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題名 社會保險之所得重分配效果初探
作者 林嬌能
貢獻者 鄭文輝
關鍵詞 社會保險
日期 1992
上傳時間 2-五月-2016 15:18:18 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 一、中文部份
5 李明,(民69),社會保險年金給付之經濟效果分,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
6吳凱勳,(民81 ),我國社會保險制度現況分析及整合問題,行政院發展考核委員會.
7 胡鴻增譯,(民64),瑞典的社會福祉,台灣商務印書館.
9 黃正源(民77),從政策分析觀點析論美國社會安全制度的演進過程,社會發展季刊,45,P41-48.
19 簡立忠,(民76),我國社會保險之財源籌措,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
2 1.蘇文麒,(民75),社會福利支出與財源之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
22戴西君,(民78 ),我國社會福利財政之研究,中山社會科學4:3. P93-116.
23. 行政院衛生署,(民78 ),衛生統計

1. Aaron, H. T. (1966), "The Social Insurance Paradox", Journal of economics and Political Science, 32, p371-376
2. Annual Abstract of Statistic, 1988
3. Arrow, L. J. (1963),"Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care", American Economic Review, 53, p941-973
4. Beveridge, S. W. (1942),"Social Insurance and Allied Services", Report by Sir Willian Beveridge, HMSO.
5. Bondar, J. (1990) "Effects of Social-Security Benefit Increase, December 1989", Social Security Bulletin, 53, p14-18
6. Bowles, S. (1972),"Schooling and Equality from Generation to Generation" Journal of Political Economy, Ps219-s251
7. Browning, E. K (1973).,"social Insurance and Intergenerational Transfers", Journal of Law and Economics, P215-216
8. Bull, D. & P. wilding (1985) Thatcherism and The Poor London
9. Campbell, C. D., ed (1977), Income Redistribution, Washington, D. C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Rensearch
10. Castellino, O. (1971), "Income Redistribution through Old-age Pensions: Problems of its Definition and Measurement"25(3), P457 -471
11. Central Statistical Office (1982),"The Effects of Taxes and Benefits on Household Income In 1981", Economic Trends (december), p94-126

12. Cheng, Peter Wen-hui (1987), Financing Social Insurance in Taiwan. Conference on Economic Edvelopment and social Welfare in Taiwan January 6-8, 1987
13 Council for Economic Planning and Development (1990), Taiwan Statistical Data book, Republic of Chia
14. Creedy, J. & Disney, R. (1985), Social Insurance in Transition. Oxford, Clarendon Press
15. Culyer, A. J. (1980) The Political Economy of Social Policy , Oxford: Martin robertsonCullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. (l983) "The Welfarte State and Private Alternatives: Towards and Wxistemce Proof", Scottish Journal of Political Eonomy, 31, p97 -113
16 Cullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. (1983), "The Welfarte State and Private Alternatives: Towards and Wxistemce Proof", Scottish Journal of Political Eonomy, 31 ,p97 -113
17. Cutright, P. (1987), "Goss Sectional and Longitudinal Models of 1977 National Social Insurance Expenditures", Sociaological Focus, 20, p295 -307
18. Deran, E. (1966),"Income redistribution under the Social Security System", National Tax Journal, 19, p276 -85
19. Dryzele, J. &Goodin, R. E.(1986),"The Motivational Foundations of the Post-war Welfare State", British Journal of Political Science, 16, p1-34
20 Gilbert, B. B. (1965), "the British National Insurance Act of 1911 and the Commercial Insurance Lobby", Journal of British Studies, 4 (2), P60-66
21 Gillespie, W.I. & Lubelle (1978)," A Pro-poop or Pro-Rich Redistribution of Income", national Tax Journal, 31, p185-9
22. Gillespie, W. I. (1976), "On the Redistribution of Income Canada", Canadian Tax Journal, 24, p419-50
23 Gooby, Peter Taylor (1989), "Welfare, Hierarchy and the "New Right`: The Impact of social Policy Changes in Britain, 1979 -1989" International sociology4. p43 1 -446
24. Gough, I. (1979) The Political Economy of the Welfare State London: Macmillan
25. Grand, J. L. (1978), "The Distribution of Public Expenditure: The Case of Health Care", Economica, 45, p125-142
