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題名 會計原則中立性之研究
作者 陳明進
貢獻者 鄭丁旺
日期 1988
上傳時間 4-五月-2016 14:23:27 (UTC+8)
摘要 論文提要內容:
參考文獻 參考書目

1. Clark, Myrtle, Levis D. McCullers, Richard G. Schroeder. Accounting Theory: Text & Readings.台北:天一圖書公司,民國七十六年。
2. FASB. Statements No.1-36 Concept No.1-2.台北:天一圖書公司,民國六十九年。
3. Handriksen, Eldon S. Accounting Theory 4th ed.台北:美亞書局,1982年。
4. Moonitz, Maurice. Obtaining Agreement on Standard in the Accounting Profession. Studies in Accounting Research No.8 American Accounting Association, 1974.
5. Armstrong, Marshall S. "The Politics of Establishing Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, Feburary 1977, pp.76-79.
6. Beaver, William H. and Roland E. Dukes. "Interperiod Tax Allocation, Earnings Expectations, and the Behavior of Security Price." The Accounting Review, April 1972.
7. Birnberg, Jacob, G. "The Role of Accounting in Financial Disclosure." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.71-80.
8. Buckley, John W. "The FASB and Impact Analysis." Management Accounting, April 1976.
9. Buckley, John w. "Policy Model in Accounting: A Critical Commentary." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.49-64.
10. Burchell, Stuart, Colin Clubb, Anthony Hopwood, John Hughes. "The Roles of Accounting in Organization and Society." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.5-27.
11. Chambers, Raymond J. "Accounting Principles or Accounting Policies?" Journal of Accountancy, May 1973, pp.48-53.
12. Chambers, Raymond J. "The Myths and the Science of Accounting." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.167-80.
13. Daley, Lane A. and Gerhard C. Mueller. "Accounting in the Arena of World Politics." Journal of Accountancy, Feb. 1982.
14. Demski, Joes. "The General Impossibility of Normative Accounting Standards." The Accounting Review (October, 1973), pp.718-23.
15. Demski, Joel S. "The Choice Among Financial Reporting Alternative." The Accounting Review, April 1974, pp.221-32.
16. Dopuch, Nicholas and Shyam Sunder. "FASB`s Statements on Objectives and Elements of Financial Accounting: A Review." The Accounting Review, Vol. LV, No.1, January 1980, pp.l-21.
17. Freeman, Orville H, and William Person. "Multinational Corporations: Some Facts and Figures." The Futurist, Dec, 1980.
18. Gerboth, Dale L. "Research, Intuition and Politics in Accounting Inquiry." The Accounting Review, July 1973.
19. Gonedes, N.J. and N. Dopuch. "Economic Analysis and Accounting Techniques: Perspective and Proposals." Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1979, pp.385-94.
20. Hagerman,Robert L. and Mark E. Zmijewski. "Some Economic Determinants of Accounting Policy Choice." Journal of Accounting and Economics (1979), pp.141-61.
21. Harrison, Graeme L. and Jill L. Mckinnon. "Culture and Accounting Change: A New Perspective on Corporate Reporting Regulation Accounting Policy Formulation." Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol.11, No.3, 1986, pp.233-52.
22. Hawkins, David F. “The Development of Modern Financial Reporting Practices Among American Manufacturing Corporations." Business History Review (Autumn, 1963), pp.135-65.
23. Hawkins, David F. "Behavioral Implications of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles." California Management Review, Winter 1969, pp.13-21.
24. Horngren,Char1es T. "The Marketing of Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, October 1973, pp.61-66.
25. Horngren, Charles T. "Will the FASB Be Here in the 1980s?" Journal of Accountancy, November 1976, pp.90-96.
26. Leftwich, R. "Market Failure Fallacies and Accounting Information." Journal of Accounting and Economics (December, 1980), pp.193-211.
27. Mason, Richard 0. "Discussion of the Roles of Accounting in Organizations and Society." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.29-30.
28. May, Robert G. and Gary L. Sundem. "Research for Accounting Policy: An Overview." The Accounting Review, Vol.L1. No.4, October 1976, pp.747-62.
