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題名: 吟遊、尋渡與參化 – Michel Serres 教育哲學思想之研究
作者: 許宏儒
貢獻者: 馮朝霖
關鍵詞: 吟遊
Michel Serres
Seeking Passage
日期: 2009
上傳時間: 9-May-2016
摘要: 本論文旨在分析法國法蘭西研究院院士Michel Serres的思想及其在教育上的啟思。Michel Serres是一名著名的法國哲學家,但是在台灣他還是一名較不為人所熟知的學者。然而經過本論文對於其思想進行研究,發現其理論有許多重要的教育哲學思想。因此,本論文首先便由Serres的法文原著,探究他的理論定位及其思維特色。而後,本論文以「吟遊、尋渡與參化」之三向度作為分析的軸心,來探討Serres的理論在教育上的重要涵意:在吟遊的層面上,吟遊當中的旅程、漂流、孤獨、暴露、受苦、節制、愛、與創造等概念,蘊含的是Serres的教育人類學的想像;在尋渡的層面上,由於吟遊者在漂流中去執、受苦、節制、愛與創造,因此他將不斷轉化自身,也將不斷地在知識與知識之間,以及人於人之間尋找交融之渡,這蘊含的是Serres的教育倫理學的想像;而在參化的層面上,除了投入人群,吟遊者將轉化自身,投入自然以及萬事萬物之中,與人、與自然以及萬事萬物相互參化,這蘊含的是Serres的教育美學的想像。「吟遊、尋渡與參化」,這三者就是Serres對於「教育」這一概念的開展與想像。
This study is to investigate the thought and implication for education of Michel Serres, a distinct member of L`Académie française. Michel Serres is a famous philosopher, but he is not well-known in Taiwan. Through examining Serres’s thought, we can find many inspiring ideas of educational philosophy. In the first part of this dissertation, it will focus on Serres’s original French texts in order to explore the orientation and the characteristic of his theories. Secondly, this dissertation will discuss the critical three axes of Serres’s theories: ‘Troubadour, Seeking Passage and Co-evolution.’ Troubadour entails the ideas of voyage, érrance (wanderings), solitude, expose to, suffering, temperance, love, and creation. These concepts imply the image of Serres’s educational anthropology. Seeking passage indicates the self-detachment, suffering, temperance, love, and creation of Troubadour. Because of érrance, Troubadour will never stop self-transforming and will constantly searching for the passages among different knowledge as well as the passages among people. This implies the image of Serres’s educational ethics. Co-evolution represents Troubadour’s engagement not only in human beings but also in nature and in all things on earth because of his self-transformation. The troubadour eagerly engages himself in the co-evolution with other human beings, nature and all things on earth. This implies the image of Serres’s educational esthetics. The ideas of ‘Troubadour, Seeking Passage and Co-evolution’ are the keystones of Serres’s discourses and images on education.
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