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題名 柏林(Isaiah Berlin)自由理論之研究
作者 李振坤
貢獻者 江金太
日期 1993
上傳時間 4-五月-2016 17:25:42 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 一、英文部份
     1. Berlin. Isaiah (1981). Against the Current (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     2. Berlin. Isaiah (1956). The Age of Enlightenment: The 18th Century Philosophers (New York: Mentor Books).
     3.Berlin Isaiah (1979). Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays (New York: the Viking Press).
     4. Berlin. Isaiah (1986). "The Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West". in J.M. Porter and Richard Vernon. Unity, Plurality and Politics: Essays in Honour of F.M. Bernard (London & Sydney: Croom Helm).
     5. Berlin. Isaiah (1969). Four Essays on Liberty (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     6. Berlin. Isaiah (1957). The Hegehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (New York: Mentor Books).
     7. Berlin. Isaiah (1982). "Dialogue With Isaiah Berlin". In Bryan Magee. Men of Ideas: Some Creators of Contemporary philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     8. Berlin. Isaiah (1980). Personal Impression (New York: The Viking Press).
     9. Berlin , Isaiah (1976) , Vico and Herder (New York: The Viking Press).
     1. Acrombie , N. , Hill , S. , & Turner , B.S. (1984) , Dictionary of Sociology (London: Penguin Books).
     2. Allison , Lincoln (1984) , Right Principles: A Conservative
     Philosophy of Politics ( Oxford: basilblackwell).
     3. Arblaster , Anthony (1971) , "Vision and Revision: A Note on
     the Text of Isaiah 8erlin`s Four Essays on Liberty" , Pol-itical Studies,Vol.19 ,pp.81-86.
     4. Arblaster , Anthony (1984) , The Rise and Decline of Western Liberalism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).
     5. Arendt , Hannah(1969) , The Human Condition (Chicago: Chicago University Press).
     6. Arendt , Hannah (1984) , on Revolution (London: Penguin books) .
     7. Aristotle (1988) , The Political (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     8. Baradat , L.P. (1984) , Political Ideologies: Their Origins and Impact (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).
     9.Barkley , Paul W. & Seckler , David W. (1972) , Economic Growth and Environmental Policy: The Solution Becomes the Problem (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich).
     10. Barry , Brian (1965) , political Argument (London: Routl-edge & Kegan Paul).
     11. Barry , Norman P. (1986) , on Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (New York: The Macmillan Press).
     12. Bay , Christian (1958) , The Structure of Freedom (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
     13. Bay , Christian(1981) , Strategies of Political Emancipation (Norte Dame: University of Norte Dame Press).
     14. Bellamy , R. , (1992) , Liberralism andd Modern Society: An Historical Arqumet (combrige: Polity Press).
     15. Benn , S. I. & Weinstein , W. L. (1971), "Being Free to Act and Being a Free Man" ,Mind, Vol.80 , pp.194-211.
     16. Benn. Stanley I. (1988) , A. Theory of Freedom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     17. Bernstein , Richard J. (1983) , Beyond Objectivism and Relativism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press) .
     18. Blum , Lawrence & Seidler. Victor (1989) , A True Liberty Simone Weil and Marxism (New York & London: Routledge).
     19. Bobbio. Norberto (1987) , Which Socialism?: Marxism,Soc-lalism and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press).
     20. Bottomore , Tom ed. (1983) , A Dictionary of Marxism Thought (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
     21. Bottomore , Tom (1984) , Sociology and Socialism (Sussex:Harvester Books).
     22. Bowie. N.I. & Simon. R.L. (1977). The Individual and the Political Order: An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).
     23. Bullock. Alan and Woodings. R.B. (1983). The Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought (London: Fontana-Collins Press).
     24. Collingwood. R.G. (1956). The Idea of History (New York: Oxford University Press).
     25. Collini. Stefan (1979). Liberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England. 1880-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     26. Connolly. William E. (1979). "A Note on Freedom Under Socialism". Political Theory. Vol.5. No.4. PP.461-472.
     27. Constant. Benjamin (1989). Political Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     28. Cooper. D.E. (1983). "The Free Man". in A.P. Griffiths. Of Liberty (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     29. Copleston, Frederick (1962). A History of Philosophy. Vol.Ⅱ Mediaeval Philosophy --Augustine to Scotus (New York: Image Books).
     30. Crespigny. Anthony de & Minogue. Kenneth (1975). Contemporary Political Philosophers (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company).
     31. Crick, Bernard (1987), Socialism (Milton Keynes: Open University Press).
     32. Crocker, Lawrence (1980), Positive Liberty (London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
     33. Crowley, Brian Lee (1987), The Left, the Individuality and the Community (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
     34. Cunningham, Frank (1987) ,Democratic Theory and Socialism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
     35. Dallmayr, Fred R. (1978), From Contract to Community: Political Theory at the Crossroads (New York and Basel: Marcel Decker).
     36. Dallmayr, Fred R. (1984), Polis and Praxis (Cambridge: The Massachusetts of Techonology).
     37. Day, J. P. (1987), Liberty and Justice (London: Croom Helm).
     38. Dodge, G.H. (1980), Benjamin Constant`s Philosophy of Liberalism (Chapel Hill: The University of North California Press).
