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題名: 唐代成德軍節度使之分裂--安史亂後初期﹙781—789﹚河北中部軍政事形勢研究
其他題名: The Split of the Jiedushi of Chengde Jun:An Exam on the Political and Military Powers in the Central Hebei Area in the Early Years after the An-Shi Rebellion, 781-789 A.D.
作者: 張正田
Zhang, Zheng-tian
關鍵詞: 中晚唐; 藩鎮; 成德軍; 河北藩鎮; 安史之亂; 中央地方關係
Middle and Late Tang; Fanzhen; Hebei; Jiedushi of Chengde Jun
日期: Nov-2004
上傳時間: 2-Jun-2016
摘要: 唐代成德軍為安史亂後河北跋扈藩鎮之一。學界傳統上對河北藩鎮多作「一整體性」之研究。本文計畫以研究西元781年起之成德軍分裂事件,藉此探討河北內部各勢力,彼此間存在政治利害關係並相互政治利用、競合,故唐代河北問題,實也並非絕對是以往史家所觀察到的一整體性問題。本文計畫探索究竟是什麼原因促使成德軍分裂?又是什麼原因使分離出的易定、橫海兩小藩鎮日後會採取恭順於朝廷之政治立場,而不隨其他河北藩鎮般跋扈於朝廷?以上為以往史家常忽略之問題,本文冀能藉此研究,釐清此間歷史之真相。至於本文時間斷限,則始於西元781年成德軍第一任節度使李寶臣甫逝世,其下諸勢力彼此分裂開始,至西元789年朝廷正式設立滄景節度使為止。
Chengde Jiedushi(成德節度使) was one of the most powerful and rebellious governors after the An-Shi Rebellion(安史之亂) in the Tang Dynasty. Since most scholars have dealt with overall research, the author would like to examine specifically the split of the Chengde Jiedushi by dealing with the powers in the Hebei(河北) area, which inter-depended while competing each other for political advantages and brought with various effects. The author also would like to discuss the reasons why the Chengde Jiedushi split and why the two sub-cliques from the Chengde Jiedushi, Yiding(易定) and Henghai(横海),decided to obey the central government instead of following other powers against the throne. The article starts from 781AD, which began a series of split following the death of Li Baochen(李寶臣), the first governor of the Chengde Jiedushi, and ends up at 789AD, when the central government formally set up the Cangjing Governor(滄景).
關聯: 政治大學歷史學報, 22, 119-165
The Journal of History
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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