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題名: 當代中國大陸政府與宗教的關係
其他題名: State-Religious Relations in Contemporary Mainland China
作者: 賴洪毅
Lai, Hongyi
關鍵詞: 宗教; 國家與社會關係; 中國大陸; 壟斷體制; 寡頭分治體制
Religion; state-religion relations; civil society; China; political monopoly; political oligopoly
日期: Dec-2004
上傳時間: 8-Jun-2016
摘要: 本文解釋毛以後宗教運動與國家關係。國家與社會關係可粗分爲兩種:一是毛澤東後的中國大陸壟斷政體與社會的主導與被領導(或反抗主導)的關係,二是西方寡頭分治政體與社會的分治和競爭的關係。毛後政權對不同的宗教採取了不同策略,防止大規模、獨立和有組織的宗教團體對它統治社會的壟斷地位的形成嚴重挑戰,同時也避免過度地消耗資源。宗教的意識型態與組織力量的獨立性以及國家的相應政策,造成了中國大陸政府與多種宗教各不相同的關係。正式與合法的宗教組織與國家密切合作;分裂主義和非正統的教派則與國家發生高度激烈的對抗;非官方教會與政府經常産生衝突,也備受政府的限制;無組織的、地方化、分散性、不挑戰政權的民間宗教與國家的關係不太緊張,兩者大體相安無事。
This article examines state-religious relations in post-Mao China. It identifies two types of societal-state relations in the world - dominant-subordinate relations between a monopolistic polity and a reviving society in China; competitive and coexistent relations between an oligopolistic state and an autonomous society in the West. In China the state consciously tries to maintain its monopoly of social control without exhausting its resources. Formal religious associations representing the five large religions cooperate with the state, and these official religions co-exist peacefully with the state. Separatist, heretical and underground religions clash with the state and are often seriously undermined. Disorganized, localized, and non-assertive folk religions have a relatively non-hostile relation with the state and are free from systemic and frequent state suppression.
關聯: 中山人文社會期刊, 12(2),21-49
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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