29. Menon, Krishnagopal and Gareth Morgan. "The Image That Have Shaped Accounting Theory." Accounting, Organizations 7 and Society, Vol.7, No.4, 1982, pp.307-18.
30. Meyer, P.E. "The APB`s Independence and Its Implications for the FASB." Journal of Accounting Research (Spring, 1974), pp.188-96.
31. Moody, Sharon and Dale L. Flesher. "Analysis of FASB Voting Patterns: Statement Nos.1-86." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (1985), pp.319-30.
32. Montgomery, Robert. "What Have We Done, and How?" The American Institute of Accountants, Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration (New York: AICPA, 1938), pp.72-87.
33. Most, Kenneth S. and Arthur Lee Winters. "Focus on Standard Setting: from Trueblood to the FASB." Journal of Accountancy, Feburary 1977, pp.67-75.
34. Morgan, G. "Paradigms, Metaphors and Puzzle Solving in Organization Theory." Administrative Science Quarterly (1980), pp.605-22.
35. Mueller, Gerhard G. "The Dual System for Transational Reporting." The Accounting Form, May, 1976.
36. Mushkat, Miron. "Using Marco-Societal Accounting Data: Some Critical Afterthoughts." Accounting, Organizations and Society (1983), pp.99-108.
37. Prakash, Prem and Alfred Rappaport. "Information Independencies System Structure Induced By Accounting Information." The Accounting Review, October 1975, pp.723-34.
38. Prakash, Prem and Alfred Rappaport. "Information Inductance and Its Significance for Accounting." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.2, No.1, 1977.
39. Rappaport, Alfred. "Economic Impact of Accounting Standards-Implications for the FASB." Journal of Accountancy, May 1977, pp.89-92.
40. Rockness, H.W. and L.A. Nikolai. "An Assessment of APB Voting Patterns." Journal of Accounting Research (Spring 1977), pp.154-67.
41. Ronen, Joshua and Michael Schiff. "The Setting of Financial Accounting Standards-Private or Public?" Journal of Accountancy, March 1978, pp.47-53.
42. Rubenstein, Daniel Blake. "Artist, Scientist or Communicator? Our Crisis of Identity." The Accountants Digest, Jan. 1987, pp.21-34.
43. Solomons, David. "The Impact of Politics in Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, November 1978, pp.65-72.
44. Solomons, David. "The Social Impact of Accounting." The Accountants Digest, June 1987, pp.34-40.
45. Sterling, Robert R. "Accounting at the Crossroads." Journal of Accountancy (August 1976), pp.82-87.
46. Sunder, Shyam. "Discussion of the Role of Accounting in Financial Disclosure." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.81-86.
47. Zeff, Stephen A. "The Rise of Economic Consequences." Journal of Accountancy, December 1978, pp.56-63.

描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005795
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭丁旺zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳明進zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳明進zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1988en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-五月-2016 14:23:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-五月-2016 14:23:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-五月-2016 14:23:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002005795en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/90479-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 會計學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要內容:zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………1
第二節 研究方法與限制………2
第三節 名詞定義………2
第四節 論文架構………3
第二章 會計發展與環境之關係………7
第一節 會計之環境公設………7
第二節 會計與經濟環境………9
第三節 會計與政治環境………12
第四節 會計與社會環境………14
第三章 會計原則與經濟、政治、社會後果………21
第一節 會計原則與經濟後果………21
第二節 會計原則與政治後果………28
第三節 會計原則與社會後果………34
