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題名: 生產方式和消費形態辯證互動的全球化趨勢
其他題名: Globalization under the Dialectical Interactions between the Changing Ways of Production and Consumption
作者: 徐振國
Hsu, Chen-Kuo
關鍵詞: 全球化; 辯證; 福特主義; 消費主義; 後工業社會
globalization; dialectic; Fordism; consumerism; post-industrial society
日期: 三月-2009
上傳時間: 9-五月-2016
摘要: 全球化是後冷戰時代的重要學術課題,是一個多重論述的辯證場域,包羅了政治、軍事、財經、生產、消費、文化、宗教等基本力量的交錯和交融,而不同時代有其不同的論述主軸。基於此,本文首先要介紹辯證概念以及全球化中原本蘊含的辯證特性。然後,本文要討論幾 個相互關連的辯證過程。其中先從現代生產方式的演變中來透視福特生產方式的形成,指出福特主義中原來就包涵了大眾消費的擴展。其後從消費的實踐到消費主義的理論提升是另外一個重要的辯證環節,由此可以看到資本主義藉品味和風格的主導來達到產銷一體的規劃, 凸顯了服務業的重要性。在此轉折過程中,日本製造業以其本身的文化背景而有獨特之表現,豐田生產體系尤其成為後福特主義的典型代表,由此證明非西方國家具有後來居上的潛能,為後工業主義增添了一些重要的實質內容。最後,當共產世界瓦解之際,全球化乍然呈現 之時,後福特主義和後工業社會等特性得以全面開展,「金磚四國」和「新興市場」挾其落後者的優勢而崛起。至此,全球化在歷史上和地緣上的辯證週期才獲得完整的呈現。就方法論的意義而言,本文試圖藉辯證思考將企業管理、歷史社會學、政治經濟學和國際政治經濟 學的觀點做一些初步的連接,希望有助於科際之間的互動和整合。
Globalization has become a major research topic in the post-Cold War period. In the aspect of methodology, globalization includes the nature of dialectical logic. Accordingly, this article will present the four connected dialectical dimensions. First, with regards to the background of second Industrial Revolution, it will discuss the emergence of the Fordist way of production and its political-economic impacts. Then, in lines with Fordism, it will discuss the promotion of the practice of mass consumption to the theory of consumerism, which would present a very different nature of capitalism in the sense of romantics and aesthetics. Then, it will take the Toyota production system as a typical case of post-Fordism to prove that a latedeveloped state can emulate advanced states via her own managerial characteristics. Finally, with regards to post-Fordism and post-industrialism, it will take into account the sharp increase of globalization with the emergence of BRICs and the newly industrializing markets. With dialectical thinking and narrative analysis, this article will try to integrate and connect several different perspectives - political economics, international political economy, developmental sociology and business management.
關聯: 問題與研究, 48(1), 1-31
Issues & studies
資料類型: article

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