26. Grand, J. L. (1982), The Strategy of Equality_, London: George Allen & Unwin
27 Hemming, R. (1984), Poverty & lncentives: The Economics of Social Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press
28 Hochman, H. M. and James D. Rogers (1969), "Pareto Optimal Redistribution", American Economic Review 59, p
29. Hochman, H. M.&George E. Peterson, ed (1974 ), Redistribution Through Public Choice, New Your & Londom: columbia University Press
30 Hutchens, R. (1981) "Distributional Equity in the Unemployment Insurance System", Industrial and Labour Relation Review 34, p377-85
31 Hu, s. C. (1982), "Social Security, Majority-voting Equilibrium and dynamic Efficiency" International Economic Review, 23, p269 -87
32 Kohler, P. A. &Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881-1981, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
33 .Lind beck, A. (1983) "Interpreting Income Distribution in a Welfare State: the Case of Sweden", European Economic Review, 22, p227 -256
34 Loney, M., David boswell and John Clarke (3irded) (1988), Social Policy & Social Welfare, Milton Keynes Philadelphia : Open University Press
35 Maurer, A., (1982), Switzerland (p404-406). In Kőhler, P. A. & Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881 -1981 ,Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
36 McGuire, T. F. (1981), "National Health Insurance for Prvate Psychiatric Care: A Study in Distribution of Incoome", Public Finance Quarterly, 9. p183-196
37. Meltzer, A.H. & Richard, s. F.. (1981), "A Rational Theory of the Size of Government", Journal of Political Economy, 33, P914-27
38. Meltzer, A.H. & Richard, s. F .. (1983),"Tests of a Rational Theory of the Size of Government", Public choice, 41 , P403 -18
39 Mitchell, B.. M. and Schwartz, W. B. (1976), "Strategies for Financing National Health Insurance: Who Wins and Who Loses", New England Journal of Medicine, 295mp866-871
40 Muller, D. C. (1987), Public Choice II, Cambridge University Press
41 Nolan, B. (1987),Income Distribtuion and the Macroeconomy, New Your: Cambridge University Press
42 Ogus, A. D., (1982), Great Britain (p166-186).In Kőhler, P. A. & Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881-1981, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
43 Olson, Mancur (1983), "A Less Ideological Way of Deciding How Much Should be Given to the Poor", Daedelus,, 112, p214-236
44 Orr, L. L., (1976), "Income Transfers as a Public good: An Application to AFDC", American Economic Review, 66, P359-371
45 Ozawa, M. N. (1976), "Income Redistribution and Social Security", Social Service Review, 50, p209-223
46. Peacock, A. T. (1977), Public Finance and Stabilization Policy, Amsterdam: North Holland
47. Peacock, Q. T. and Shannon, J. R. (1968) "The Welfare State and the Redistrbution Income", Westminster Bank Review, august, p30-46
48 Pechman, J. A. & Aaron, H. J. & Michaelk. T., Social Security, Washington, D. C., The Brooking Institution
49. Peltzman, S., (1980), "The Growth of Government", Journal of Law and Economics 23, p209-287

50 Plotnick, R, (1984) A comparison of measures of horizontal inequity using alternative meaures of well-being, Discussion Paper 752-84, Institute for Reasearch on Poverty, madison, wisconsin
51. Rejds, G. e. (1976), Social Insurance and Economic Security, Englewood Ciffs, New Jersey: PRENTICE-HALL; INC
52. Reynolds, M. (1977), Public Expenditures, Taxes, and the Distribution of Income, London: Academic Press, INC.
53 Sandmo, A. (1991), "Economists & The Welfare State", European Economic Review, 35, p213-239
54. Schulenburg, J. M. g .v. d. (1989), "The West German Health Care Financing and Delivery system: Its Experiences and Lessons for Other Nations", Preliminary Version
