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題名 多國籍公司國際角色之研究
作者 李靜宜
貢獻者 林碧炤
日期 1990
上傳時間 2-五月-2016 17:13:18 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考書目
     1. Al-Otaiba, Mana Saeed, OPEC and the Petroleum Industry.London. Groom Helm Inc ., 1975。
     2. Anshen, Melven and G. L. Bach(eds.), Management and Corporations. New York. McGraw-Hill.1960。
     3. Aron, Raymond, Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations. translated by Richard Howard and Annette B. Fox. New York. Praeger Publishing Inc ., 1970。
     4. Barnet, Richard J. and Ronald E. Muller. Global Reach:The Power of the Multinational Corporations. New York.Simon and Schuster. 1974。
     5. Bennett, Douglas C.and Kenneth E. Sharpe. Transnational Corporations Versus the States: the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry. Princeton. Princeton
     University Press. 1985。
     6. Bergsten, C. Fred, Thomas Hors and Theodore H. Moran.American Multinationals and American Interests. W. A .,Booking Institution. 1978。
     7. Blake, David H. and Robert S. Walters, The Politics of Global Economic Relations. New Jersey. Printice-Hall Inc.. 1983。Europa Publishing Limited. 1989。
     8. Brooke, Michael and H. Lee Remmers, The Strategy of Multinational Enterprise, New York, Pitman, 1978。
     9. Brown, Lester R., World Without Borders. New York, Random House. 1972。
     10.Buckley, Peter J. and Mark Casson, The Economic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise. London, Macmillan Press Ltd. ,1985。
     11. Bull, Hedley, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. London. Macmillan Press Ltd ., 1977。
     12. Burton, J. W., International Relations: A General Theory. London, Cambridge University Press. 1965。
     13. Claude, Inis Jr ., Power and International Relations. New York ,Random House,1962。
     14. Couloumbis, Theodore A. and James H.Wolfe. Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1982。
     15. Deutsch, Karl W ., The Nerves of Government. New York,The Free Press. 1963。
     16. Dougherty,J.E. and R.L.Pfaltzgraff. Contending Theories of International Relations, New York, Harper & Row. 1981
     17. Dunning, John H.(ed.), The Multinational Enterprise. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd ., 1974。
     18.__________,International Production and the Multinational Enterprise. London. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1981。
     19. Europa,The Europa World Year Book 1980 Volum 1 . London,Europa Publishing Limit,1989。
     20. Falk, Richard A ., A Study of Future Worlds. New York.The Free Press. 1975。
     21. Farmer, Richard N. and Barry M. Richman, International Business. Cedarwood Press. 1980。
     22. Feld, Werner J ., Multinational Corporation and U.N. Politics:the Quest for Code of Conduct. New York. Pergman Press. 1980。
     23. Franko, Lawrence, The European Multinationals: A Renewed Challenge to American and British Big Business. Greylock Publishers. 1976。
     24. Gilpin, Robert, U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation,ew York, Basic Book Inc., 1975。
     25. Goehle, Donna G., Decision Making In Multinatonal Corporations,University of Michigan Research Press.1980。
     26. Gunnemann, John P.(ed.), The Nation-State and Transnational Corporations in Conflict: With Special Reference to Latin America,New York,Praeger Publishers Inc.,1975。
     27.Hertner, Peter and Geoffry Jones(eds.), Multinational:Theory and History, European Science Foundation. 1986。
     28.Ho1sti ,K. J., International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. New York. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1983。
     29.Holsti, Siverson and George(eds.), Change in the International System. Colorado, Westview Press, 1980。
     30. Hopkins, Raymond F. and Richard W. Mansbach, Structure and Process in International Politics, New York, Harper & Row Publishing Inc., 1973。
     31. Kaplan, Morton A., System and Process In International Politics, New York, Wiley, 1962。
     32. Keohane, Robert O and Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition, Boston, Little,Brown and Company Inc., 1977。
     33. Knorr, Klaus, The Power of Nations: The Political Economy of International Relations, New York, Basic Book,1975。
     34. Lall, Sanjaya, The Multinational Corporation, Hong Kong,Macmillan Press Ltd., 1983。
     35. Madden, Carl H.(ed.),The Case for the Multinational Corporation,New York. Prager.1977。