     39. Double, Richard (1991), The Non-Reality of Free Will (New York: Oxford University Press).
     40. Dunn, John (1979), Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     41. Eatwell, Roger & O`Sullivan, Noel(1989),The Nature of the Right: European and American Politics and Political Tho-ught since 1789 (London: Printer Publishers).
     42. Ebenstein, William (1962), "John Stuart Mill: Political and Economic Liberty", in Carl J. Friedrich ed., Liberty (New York: Atherton Press).
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     45. Flathman, Richard E. (1987), The Philosophy and Politics of Freedom (Chicago: The University of Chicago).
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     52. Gibbs, Benjamin (1976), Freedom and Liberation (London: Sussex University Press).
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     1 .江金太(民70年) ,歷史與政治(台北:聯經)。
     2 .何信仝(民77年) ,海耶克自由理論研究(台北:聯經)。
     3.柴熙(民72年) ,認識論 (台北:商務)。
     4 .袁頌西(民70年) ,「從行為論到後行為論:政治學中爭論的焦點及其哲學背景」社會科學論叢,第廿九輯,頁一○五至一二九。
     5 .張佛泉(民68年) ,自由與人權(台北:臺菁)。
     6 .蘇文流(民74年) ,「消極自由與積極自由:伯林的論點評述」,政治學報,第十三期,頁二八七至三二四。
     7. Isaiah Berlin 著,彭淮棟譯(民76年) ,俄國思想家(台北:聯經)。
     8. Isaiah Berlin 著,陳曉林譯(民78年) ,自由四論(台北:聯經)。
     9. Charles Taylor著,陳忠賢譯(民79年) , 「消極自由的錯誤」,憲政思潮,第八十九期,頁十九至廿七。
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005953
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 江金太zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 李振坤zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 李振坤zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1993en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-五月-2016 17:25:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-五月-2016 17:25:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-五月-2016 17:25:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002005953en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/91054-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章前言..........1
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005953en_US
dc.title (題名) 柏林(Isaiah Berlin)自由理論之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、英文部份
     1. Berlin. Isaiah (1981). Against the Current (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     2. Berlin. Isaiah (1956). The Age of Enlightenment: The 18th Century Philosophers (New York: Mentor Books).
     3.Berlin Isaiah (1979). Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays (New York: the Viking Press).
     4. Berlin. Isaiah (1986). "The Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West". in J.M. Porter and Richard Vernon. Unity, Plurality and Politics: Essays in Honour of F.M. Bernard (London & Sydney: Croom Helm).
     5. Berlin. Isaiah (1969). Four Essays on Liberty (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     6. Berlin. Isaiah (1957). The Hegehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (New York: Mentor Books).
     7. Berlin. Isaiah (1982). "Dialogue With Isaiah Berlin". In Bryan Magee. Men of Ideas: Some Creators of Contemporary philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     8. Berlin. Isaiah (1980). Personal Impression (New York: The Viking Press).
     9. Berlin , Isaiah (1976) , Vico and Herder (New York: The Viking Press).
     1. Acrombie , N. , Hill , S. , & Turner , B.S. (1984) , Dictionary of Sociology (London: Penguin Books).
     2. Allison , Lincoln (1984) , Right Principles: A Conservative
     Philosophy of Politics ( Oxford: basilblackwell).
     3. Arblaster , Anthony (1971) , "Vision and Revision: A Note on
     the Text of Isaiah 8erlin`s Four Essays on Liberty" , Pol-itical Studies,Vol.19 ,pp.81-86.
     4. Arblaster , Anthony (1984) , The Rise and Decline of Western Liberalism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).
     5. Arendt , Hannah(1969) , The Human Condition (Chicago: Chicago University Press).
     6. Arendt , Hannah (1984) , on Revolution (London: Penguin books) .
     7. Aristotle (1988) , The Political (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     8. Baradat , L.P. (1984) , Political Ideologies: Their Origins and Impact (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).
     9.Barkley , Paul W. & Seckler , David W. (1972) , Economic Growth and Environmental Policy: The Solution Becomes the Problem (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich).
     10. Barry , Brian (1965) , political Argument (London: Routl-edge & Kegan Paul).
     11. Barry , Norman P. (1986) , on Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (New York: The Macmillan Press).
     12. Bay , Christian (1958) , The Structure of Freedom (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
     13. Bay , Christian(1981) , Strategies of Political Emancipation (Norte Dame: University of Norte Dame Press).
     14. Bellamy , R. , (1992) , Liberralism andd Modern Society: An Historical Arqumet (combrige: Polity Press).
     15. Benn , S. I. & Weinstein , W. L. (1971), "Being Free to Act and Being a Free Man" ,Mind, Vol.80 , pp.194-211.
     16. Benn. Stanley I. (1988) , A. Theory of Freedom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     17. Bernstein , Richard J. (1983) , Beyond Objectivism and Relativism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press) .