55 Schulz, J. H., ed (1985), The Economics of Aging., Wadsworth Publishing Co.
56 Simanis, J. g. (1990), "National Expenditure on Social-security and Health in Selected Sountries", Social Security Bulletin, 53, p12-16
57 Stiålhlberg, A. C. (1987),"Lifetime redistribution of social Insurance in SWEDEN: Intra and intergenerational effects", The Swedish Institute for social Research
58 Ståhlberg, A. C. (1986), "Social Welfare Policy-Nothing but Insurance?", the Swedish institute for Social Research
59 Smith, A. (1982), "Intergenerational Transfers As Social Insurance ", Journal of Public Economics 19, P97-106
60 The General Household Survey-Introductory Report (1973) Londom: HMNO
61. Tollison, R. D. & richard E. Wagner (1991), "Self-interest, Public interest, and Public health" Public choice 69 P323-343
62. Tullock, G. (1983), Economics Redistribution,, Bostom: Kluwer-Nijhoff of Income
63 U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Office of Policy, Office of Rosearch, Statistics, and International Policy ,(1986), "Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security"
64 Varian, H.R. (1980), "Redistributive Taxation as Social Insurance", Journal of Public Economics, 14, p49-69
65 Verbon, H. A. A. (1985), "On the Independence of Financing Methods and Redistributive Aspects of Public Pension Plans", Public Finance, 40, p280-290
66. Walker, A., W. Winyard & C. Pond (1985), p23-24). conservative Economic Policy: The Social Consepuences. In D. bull and P. wilding(ed)., Thatcherism and the Poor Loondon
67 Weale, A. (l990), "Equality,social Solidarity, and the WeIfare-State", Ethics, 100, p473 -488
O’Higgins, M. & G. Schmaus & G. Stephenson (1990), Income Distribution and Redistribution: A Microdata A nalysis for Seven countries. In T. M. Smeeding M.
O’Higgins & L. Rainwater (ed) Poverty. Inequality and Income Distribution in Comparative Perspective.
Washington, D. C.: The urban Institute Press.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004592
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭文輝zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor ZHANG, WEN-HUIen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林嬌能zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) LIN, JIAO-NENGen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林嬌能zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) LIN, JIAO-NENGen_US
dc.date (日期) 1992en_US
dc.date (日期) 1991en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-五月-2016 15:18:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-五月-2016 15:18:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-五月-2016 15:18:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002004592en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/89261-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1
Ⅰ. 德國..........10
Ⅱ. 英國..........12
Ⅲ. 瑞士..........16
Ⅳ. 瑞典..........19
Ⅴ. 美國..........21
Ⅵ. 中華民國..........24
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004592en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會保險zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 所得分配zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 比較研究zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) SOCIAL-INSURANCEen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) INCOME-DISTRIBUTIONen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) COMPARATIVE-STUDYen_US
dc.title (題名) 社會保險之所得重分配效果初探zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部份
5 李明,(民69),社會保險年金給付之經濟效果分,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
6吳凱勳,(民81 ),我國社會保險制度現況分析及整合問題,行政院發展考核委員會.
7 胡鴻增譯,(民64),瑞典的社會福祉,台灣商務印書館.
9 黃正源(民77),從政策分析觀點析論美國社會安全制度的演進過程,社會發展季刊,45,P41-48.
19 簡立忠,(民76),我國社會保險之財源籌措,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
2 1.蘇文麒,(民75),社會福利支出與財源之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文.
22戴西君,(民78 ),我國社會福利財政之研究,中山社會科學4:3. P93-116.
23. 行政院衛生署,(民78 ),衛生統計

1. Aaron, H. T. (1966), "The Social Insurance Paradox", Journal of economics and Political Science, 32, p371-376
2. Annual Abstract of Statistic, 1988
3. Arrow, L. J. (1963),"Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care", American Economic Review, 53, p941-973