第四章 財務會計之功能與角色………41
第一節 財務會計資訊之特性、功能及其管制………41
第二節 會計之正式機構化與發展………50
第三節 財務會計之意象………58
第五章 會計政策與會計問題………75
第一節 會計政策之意義………75
第二節 財務會計之目的………80
第三節 會計政策之制訂模式………86
第四節 制訂會計政策之部門………93
第五節 會計政策之性質………97
第六章 會計原則中立性與會計資訊後果問題之解決………113
第一節 財務會計資訊溝通及其後果之問題………113
第二節 中立性之重要與檢討………119
第三節 中立性在經濟、政治、社會層面之意義………127
第七章 結論與建議………139
第一節 現代社會科學之人文意義………139
第二節 結論………141
第三節 建議………143

2-1 會計發展與環境………17
3-1 社會選擇體系與社會科學認知………36
4-1 財務會計資訊成本面之外在效果………43
4-2 影響可供企業外部使用的資訊集合之因素………47
4-3 會計資訊預測指標模式………55
5-1 各種團體偏好之會計資訊,會計原則及其目標………85
5-2 美國八大會計師事務所控制會計政策之過程………92
5-3 會計政策選擇過程模式………98
6-1 財務會計資訊溝通及其後果之問題………113
6-2 社會價值判斷之形成………114
6-3 科際整合之方式 以會計為例子………117
6-4 功能與環境之關係………118
6-5 政治系統之功能………119
7-1 財務會計資訊溝通及其後果問題之解決………142

4-1 財務會計資訊使用者及其目的………41
4-2 社會系統之模式………67
5-1 資產與負債之屬性………76
5-2 資產與負債衡量之三個向量………78
5-3 財務會計模式………80
5-4 Trueblood委員會主要建議觀點之比較………82
5-5 會計參與者及其活動………83
5-6 各種團體對於制訂會計政策重要因素之排列………94
5-7 各類型組織符合制訂會計政策重要因素之百分比………95
5-8 各類團體贊成由民間部門或公共部門制訂會計原則之百分比………96
5-9 會計界人士和外界人士對GAAP及GAAS之不同觀點………102
5-10 經濟資訊與會計資訊………104
5-11 GARP之制訂政策………105
5-12 繼續經營能力之預測:決策所需要之經濟資訊(規劃階段) ………106
6-1 管理人員選擇會計政策時所考慮之變數………124
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005795en_US
dc.title (題名) 會計原則中立性之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目

1. Clark, Myrtle, Levis D. McCullers, Richard G. Schroeder. Accounting Theory: Text & Readings.台北:天一圖書公司,民國七十六年。
2. FASB. Statements No.1-36 Concept No.1-2.台北:天一圖書公司,民國六十九年。
3. Handriksen, Eldon S. Accounting Theory 4th ed.台北:美亞書局,1982年。
4. Moonitz, Maurice. Obtaining Agreement on Standard in the Accounting Profession. Studies in Accounting Research No.8 American Accounting Association, 1974.
5. Armstrong, Marshall S. "The Politics of Establishing Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, Feburary 1977, pp.76-79.
6. Beaver, William H. and Roland E. Dukes. "Interperiod Tax Allocation, Earnings Expectations, and the Behavior of Security Price." The Accounting Review, April 1972.
7. Birnberg, Jacob, G. "The Role of Accounting in Financial Disclosure." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.71-80.
8. Buckley, John W. "The FASB and Impact Analysis." Management Accounting, April 1976.
9. Buckley, John w. "Policy Model in Accounting: A Critical Commentary." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.49-64.
10. Burchell, Stuart, Colin Clubb, Anthony Hopwood, John Hughes. "The Roles of Accounting in Organization and Society." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.5-27.
11. Chambers, Raymond J. "Accounting Principles or Accounting Policies?" Journal of Accountancy, May 1973, pp.48-53.
12. Chambers, Raymond J. "The Myths and the Science of Accounting." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.167-80.
13. Daley, Lane A. and Gerhard C. Mueller. "Accounting in the Arena of World Politics." Journal of Accountancy, Feb. 1982.
14. Demski, Joes. "The General Impossibility of Normative Accounting Standards." The Accounting Review (October, 1973), pp.718-23.
15. Demski, Joel S. "The Choice Among Financial Reporting Alternative." The Accounting Review, April 1974, pp.221-32.
16. Dopuch, Nicholas and Shyam Sunder. "FASB`s Statements on Objectives and Elements of Financial Accounting: A Review." The Accounting Review, Vol. LV, No.1, January 1980, pp.l-21.
17. Freeman, Orville H, and William Person. "Multinational Corporations: Some Facts and Figures." The Futurist, Dec, 1980.
18. Gerboth, Dale L. "Research, Intuition and Politics in Accounting Inquiry." The Accounting Review, July 1973.
19. Gonedes, N.J. and N. Dopuch. "Economic Analysis and Accounting Techniques: Perspective and Proposals." Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1979, pp.385-94.
