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題名: 以虛擬代言人創作環境議題平面廣告(以迪士尼為例)
A Creation of Environmental Issues Print Ads with Spokes-Characters--The Case of Disney
作者: 郭紹靖
Quek, Shao Chin
貢獻者: 賴建都
Lai, Chien Tu
Quek, Shao Chin
關鍵詞: 環境議題
Environmental Issues
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 11-Jul-2016
摘要: 人類日常活動造就了今日各種環境議題已經是無可否認的事實,然而生活在繁華都市裡的人因為接觸不到一望無際的垃圾山/海、感受不到斷糧的危機、體會不到缺水的絕望等環境議題,所以對環境議題沒有太大的危機感,即使聽過環境議題,也仍舊抱持著充耳不聞的鴕鳥心態。但環境議題不像單純的政治、宗教或社會議題能讓人自由選擇立場或是沒有立場,而是一個嚴肅的道德議題,只要有份消耗自然資源就必須負上保護環境的責任。\n\n 法國社會及哲學家布希亞曾說了一句很準確的話:“在當今社會裡,我們都是被別人給提醒的(we were made aware of)”。因此對理解環境議題的人來說,除了身體力行從生活中做環保之外,讓更多人了解這些岌岌可危的環境議題變成了最重要的事。在今天,許多意識到環境保護重要性的名人不遺餘力地為環境發聲,甚至身體力行投入環保產業,成為了極具影響力的環境代言人。\n\n 在環境代言人出現的同時,卻鮮少看過由虛擬人物為環境代言的案例,因此本創作決定以虛擬代言人的方式來創作環境議題平面廣告,透過迪士尼的明星光環發揮類似名人代言的廣告效果。在創作發表結果中不難看出,以迪士尼為環境代言人的創作方式確實吸引了受眾的目光,進而影響受眾對環境議題的態度及行為,皆達到了廣告代言人效果及創作目的。
There is no denying that human activities have caused environmental issues. However, living an urban life have made people unware of such environmental issues as the garbage mountains/oceans, the hunger from food shortage, and the despair of dry seasons, etc. Therefore they have no sense of crisis about these issues. People heard of those terms but they still bury their heads in the sand. Different from political, religious or social issues, environmental issues are more like serious ethical issues, which allow none to either choose a stance or stay neutral. Those who have depleted the natural resources are responsible to protect the environment.\n\nBaudrillard, a French sociologist and a philosopher, said: “we were made aware of”. To the people who care about environment, helping more people understand the severity of environmental issues becomes the most important thing. Therefore, a lot of celebrities who are aware of the importance of environmental protection spare no effort to promote environmental issues, even engaging themselves in the environmental protection industry. They have become influential spokespersons of the environment.\n\nHowever, we’ve rarely seen the cases of fictional characters being used in the environment endorsement. So the idea of combining environmental issues with spokes-characters is born. These Print Ads creations will use Disney’s characters to achieve the effect of spokespersons. The exhibition have shown the creation successfully attracted audience attention, affecting both their attitudes and behaviors to environmental issues. The results have reached the effect of spokespersons and purpose of the creation.
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