4. Beveridge, S. W. (1942),"Social Insurance and Allied Services", Report by Sir Willian Beveridge, HMSO.
5. Bondar, J. (1990) "Effects of Social-Security Benefit Increase, December 1989", Social Security Bulletin, 53, p14-18
6. Bowles, S. (1972),"Schooling and Equality from Generation to Generation" Journal of Political Economy, Ps219-s251
7. Browning, E. K (1973).,"social Insurance and Intergenerational Transfers", Journal of Law and Economics, P215-216
8. Bull, D. & P. wilding (1985) Thatcherism and The Poor London
9. Campbell, C. D., ed (1977), Income Redistribution, Washington, D. C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Rensearch
10. Castellino, O. (1971), "Income Redistribution through Old-age Pensions: Problems of its Definition and Measurement"25(3), P457 -471
11. Central Statistical Office (1982),"The Effects of Taxes and Benefits on Household Income In 1981", Economic Trends (december), p94-126

12. Cheng, Peter Wen-hui (1987), Financing Social Insurance in Taiwan. Conference on Economic Edvelopment and social Welfare in Taiwan January 6-8, 1987
13 Council for Economic Planning and Development (1990), Taiwan Statistical Data book, Republic of Chia
14. Creedy, J. & Disney, R. (1985), Social Insurance in Transition. Oxford, Clarendon Press
15. Culyer, A. J. (1980) The Political Economy of Social Policy , Oxford: Martin robertsonCullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. (l983) "The Welfarte State and Private Alternatives: Towards and Wxistemce Proof", Scottish Journal of Political Eonomy, 31, p97 -113
16 Cullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. (1983), "The Welfarte State and Private Alternatives: Towards and Wxistemce Proof", Scottish Journal of Political Eonomy, 31 ,p97 -113
17. Cutright, P. (1987), "Goss Sectional and Longitudinal Models of 1977 National Social Insurance Expenditures", Sociaological Focus, 20, p295 -307
18. Deran, E. (1966),"Income redistribution under the Social Security System", National Tax Journal, 19, p276 -85
19. Dryzele, J. &Goodin, R. E.(1986),"The Motivational Foundations of the Post-war Welfare State", British Journal of Political Science, 16, p1-34
20 Gilbert, B. B. (1965), "the British National Insurance Act of 1911 and the Commercial Insurance Lobby", Journal of British Studies, 4 (2), P60-66
21 Gillespie, W.I. & Lubelle (1978)," A Pro-poop or Pro-Rich Redistribution of Income", national Tax Journal, 31, p185-9
22. Gillespie, W. I. (1976), "On the Redistribution of Income Canada", Canadian Tax Journal, 24, p419-50
23 Gooby, Peter Taylor (1989), "Welfare, Hierarchy and the "New Right`: The Impact of social Policy Changes in Britain, 1979 -1989" International sociology4. p43 1 -446
24. Gough, I. (1979) The Political Economy of the Welfare State London: Macmillan
25. Grand, J. L. (1978), "The Distribution of Public Expenditure: The Case of Health Care", Economica, 45, p125-142
26. Grand, J. L. (1982), The Strategy of Equality_, London: George Allen & Unwin
27 Hemming, R. (1984), Poverty & lncentives: The Economics of Social Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press
28 Hochman, H. M. and James D. Rogers (1969), "Pareto Optimal Redistribution", American Economic Review 59, p
29. Hochman, H. M.&George E. Peterson, ed (1974 ), Redistribution Through Public Choice, New Your & Londom: columbia University Press
30 Hutchens, R. (1981) "Distributional Equity in the Unemployment Insurance System", Industrial and Labour Relation Review 34, p377-85
31 Hu, s. C. (1982), "Social Security, Majority-voting Equilibrium and dynamic Efficiency" International Economic Review, 23, p269 -87
32 Kohler, P. A. &Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881-1981, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
33 .Lind beck, A. (1983) "Interpreting Income Distribution in a Welfare State: the Case of Sweden", European Economic Review, 22, p227 -256
34 Loney, M., David boswell and John Clarke (3irded) (1988), Social Policy & Social Welfare, Milton Keynes Philadelphia : Open University Press
35 Maurer, A., (1982), Switzerland (p404-406). In Kőhler, P. A. & Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881 -1981 ,Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