     36. Mansbacn, R ., Y. Ferguson and D. Lampert. The Web of World Politics: Nonstate Actors in the Global System. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc ., 1976。
     37. Mikdashi, Zuhayr. The International Politics of Natural Resources. Ithaca. Cornell University Press.1976。
     38. Modelski,George(ed.) ,Transnational Corporations and World Order,San Francisco,W.H.Freeman and Company. 1979。
     39. Mogdoff. Harry. The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of U. S. Foreign Policy.New York. Monthly Review,1969。
     40. Morgenthau. Hans J ., Politics Among Nations. New York,Alfred Knopf. 19780
     41. Pinelo. Adalberto J ., The Multinational Corporation as a Force in Latin American Politics. New York. Prager Publishers .1973。
     42. Radice. Hugo(ed.). International Firms and Modern Imperalism:Selected Readings. London. Penguin Books Ltd ., 1979
     43. Reubens , Edwin P.(ed.). The Challenge of New Internationl Economic Order. Colorado. Westview Press.1981。
     44. Rosenau,James N.(ed.). International Politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Research and Theory.台北,馬陵出版社,民國六十年。
     45. Rosenau. J.,V. Davis and M. East(eds.). The Analysis of International Politics. New York. The Free Press.1972。
     46. Rosenau,James N ., Kenneth W. Thompson and Gavin Boyd (eds.). World Politics. New York. The Free Press.1976。
     47. Said,Abdul A. and Luiz R. Simmons(eds.). The New Sovereigns:Multinational Corporations as World Powers.New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc ., 1975。
     48. Snyder.,R. C ., H. W. Bruck and B. Sapin. Foreign Policy Decision-Making: An Approach to the Study of International Politics. New York. Free of Glence.1963。
     49. Spero,Joan Edelman. The Politics of International Economic Relations. London. St. Martin`s Press Inc .,1985。
     50. United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations,Transnational Corporations in World Development: A Reexamination.New York. United Nations. 1978。
     51. __________________________________________,Transnational Corporations in World Development: Third Survey. United Nations . 1985。
     52.Vernon. Raymond. Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U. S. Enterprises. New York. Basic Book Inc .,1971。
     53.______________,The Economic and Political Consequences of Multinational nterprises: An Anthology. Boston. Harvard Collenge. 1972。
     54. Ward. Babara . The Rich Nantions and the Poor Nations,New York. W. W. Morton & Company Inc ., 1962。
     55. Wattenberg. Ben J. & Richard J.Whalen. The Wealth Weapan:U. S. Foreign Policy and Multinational Corporations,New Jersey Transaction Books,1980。
     56.Wilcox,Clair,A Charter for World Trade,New York, Macmillano 1949。
     1. Baldwin, David, "Power Analysis and World Politics." World Politics. Vol.31, No.2 . (January 1979)。
     2. Brown, Seyon, "The Changing Essence of Power." Foreign Affairs。
     3. Gilpin, Robert, "The Political Economy of the Multinatioanl Corporations: Three Contrasting Perspectives." Amer-anl Corporations: Three Contrasting Perspectives." American Political Science Review. Vol.70. No.1.(March 1976)
     4. Fortune, April 25.1988。
     5. Fortune, August 1. 1988。
     6. Hoffmamn, Stanley, "Notes on the Elusiveness of Power."International Journal (Spring 1975)。
     7. Holsti, K. J ., "A New International Politics: Diplomacy in Complex Interdependence." International Organization.Vol. 32. No.2. (Spring,1978) 。
     8. Inkeles, Alex, "The Emerging Social Structure of the World." World Politics. Vol.27. No.4.(July. 1975)。
     9. Kaiser, Karl, "Transnational Politics: Toward a Theory of Multinational Politics." International Organization, Vol. 25. No.4. (Autumn 1971)。
     10. Kavanach, Dennis, "Beyond Autonomy? The Politics of Corporations."Government and Opposition.(Winter 1974) 。
     11.Muller, Ronald, "Poverty is the Product." Foreign Policy(Winter 1973-74)。
     12. Vernon, Raymond, "Sovereignty at a Bay: Ten Years After," International Organization. (Summer 1981)。
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005191
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林碧炤zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 李靜宜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 李靜宜zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1990en_US
dc.date (日期) 1989en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-五月-2016 17:13:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-五月-2016 17:13:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-五月-2016 17:13:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002005191en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/89911-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 外交學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次
