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題名: 政策網絡中協力關係的成效:理論性的探討
其他題名: Performance Measurement in Collaboration of Policy Network:a Theory Perspective
作者: 朱鎮明
Chu, Cheng-Ming
關鍵詞: 政策網絡; 網絡管理; 協力關係; 績效評估; 績效管理
policy network; network management; partnership; collaboration; interagency
日期: 十二月-2005
上傳時間: 10-五月-2016
摘要: 伴隨著傳統官僚體制特性減弱、分割與變動的趨勢,政策網絡相對發揮在決策與服務傳輸上的重要性。網絡管理目前被視為最適宜處理複雜的社會與政治問題,因為網絡管理可以促進組織界線之外的各式各樣行為者、夥伴的溝通,網絡管理最重要的要素,就是協力關係。協力關係要注\\r意網絡基礎結構、管理構想與整合方案,希望透過擴大利害關係人的參與、安排適當的管理與互動方案,整合決策與執行所需要的關鍵資源與訊息,讓決策更成熟、讓各項服務需求不漏接。\\r本文希望透過文獻分析及個案研究來提供整體的觀點,以了解如何進行政策網絡與協力關係成效的評估與測量。網絡協力關係的評估與成效衡量,是以利害關係人為核心,探知利害關係人觀感與評價,這些利害關係人通常應該包括行政人員、服務提供者、代議士、媒體、社區團體,以及第三部門行為者。評鑑常用李克特量表,藉以察覺網絡互動效果,並認定可資改善的方向。本文也以當前的教師取消免稅政策為例,試行利害關係人的主觀成效評鑑。評鑑結果發現,攸關政策能否通過的教育部與教師團體,雙方各自需要彼此的接受或容忍,才能讓政策完成合法化。但目前不僅各自的配套方案缺乏共識,而後者對於教育部的政策規劃過程與結果滿意度也低,這或許能部份解釋目前所得稅法修正案尚無法通過立法院。
Modern societies have in recent decades seen a destabilization of the traditional governing mechanisms. The public administration field is in the midst of a theoretical and empirical upheaval concerning the role played by networks in the decision-making and delivery of public services. Networks and networking are viewed as ways of dealing with complex problems that beset both the state and society. In networks setting, program success requires collaboration with other parties over whom managers exercise little formal control. Network management has strong effects on the policy outcome through embracing the right kind of members, empowering members, integrating key information and resources. This article provide and overview for this special issue on the measurement of outcome of the policy network and collaboration. It discusses how measures of policy network and collaboration are being used, and shows how to improve policy outcomes through better partnership working between key stakeholders. Evaluation studies are multilevel including perspectives of administrators, providers, legislators, and the NPO sector actors. An collaboration that included Likert-type formatted questions can be used in both studies to identify interagency effectiveness and areas for improvement.
關聯: 公共行政學報, 17,113-158
Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
資料類型: article

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