36 McGuire, T. F. (1981), "National Health Insurance for Prvate Psychiatric Care: A Study in Distribution of Incoome", Public Finance Quarterly, 9. p183-196
37. Meltzer, A.H. & Richard, s. F.. (1981), "A Rational Theory of the Size of Government", Journal of Political Economy, 33, P914-27
38. Meltzer, A.H. & Richard, s. F .. (1983),"Tests of a Rational Theory of the Size of Government", Public choice, 41 , P403 -18
39 Mitchell, B.. M. and Schwartz, W. B. (1976), "Strategies for Financing National Health Insurance: Who Wins and Who Loses", New England Journal of Medicine, 295mp866-871
40 Muller, D. C. (1987), Public Choice II, Cambridge University Press
41 Nolan, B. (1987),Income Distribtuion and the Macroeconomy, New Your: Cambridge University Press
42 Ogus, A. D., (1982), Great Britain (p166-186).In Kőhler, P. A. & Hans F. Zacher (1982), The Evolution of Social Insurance 1881-1981, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales sozialrecht
43 Olson, Mancur (1983), "A Less Ideological Way of Deciding How Much Should be Given to the Poor", Daedelus,, 112, p214-236
44 Orr, L. L., (1976), "Income Transfers as a Public good: An Application to AFDC", American Economic Review, 66, P359-371
45 Ozawa, M. N. (1976), "Income Redistribution and Social Security", Social Service Review, 50, p209-223
46. Peacock, A. T. (1977), Public Finance and Stabilization Policy, Amsterdam: North Holland
47. Peacock, Q. T. and Shannon, J. R. (1968) "The Welfare State and the Redistrbution Income", Westminster Bank Review, august, p30-46
48 Pechman, J. A. & Aaron, H. J. & Michaelk. T., Social Security, Washington, D. C., The Brooking Institution
49. Peltzman, S., (1980), "The Growth of Government", Journal of Law and Economics 23, p209-287

50 Plotnick, R, (1984) A comparison of measures of horizontal inequity using alternative meaures of well-being, Discussion Paper 752-84, Institute for Reasearch on Poverty, madison, wisconsin
51. Rejds, G. e. (1976), Social Insurance and Economic Security, Englewood Ciffs, New Jersey: PRENTICE-HALL; INC
52. Reynolds, M. (1977), Public Expenditures, Taxes, and the Distribution of Income, London: Academic Press, INC.
53 Sandmo, A. (1991), "Economists & The Welfare State", European Economic Review, 35, p213-239
54. Schulenburg, J. M. g .v. d. (1989), "The West German Health Care Financing and Delivery system: Its Experiences and Lessons for Other Nations", Preliminary Version
55 Schulz, J. H., ed (1985), The Economics of Aging., Wadsworth Publishing Co.
56 Simanis, J. g. (1990), "National Expenditure on Social-security and Health in Selected Sountries", Social Security Bulletin, 53, p12-16
57 Stiålhlberg, A. C. (1987),"Lifetime redistribution of social Insurance in SWEDEN: Intra and intergenerational effects", The Swedish Institute for social Research
58 Ståhlberg, A. C. (1986), "Social Welfare Policy-Nothing but Insurance?", the Swedish institute for Social Research
59 Smith, A. (1982), "Intergenerational Transfers As Social Insurance ", Journal of Public Economics 19, P97-106
60 The General Household Survey-Introductory Report (1973) Londom: HMNO
61. Tollison, R. D. & richard E. Wagner (1991), "Self-interest, Public interest, and Public health" Public choice 69 P323-343
62. Tullock, G. (1983), Economics Redistribution,, Bostom: Kluwer-Nijhoff of Income
63 U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Office of Policy, Office of Rosearch, Statistics, and International Policy ,(1986), "Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security"
64 Varian, H.R. (1980), "Redistributive Taxation as Social Insurance", Journal of Public Economics, 14, p49-69
65 Verbon, H. A. A. (1985), "On the Independence of Financing Methods and Redistributive Aspects of Public Pension Plans", Public Finance, 40, p280-290
66. Walker, A., W. Winyard & C. Pond (1985), p23-24). conservative Economic Policy: The Social Consepuences. In D. bull and P. wilding(ed)., Thatcherism and the Poor Loondon
67 Weale, A. (l990), "Equality,social Solidarity, and the WeIfare-State", Ethics, 100, p473 -488
O’Higgins, M. & G. Schmaus & G. Stephenson (1990), Income Distribution and Redistribution: A Microdata A nalysis for Seven countries. In T. M. Smeeding M.
O’Higgins & L. Rainwater (ed) Poverty. Inequality and Income Distribution in Comparative Perspective.
Washington, D. C.: The urban Institute Press.