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dc.description.abstractIn case of family separation, some Taiwanese entrepreneurs have migrated to China so that their children would have various opportunities of intergroup contact and experience in diversity kinds of school. For instance, “Taiwan businessman’s schools”, “Classes for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan”, “International schools”, and “Local Schools”. Would these varied environments affect their identities? If the answer is “yes”, then what the effect is and how it works?\n\nThis thesis indicates that, indeed, whether the children contact the locals deeper or not which is due to their parents’ decision. If the children lack for such chances to contact the locals, they would identify themselves as Taiwanese. Since the children’s local cognition has been only affected by superficial observation, it produces or strengthens their prejudice toward the locals. While the children are in a “Melting Pot” but not feel happy with their peers; hence, they tend to have Taiwanese identities and it is not impossible to have Chinese identities simultaneously in the future. As for the children who have local acquaintances certainly have Chinese identities more than those illustrated above. However, it does not mean that they would definitely forsake their Taiwanese identities in stead of a new one. In fact, they may discard ethnic and use other standards as means of their identity options such as life styles and tastes.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 導論 4\n第一節 研究背景 \n第二節 研究目的\n第三節 研究架構及假說\n第四節 研究範圍與研究方法\n \n第二章 文獻回顧 10\n第一節 認同起源之爭論:原生論或工具論?\n第二節 認同的變化:政治社會化與再社會化\n第三節 認同變化的模式:社會標籤或社會接觸?\n第四節 全球背景下的兩岸:連綴社群與多元認同\n \n第三章 與當地隔絕的學校環境:台商學校及港澳台班 16\n第一節 父母影響\n第二節 對兩地觀感:淺層接觸增加反感\n第三節 社交網絡:台灣人封閉網絡\n第四節 生涯規劃:原鄉與功利混合\n第五節 小結 \n第四章 與當地連結的學校環境:\n當地學校及國際學校 \n第一節 父母影響\n第二節 對兩地觀感:深層接觸全面瞭解\n第三節 社交網絡:漸入當地半開網絡\n第四節 生涯規劃:因熟悉而留居當地\n第五節 小結\n \n第五章 結論 63\n\n參考文獻 67\n\n附錄一 訪談綱要 69\n附錄二 訪談案例 70zh_TW
dc.subjectTaiwanese Entrepreneurs` Following Generationen_US
dc.subjectIntergroup Contacten_US
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