     第一章 前言--研究緣起 1
     第二章 國際體系概論 3
     第一節 國際體系的概全與架構
     第二節 當代國際體系的特質
     第三節 國際體系行動者
     第三章 多國籍公司概論 29
     第一節 多國籍公司的定義與特質
     第二節 多國籍公司的發展
     第三節 多國籍公司的類型
     第四章 多國籍公司與國際體系行動者 57
     第一節 多國籍公司的能力
     第二節 多國籍公司的自主性
     第三節 多國籍公司的目標
     第四節 多國籍公司的影響力
     第五章 多國籍公司的國際角色 86
     第一節 資源分配者
     第二節 政策制定者
     第三節 秩序維持者
     第四節 發展促進者
     第六章 多國籍公司之發展展望 115
     第一節 多國籍公司與主權國家
     第二節 多國籍公司與國際體系
     第七章 結論 131
     參考書目 136
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005191en_US
dc.title (題名) 多國籍公司國際角色之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     1. Al-Otaiba, Mana Saeed, OPEC and the Petroleum Industry.London. Groom Helm Inc ., 1975。
     2. Anshen, Melven and G. L. Bach(eds.), Management and Corporations. New York. McGraw-Hill.1960。
     3. Aron, Raymond, Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations. translated by Richard Howard and Annette B. Fox. New York. Praeger Publishing Inc ., 1970。
     4. Barnet, Richard J. and Ronald E. Muller. Global Reach:The Power of the Multinational Corporations. New York.Simon and Schuster. 1974。
     5. Bennett, Douglas C.and Kenneth E. Sharpe. Transnational Corporations Versus the States: the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry. Princeton. Princeton
     University Press. 1985。
     6. Bergsten, C. Fred, Thomas Hors and Theodore H. Moran.American Multinationals and American Interests. W. A .,Booking Institution. 1978。
     7. Blake, David H. and Robert S. Walters, The Politics of Global Economic Relations. New Jersey. Printice-Hall Inc.. 1983。Europa Publishing Limited. 1989。
     8. Brooke, Michael and H. Lee Remmers, The Strategy of Multinational Enterprise, New York, Pitman, 1978。
     9. Brown, Lester R., World Without Borders. New York, Random House. 1972。
     10.Buckley, Peter J. and Mark Casson, The Economic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise. London, Macmillan Press Ltd. ,1985。
     11. Bull, Hedley, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. London. Macmillan Press Ltd ., 1977。
     12. Burton, J. W., International Relations: A General Theory. London, Cambridge University Press. 1965。
     13. Claude, Inis Jr ., Power and International Relations. New York ,Random House,1962。
     14. Couloumbis, Theodore A. and James H.Wolfe. Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1982。
     15. Deutsch, Karl W ., The Nerves of Government. New York,The Free Press. 1963。
     16. Dougherty,J.E. and R.L.Pfaltzgraff. Contending Theories of International Relations, New York, Harper & Row. 1981
     17. Dunning, John H.(ed.), The Multinational Enterprise. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd ., 1974。
     18.__________,International Production and the Multinational Enterprise. London. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1981。
     19. Europa,The Europa World Year Book 1980 Volum 1 . London,Europa Publishing Limit,1989。
     20. Falk, Richard A ., A Study of Future Worlds. New York.The Free Press. 1975。
     21. Farmer, Richard N. and Barry M. Richman, International Business. Cedarwood Press. 1980。
     22. Feld, Werner J ., Multinational Corporation and U.N. Politics:the Quest for Code of Conduct. New York. Pergman Press. 1980。
     23. Franko, Lawrence, The European Multinationals: A Renewed Challenge to American and British Big Business. Greylock Publishers. 1976。
     24. Gilpin, Robert, U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation,ew York, Basic Book Inc., 1975。
     25. Goehle, Donna G., Decision Making In Multinatonal Corporations,University of Michigan Research Press.1980。
     26. Gunnemann, John P.(ed.), The Nation-State and Transnational Corporations in Conflict: With Special Reference to Latin America,New York,Praeger Publishers Inc.,1975。
     27.Hertner, Peter and Geoffry Jones(eds.), Multinational:Theory and History, European Science Foundation. 1986。
     28.Ho1sti ,K. J., International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. New York. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1983。
     29.Holsti, Siverson and George(eds.), Change in the International System. Colorado, Westview Press, 1980。
     30. Hopkins, Raymond F. and Richard W. Mansbach, Structure and Process in International Politics, New York, Harper & Row Publishing Inc., 1973。
