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題名 科技發展與政治實踐 : 論哈伯瑪斯對科技政治的批判
作者 呂建德
貢獻者 陳文團
日期 1990
上傳時間 3-May-2016 14:20:32 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 中文部分:
     薛華, (1989) ,哈貝馬斯的溝通倫理學(台北:結構群翻印)
     陳榮灼等編譯, (民七十五) ,當代社會政治理論對話錄(台北:巨流)
     黃瑞祺, (民七十五) ,批判理論與現代社會學(台北:巨流)
     沈清松, (民七十三) ,解除世界魔咒- - - -科技對文化的衝擊與展望(台北:時報)
     李英明, (1989) ,科學社會學(台北:桂冠)
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳文團zh_TW (Authors) 呂建德zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 呂建德zh_TW (日期) 1990en_US (日期) 1989en_US 3-May-2016 14:20:32 (UTC+8)- 3-May-2016 14:20:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-May-2016 14:20:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005312en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 導論....................4
     第一節 科技發展的政治意涵....................4
     第二節 為什麼是科技政治的批判?....................7
     第三節 本書的基本架構.................... 10
     第二章 哈伯瑪斯對於古典「政治」意涵的重新發現.................... 14
     第一節 政治其政治學意義的轉變:從亞里斯多德到霍布斯.................... 16
     第二節 政治權力的分析:取向於「溝通」或「策略」行動的權力觀....................22
     第三節 勞動與互動.................... 25
     第三章 政治的「科學化」與「技術化」....................35
     第一節 公共領域的結構變遷.................... 36
     第二節 晚期資本主義社會的合法性危機....................41
     第三節 系統對生活世界的殖民....................46
     第四章 理性化的辯證:單面向的社會理性發展....................57
     第一節 理性化的弔詭:韋伯的「理性化」論題....................59
     第二節 理性的異化.................... 64
     第三節 現代社會的兩種決策模型.................... 68
     第五章 科技政治批判的基礎:公共討論領域的重建....................76
     第一節 心理分析與政治啟蒙....................76
     第二節 普遍語用學的政治意涵....................82
     第三節 詭辯的制度化....................89
     第六章 結論.................... 97
     中文部分.................... 106
     西文部分.................... 107
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 科技發展與政治實踐 : 論哈伯瑪斯對科技政治的批判zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分:
     薛華, (1989) ,哈貝馬斯的溝通倫理學(台北:結構群翻印)
     陳榮灼等編譯, (民七十五) ,當代社會政治理論對話錄(台北:巨流)
     黃瑞祺, (民七十五) ,批判理論與現代社會學(台北:巨流)
     沈清松, (民七十三) ,解除世界魔咒- - - -科技對文化的衝擊與展望(台北:時報)
     李英明, (1989) ,科學社會學(台北:桂冠)
     韋伯, (民七十四) ,支配的類型,康樂編譯, (台北:允晨)
     喬納森 H 特納, (1988) ,現代西方社會學理論,范傳達主譯(天津:人民)
     鄒川雄,(民七十八) ,社會批判與政治實踐- - - --融哈伯馬斯對馬克思主義的反省(台北:國立政治大學政治研究所碩士論文)
     李培元,(民七十七) ,漢娜.阿蓮政治行動之解析(台北:國立政治大學研究所碩士論文)
     王振寰(1980.11),韋伯「理性化」的意義及其對工具理性的批判,思與言(1 8卷4期)
     Daniel Bell (民79) ,資本主義的文化矛盾,趙一凡等譯(台北:桂冠)
     T. Bottomore(民73) ,法蘭克福學派,廖仁義譯(台北:桂冠)
     Adorno, Theodor W. (1977) The Positivist Dispute In German Sociology, trans. Glyn Adey & David Frisby (London: Heinemann Educational Books).
     Alexander, Jeffrey(1985) Habermas`s New Critical Theory: Its Promise and Problems` American Journal of Sociology, vol.91, no.2, pp.400-424.
     Alford, C.Fred(1985)`Jurgen Habermas and the Dialectic of Enlihtment: what is Theoretically Fruitful Knowledge?` Social Research, vol.52, no.1, pp.119-I49.
     Arato, Andrew & Gebhardt, Eike (eds.)(1982) The Essential Frankfurt School Reader (New York: The Continuum Publishing Company) .
     Aristotle(1952) The Politics Of Aristotle, trans. Ernest Barker (London: Oxford University Press) .
     Aristotle(1986) The Nicomachean Ethics, trans. David Ross (London: Oxford University Press).
     Baynes, Kenreth(l989-90) `Rational Reconstruction and Social Criticism: Habermas` s Model of Interpretive Social Science , The Philosophical Forum, vol.21, no.1-2, pp.122-145.
     Bell, Daniel (1973) The Coming Of Post-Industrial Society (New York: Basic Book, Inc.).
     Berilabib, Seyla (1986) Critique, Nom, And Utopia (New York: Columbia University Press).
     Bernstein, Richard J. (1976) The Restructuring Of Social And Political Theory (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich).
     Bernste in, Richard J. (1983) Beyond Objectivism And Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, And Praxis (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press)
     Bernstein, Richard J. (ed.) (1985) Habermas And Modernity (Cambridge: Polity Press).
     Bolaffi, Angelo (1979)`An Interview With Jurgen Habermas` Telos, vol.39, pp. 163-172.
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     Cohen, Jean(1979) `Why More Political Theory?` Telos, no.40. pp .70-94.
     Crick, Bernard (1972) In Defense of Politics, 2nd edition (Chicago : the University of Chicago Press).
     Dallrrayr, Fred R. (1981) The Twilight Of Subjectivity: Contributions to a Post-Individualist Theory of Politics (Amherst: The University Of Massachusetts Press).
     Dallmayr, Fred R. (1984) Polis And Praxis (Cambridge: The MIT Press).
     Disco, Cornelis(1979)`Critical Theory as Ideology of the New Class` Theory and Society, vol.8, pp.159-214.
     Dubiel, Helmut (1985) Theory And Politics: Studies in the Development of Critical Tntory, trans. Benjamin Gregg (Cambridge: The MIT press).
     Forester, John (ed.)(1985) Critical Theory And Public Life (Cambridge: The MIT Press) .
     Foster, William P.(1980)`Administration and the Crisis in Legitimacy: A Review of Habermasian Thought` Harvard Educational Review, vol.50, no.4, pp .496 -505 .
     Frarxel, Boris(1979)`On the State of the State` Theory and society, vol.7 pp.199-242.
     Gadamer Hans-Georg (1971) Hegel`s Dialectic, trans. P. Christopher Smith (New Haven: Yale University Press) .
     Gruss, Rayrrond (1981) The Idea Of A Critical Theory: Habermas & the Frankfurt School (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press).
     Gottlieb, Roger S.(1981)`The Contemporary Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas` Ethics, vol.91, pp.280-295.
     Habenmas, J?rgen (1970) Toward A Rational Society, trans. Jeremy J. Shapiro (Boston: Beacon Press).
     Habenmas, J?rgen (1971) Knowledge And Human Interest, trans. Jeremy J. Shapiro (Boston: Beacon Press) .
     Habenmas, J?rgen (1973a) Legitimation Crisis, trans. Tomas McCarthy (Boston: Beacon Press).
     Haberwas, J?rgen (1973b) Theory And Practice, trans. John Viertel (Boston: Beacon Press)
     Habenmas, J?rgen (1973c)`~hat does a Crisis Mean Today? Legitimation Problems in Late C2pitali$~` Social Research, vol.40, pp.643-667.
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