婚外情的性別差異整理表 29\r\n表 三 1文本呈現的字體與代表意義 58\r\n表 六 1婚後與未婚之多重戀情發展階段對照表 95\r\n \r\n \r\n圖目次\r\n\r\n \r\n圖 二 1外遇的吸力與推力(資料來源:簡春安,民80,p.62) 19\r\n圖 三 1研究程序圖 51\r\n圖 三 2研究過程中的再呈現層級 53\r\n圖 五 1自我在多重戀情狀態中拉扯的歷程 83zh_TW
dc.subjectnarrative researchen_US
dc.subjectsocial judgmenten_US
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