     31. Kaplan, Morton A., System and Process In International Politics, New York, Wiley, 1962。
     32. Keohane, Robert O and Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition, Boston, Little,Brown and Company Inc., 1977。
     33. Knorr, Klaus, The Power of Nations: The Political Economy of International Relations, New York, Basic Book,1975。
     34. Lall, Sanjaya, The Multinational Corporation, Hong Kong,Macmillan Press Ltd., 1983。
     35. Madden, Carl H.(ed.),The Case for the Multinational Corporation,New York. Prager.1977。
     36. Mansbacn, R ., Y. Ferguson and D. Lampert. The Web of World Politics: Nonstate Actors in the Global System. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc ., 1976。
     37. Mikdashi, Zuhayr. The International Politics of Natural Resources. Ithaca. Cornell University Press.1976。
     38. Modelski,George(ed.) ,Transnational Corporations and World Order,San Francisco,W.H.Freeman and Company. 1979。
     39. Mogdoff. Harry. The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of U. S. Foreign Policy.New York. Monthly Review,1969。
     40. Morgenthau. Hans J ., Politics Among Nations. New York,Alfred Knopf. 19780
     41. Pinelo. Adalberto J ., The Multinational Corporation as a Force in Latin American Politics. New York. Prager Publishers .1973。
     42. Radice. Hugo(ed.). International Firms and Modern Imperalism:Selected Readings. London. Penguin Books Ltd ., 1979
     43. Reubens , Edwin P.(ed.). The Challenge of New Internationl Economic Order. Colorado. Westview Press.1981。
     44. Rosenau,James N.(ed.). International Politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Research and Theory.台北,馬陵出版社,民國六十年。
     45. Rosenau. J.,V. Davis and M. East(eds.). The Analysis of International Politics. New York. The Free Press.1972。
     46. Rosenau,James N ., Kenneth W. Thompson and Gavin Boyd (eds.). World Politics. New York. The Free Press.1976。
     47. Said,Abdul A. and Luiz R. Simmons(eds.). The New Sovereigns:Multinational Corporations as World Powers.New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc ., 1975。
     48. Snyder.,R. C ., H. W. Bruck and B. Sapin. Foreign Policy Decision-Making: An Approach to the Study of International Politics. New York. Free of Glence.1963。
     49. Spero,Joan Edelman. The Politics of International Economic Relations. London. St. Martin`s Press Inc .,1985。
     50. United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations,Transnational Corporations in World Development: A Reexamination.New York. United Nations. 1978。
     51. __________________________________________,Transnational Corporations in World Development: Third Survey. United Nations . 1985。
     52.Vernon. Raymond. Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U. S. Enterprises. New York. Basic Book Inc .,1971。
     53.______________,The Economic and Political Consequences of Multinational nterprises: An Anthology. Boston. Harvard Collenge. 1972。
     54. Ward. Babara . The Rich Nantions and the Poor Nations,New York. W. W. Morton & Company Inc ., 1962。
     55. Wattenberg. Ben J. & Richard J.Whalen. The Wealth Weapan:U. S. Foreign Policy and Multinational Corporations,New Jersey Transaction Books,1980。
     56.Wilcox,Clair,A Charter for World Trade,New York, Macmillano 1949。
     1. Baldwin, David, "Power Analysis and World Politics." World Politics. Vol.31, No.2 . (January 1979)。
     2. Brown, Seyon, "The Changing Essence of Power." Foreign Affairs。
     3. Gilpin, Robert, "The Political Economy of the Multinatioanl Corporations: Three Contrasting Perspectives." Amer-anl Corporations: Three Contrasting Perspectives." American Political Science Review. Vol.70. No.1.(March 1976)
     4. Fortune, April 25.1988。
     5. Fortune, August 1. 1988。
     6. Hoffmamn, Stanley, "Notes on the Elusiveness of Power."International Journal (Spring 1975)。
     7. Holsti, K. J ., "A New International Politics: Diplomacy in Complex Interdependence." International Organization.Vol. 32. No.2. (Spring,1978) 。
     8. Inkeles, Alex, "The Emerging Social Structure of the World." World Politics. Vol.27. No.4.(July. 1975)。
     9. Kaiser, Karl, "Transnational Politics: Toward a Theory of Multinational Politics." International Organization, Vol. 25. No.4. (Autumn 1971)。
     10. Kavanach, Dennis, "Beyond Autonomy? The Politics of Corporations."Government and Opposition.(Winter 1974) 。
     11.Muller, Ronald, "Poverty is the Product." Foreign Policy(Winter 1973-74)。
     12. Vernon, Raymond, "Sovereignty at a Bay: Ten Years After," International Organization. (Summer 1981)。