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題名: 人力錄取管道與組織承諾及工作滿意度相關性之分析:以臺北市區公所為例
Analysis of Correlation between Recruiting Channels, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Taipei District Offices
作者: 黃錦盛
貢獻者: 蘇偉業
關鍵詞: 進用管道
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 21-Jul-2016
摘要: 近年,員工離職率在臺北市政府各類機關當中,區公所名列第三名。為補足人力,區公所乃以三種不同進用管道(高普初考、地方特考、外補商調)來解決用人上的窘境。為防止考試錄取人員分發後頻繁的轉調,造成機關用人困難,考選部乃設計限制轉調機制(即俗稱綁約)。目前高普初考試綁約3年,地方特考綁約6年,對機關組織來說,不同來源的人力錄取管道,其在組織上所呈現之行為影響,究竟會帶來什麼樣的效果,即為為本研究主要探究的面向。\n  本研究試圖探討上述三種不同進用管道與組織承諾及工作滿意度之間的關係,透過目前相關文獻的分析,及採用問卷調查法,針對臺北市12個區公所的非主管人員進行調查,歸納出研究結果並提出相關建議,供未來政策修訂及後續研究之參考。\n  本研究發現,外補商調人員在組織承諾及工作滿意度皆顯著高於考試分發人員,而考試分發人員不論綁約期滿與否,組織承諾與工作滿意度皆沒有顯著差異,這表示綁約並不能強化錄取者的組織承諾及工作滿意。此外,縱然地方特考錄取者之轉調限制較長,但這些錄取者多傾向持續報考綁約較短之高普初考試,以脫離綁約較長的束縛,故地方特考留才意義不大。\n  故本研究建議將高普初考及地方特考之限制轉調年限及限制內容調整成一致,以減少考生錄取後再報考綁約較少的高普考試,及頻繁的跳槽更換機關。亦建議改進考試的分發制度,以遴選代替分發,使考生及用人機關能各取其需要。而對於年齡稍長者善用激勵方式,賦予重任開創雙贏局面。\n\n關鍵字:進用管道、組織承諾、工作滿意度、限制轉調、綁約
Recently, the turnover rate of the district offices were ranked as third among all kinds of agencies under Taipei City Government. To solve the recruitment problems, there are three recruiting channels available for the district offices (i.e., general civil service examinations, special examination for local governments, and interagency transfer). To prevent the recruits from transferring to other agencies right after the assumption of their new positions, the Ministry of Examination imposes transfer restrictions on all new recruits (so-called employment contract). The restriction for those recruits from the general examinations is three years; the restriction for those recruits from the special examination for local governments is for six years. \nThis study aims to examine the correlation between the three recruiting channels, and organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Through reviewing the literature concerned and a questionnaire survey of the rank-and-file staff of 12 district offices in Taipei City, this study attempts to find the answers and offers suggestions to serve as the reference for policymaking and future studies.\nAccording to the findings, the staff recruited from other agencies (i.e., interagency transfer) has higher level of organizational commitment and job satisfaction than the new recruits from examinations. And no matter whether the transfer restriction expires or not, the recruits from all examinations show no significant difference in terms of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This could be interpreted that organizational commitment and job satisfaction cannot be enhanced by the restriction. Moreover, most of the recruits from special examination for local governments who are subject to a six-year transfer restriction tend to take general civil service examinations in order to get rid of a longer restriction. Therefore, the special examination for local governments may not be an effective way to retain the workforce. \nBased on the findings, the study suggests that the same transfer restriction should be applied to the recruits from the general examinations and special examination for local governments, by which the new recruit would less likely to take the general examinations and thus the frequency of staff transfer can be reduced. In addition, the study further suggests modifying the job assignment system. By replacing assignment with selection, the needs of both examinees and agencies may be mutually satisfied. Furthermore, to make a win-win situation, government agencies may motivate senior staff by assigning them important tasks.\nKey words: recruiting channel, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, transfer restrictions, employment contract
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資料類型: thesis
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