20. Hagerman,Robert L. and Mark E. Zmijewski. "Some Economic Determinants of Accounting Policy Choice." Journal of Accounting and Economics (1979), pp.141-61.
21. Harrison, Graeme L. and Jill L. Mckinnon. "Culture and Accounting Change: A New Perspective on Corporate Reporting Regulation Accounting Policy Formulation." Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol.11, No.3, 1986, pp.233-52.
22. Hawkins, David F. “The Development of Modern Financial Reporting Practices Among American Manufacturing Corporations." Business History Review (Autumn, 1963), pp.135-65.
23. Hawkins, David F. "Behavioral Implications of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles." California Management Review, Winter 1969, pp.13-21.
24. Horngren,Char1es T. "The Marketing of Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, October 1973, pp.61-66.
25. Horngren, Charles T. "Will the FASB Be Here in the 1980s?" Journal of Accountancy, November 1976, pp.90-96.
26. Leftwich, R. "Market Failure Fallacies and Accounting Information." Journal of Accounting and Economics (December, 1980), pp.193-211.
27. Mason, Richard 0. "Discussion of the Roles of Accounting in Organizations and Society." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.29-30.
28. May, Robert G. and Gary L. Sundem. "Research for Accounting Policy: An Overview." The Accounting Review, Vol.L1. No.4, October 1976, pp.747-62.
29. Menon, Krishnagopal and Gareth Morgan. "The Image That Have Shaped Accounting Theory." Accounting, Organizations 7 and Society, Vol.7, No.4, 1982, pp.307-18.
30. Meyer, P.E. "The APB`s Independence and Its Implications for the FASB." Journal of Accounting Research (Spring, 1974), pp.188-96.
31. Moody, Sharon and Dale L. Flesher. "Analysis of FASB Voting Patterns: Statement Nos.1-86." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (1985), pp.319-30.
32. Montgomery, Robert. "What Have We Done, and How?" The American Institute of Accountants, Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration (New York: AICPA, 1938), pp.72-87.
33. Most, Kenneth S. and Arthur Lee Winters. "Focus on Standard Setting: from Trueblood to the FASB." Journal of Accountancy, Feburary 1977, pp.67-75.
34. Morgan, G. "Paradigms, Metaphors and Puzzle Solving in Organization Theory." Administrative Science Quarterly (1980), pp.605-22.
35. Mueller, Gerhard G. "The Dual System for Transational Reporting." The Accounting Form, May, 1976.
36. Mushkat, Miron. "Using Marco-Societal Accounting Data: Some Critical Afterthoughts." Accounting, Organizations and Society (1983), pp.99-108.
37. Prakash, Prem and Alfred Rappaport. "Information Independencies System Structure Induced By Accounting Information." The Accounting Review, October 1975, pp.723-34.
38. Prakash, Prem and Alfred Rappaport. "Information Inductance and Its Significance for Accounting." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.2, No.1, 1977.
39. Rappaport, Alfred. "Economic Impact of Accounting Standards-Implications for the FASB." Journal of Accountancy, May 1977, pp.89-92.
40. Rockness, H.W. and L.A. Nikolai. "An Assessment of APB Voting Patterns." Journal of Accounting Research (Spring 1977), pp.154-67.
41. Ronen, Joshua and Michael Schiff. "The Setting of Financial Accounting Standards-Private or Public?" Journal of Accountancy, March 1978, pp.47-53.
42. Rubenstein, Daniel Blake. "Artist, Scientist or Communicator? Our Crisis of Identity." The Accountants Digest, Jan. 1987, pp.21-34.
43. Solomons, David. "The Impact of Politics in Accounting Standards." Journal of Accountancy, November 1978, pp.65-72.
44. Solomons, David. "The Social Impact of Accounting." The Accountants Digest, June 1987, pp.34-40.
45. Sterling, Robert R. "Accounting at the Crossroads." Journal of Accountancy (August 1976), pp.82-87.
46. Sunder, Shyam. "Discussion of the Role of Accounting in Financial Disclosure." Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1, 1982, pp.81-86.
47. Zeff, Stephen A. "The Rise of Economic Consequences." Journal of Accountancy, December 1978, pp.56-63.
