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題名: 《夢溪筆談》〈象數〉門中的「象數」與「環中」--論沈括的命理觀與象數觀
其他題名: About symbolic-mathematics and the center of circle of the part of “Symbolic-mathematics” in Mengxi Bitan--Discussing destiny and symbolic-mathematics of Shen Gua
作者: 賴錫三
Lai, His-San
關鍵詞: 沈括; 夢溪筆談; 象數; 占卜; 環中
Shen Gua; Mengxi Bitan; Symbolic-mathematics; prophecy; the center of circle
日期: Dec-2008
上傳時間: 23-May-2016
摘要: 本文主要針對北宋博雅之士──沈括,其晚年的筆記之作《夢溪筆談》,尤其透過其中〈象數〉一門的分析討論,企圖將沈括的命理觀和象數觀給結晶出來。經由筆者的理解詮釋,基本上得到如下的結論:沈括對象數基本上是肯定的,尤其在曆算、五運六氣等科技推算範疇的運用上,象數有其價值,甚至更有精益求精的必要,只要對變化的細節考慮愈周延,那麼象數運用的精算與預告就可能愈接近。當然,象數的運用是有其限制的,尤其在面對命理範疇,沈括更強調的是占卜者心靈的寂然不動、感而遂通之直覺能力,所謂前知之神、神而通之;至於漢代以後那種象數圖式的系統命理推測方式,顯然落入了機械化的對應模式,難免膠著僵滯。最耐人尋味的是,沈括雖然在命理的立場上,肯定前知之神的神祕直覺,並批判象數圖式命測的固著,但,他並不執迷在占卜推算的命理層次,而主張生命仍然是可以超越吉凶禍福、超越象數、超越二元對立的分別和執取的。換言之,沈括做為一博雅的知識份子,乃能在命理推算與象數圖式之上,追尋一更根源的本體,來做為其安身立命的終極歸依,此即所謂太極、環中等超越象數的本體之境。至此,我們又看到沈括從儒釋道那裡,承繼了一種超越一般命理層次的人生哲理和智慧。
This article want to discuss the book of Mengxi Bitan which was writted by older Shen Gua who was a man of liberal intellect on North-Song dynasty. In order to disclose his asserts about destiny and Symbolic-mathematics, I will select and analyze the part of “Symbolic-mathematics”. After interpretation,I come to the conclusions basically: Shen Gua gave a affirmation to the Symbolic-mathematics,especially when people wanted to calculate something on technology.But there is a limited application,especially facing the category of destiny.For Shen Gua ,the most important thing on prophecy is a mystical intuition.Destiny can not be calculated, but it can be intuited by a man of insight.Fianally, Shen Gua did not rely and believe destiny totally because he gained the wise heritage from Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism.
關聯: 政大中文學報, 10, 121-144
Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature National Chengchi University
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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