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題名: 實習諮商心理師的工作壓力、自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為之關係
The relationship among work-stress, perception of self-care emphasis, and self-care behavior in counseling trainees.
作者: 洪育志
Hung, Yu Chih
貢獻者: 修慧蘭
Hsiu, Hui Lan
Hung, Yu Chih
關鍵詞: 實習諮商心理師
counseling interns
perception of self-care emphasis
self-care behaviors
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2016
摘要: 本研究主要目的為探討實習諮商心理師的工作壓力、自我照顧重視知覺及自我照顧行為之間的關係。諮商心理師是個工作壓力特殊的行業,需要自我照顧來調節自己的工作壓力及維持專業服務的品質,而實習生是此工作的新手,對於其自我照顧狀態更需被關注。然而國外文獻中指出心理師有自我照顧不足的趨勢,在這樣的長期工作壓力及照顧不足的狀況下,容易令其陷入耗竭、同理疲乏等損傷的狀況。研究者認為若要增加諮商心理師的自我照顧能力或行為,在學習階段將自我照顧的概念或行為放入教育單位或實習單位的訓練中,讓實習諮商心理師知覺到其對自我照顧是重視的,應有助於諮商心理師執行自我照顧行為,此種知覺重視度的概念,稱為自我照顧重視知覺。然而國外的研究報告指出教育單位或實習單位並沒有積極提供自我照顧的相關課程或訓練,國內亦沒有探討實習諮商心理師知覺教育訓練單位對於自我照顧重視度的研究,且有關實習生的自我照顧研究亦不多,因此本研究欲探討此主題。研究者以問卷調查方式收集國內143位全職實習諮商心理師的資料,進一步以差異分析、相關分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法來了解其現況及工作壓力、自我照顧重視知覺及自我照顧行為三者間的變項關係。\n 本研究結果指出:1.實習諮商心理師在實習期間有低程度的工作壓力,其中較高的是「專業角色壓力」以及「與督導有關的壓力」,而自我照顧重視知覺及自我照顧行為也皆為中等程度。2.實習於大專院校的實習諮商心理師,工作壓力顯著高於在高中/職及醫療院所實習的實習諮商心理師;另外大學畢業於心理相關科系及非相關科系的實習諮商心理師,其工作壓力顯著高於大學畢業於心理諮商本科系的實習諮商心理師。3.實習諮商心理師的工作壓力與自我照顧重視知覺之間達顯著低度負相關,工作壓力與自我照顧行為達顯著低度負相關,自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為達顯著中度正相關。4.工作壓力在自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為關係中具調節效果。研究者根據上述研究結果進行討論並對實務及未來研究提出建議。
This study examined the relation between work-stress, perceptions of self-care emphasis, and self-care behavior among a convenience sample of 143 counseling psychology graduate students. Specifically, this study proposed that there would be a relation between graduate trainee’s perceptions of self-care emphasis and graduate trainee’s self-care behavior and that this relation would be modified by work-stress of the graduate trainee. A non-experimental designed examined the linear relations among the 3 variables, which were assessed by two measures modified by the authors (work-stress scale of陳俊任 (2012) and perceptions of self-care emphasis questionnaire of Goncher, Sherman, Barnett, & Haskins (2013)) and the self-care behavior scale of張吟慈 (2008). \nResults of this study showed that (1) graduate trainees had low level work-stress , moderate level perception of self-care emphasis , and moderate level self-care behaviors during internship , (2) The work-stress of graduate trainee intern in colleges is greater than in high school and in the hospital, and the work-stress of graduate trainees graduated from the department of non-psychology is greater than from the department of psychology , (3) there was a low level significant negative relation between work-stress and perceptions of self-care emphasis positive, a low level significant negative relation between work-stress and self-care behaviors, and a moderate level significant positive relation between perceptions of self-care emphasis and self-care behaviors, (4) The test for modification as outlined by Baron and Kenny (1986) demonstrated support by the survey data as perceptions of self-care emphasis was a positive predictor of self-care behaviors and that this relation was modified by work-stress. Implications for training programs are addressed, and recommendations for individual and systemic changes to promote a culture of self-care within graduate training in professional psychology are provided that should be helpful for promoting enhanced self-care behavior among psychology graduate students.
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