     18. Blum , Lawrence & Seidler. Victor (1989) , A True Liberty Simone Weil and Marxism (New York & London: Routledge).
     19. Bobbio. Norberto (1987) , Which Socialism?: Marxism,Soc-lalism and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press).
     20. Bottomore , Tom ed. (1983) , A Dictionary of Marxism Thought (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
     21. Bottomore , Tom (1984) , Sociology and Socialism (Sussex:Harvester Books).
     22. Bowie. N.I. & Simon. R.L. (1977). The Individual and the Political Order: An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).
     23. Bullock. Alan and Woodings. R.B. (1983). The Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought (London: Fontana-Collins Press).
     24. Collingwood. R.G. (1956). The Idea of History (New York: Oxford University Press).
     25. Collini. Stefan (1979). Liberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England. 1880-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     26. Connolly. William E. (1979). "A Note on Freedom Under Socialism". Political Theory. Vol.5. No.4. PP.461-472.
     27. Constant. Benjamin (1989). Political Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     28. Cooper. D.E. (1983). "The Free Man". in A.P. Griffiths. Of Liberty (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     29. Copleston, Frederick (1962). A History of Philosophy. Vol.Ⅱ Mediaeval Philosophy --Augustine to Scotus (New York: Image Books).
     30. Crespigny. Anthony de & Minogue. Kenneth (1975). Contemporary Political Philosophers (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company).
     31. Crick, Bernard (1987), Socialism (Milton Keynes: Open University Press).
     32. Crocker, Lawrence (1980), Positive Liberty (London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
     33. Crowley, Brian Lee (1987), The Left, the Individuality and the Community (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
     34. Cunningham, Frank (1987) ,Democratic Theory and Socialism (New York: Cambridge University Press).
     35. Dallmayr, Fred R. (1978), From Contract to Community: Political Theory at the Crossroads (New York and Basel: Marcel Decker).
     36. Dallmayr, Fred R. (1984), Polis and Praxis (Cambridge: The Massachusetts of Techonology).
     37. Day, J. P. (1987), Liberty and Justice (London: Croom Helm).
     38. Dodge, G.H. (1980), Benjamin Constant`s Philosophy of Liberalism (Chapel Hill: The University of North California Press).
     39. Double, Richard (1991), The Non-Reality of Free Will (New York: Oxford University Press).
     40. Dunn, John (1979), Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
     41. Eatwell, Roger & O`Sullivan, Noel(1989),The Nature of the Right: European and American Politics and Political Tho-ught since 1789 (London: Printer Publishers).
     42. Ebenstein, William (1962), "John Stuart Mill: Political and Economic Liberty", in Carl J. Friedrich ed., Liberty (New York: Atherton Press).
     43. Eccleshall, Robert (1984), "Liberalism", in R. Ecclesh-all, V. Geoghegan and R. Wilford. Political Ideologies: An Introduction (London: Unwin Hyman).
     44. Feinberg, Joel (1980), Rights, Justice and the Bounds of Liberty (New York: Princeton University Press).
     45. Flathman, Richard E. (1987), The Philosophy and Politics of Freedom (Chicago: The University of Chicago).
     46. Freeden, Michael (1978), The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
     47. Freeden, Michael (1986), Liberalism Divided: A Study in British Political Thought, 1914-1939 (Oxford: Clarendon Press) .
     48. Friedrich. Carl J. (1974), Totalitarianism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
     49. Galston, William A. (1982), "Defending Liberalism" A.P.S.R .. Vol.76, PP. 621-629.
     50. Galston, William A. (1991), Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State (New York: Cambridge University Press).
     51. Gaus. G.F. (1983). The Modern Liberal Theory of Man (London: Croom Helm).
     52. Gibbs, Benjamin (1976), Freedom and Liberation (London: Sussex University Press).
     53. Gilbert, Alan (1990).Democratic Individuality (New York: Cambridge University Press).
     54. Gray. John (1980). "On Negative and Positive Liberty". Political Studies. Vol.28. PP.507-526.
     55. Gray, John (1986), Liberalism (Milton Keynes: Open University Press).
     56. Gray. John (1989).Liberalism: Essays in Political Philos-ophy (London: Routledge).
     57. Green. Thomas Hill (1911). "Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract", Works Ⅲ (London: Longmas. Green and Company).
     58. Hayek. Friedrich A. (1975). "Liberalism", in A.D. Cresp-igny and J. Cronin. Ideologies of Politics (Capetown: Oxford University Press).
     59. Hegel. G. W. F. (1976), Philosophy of Right (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
     60. Held, David (1987). Models of Democracy (Cambridge: Basil Blackwell).
     61. Hobbes. Thomas (1962). Leviathan (London: Macmillan).
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     1 .江金太(民70年) ,歷史與政治(台北:聯經)。
     2 .何信仝(民77年) ,海耶克自由理論研究(台北:聯經)。
     3.柴熙(民72年) ,認識論 (台北:商務)。
     4 .袁頌西(民70年) ,「從行為論到後行為論:政治學中爭論的焦點及其哲學背景」社會科學論叢,第廿九輯,頁一○五至一二九。
     5 .張佛泉(民68年) ,自由與人權(台北:臺菁)。
     6 .蘇文流(民74年) ,「消極自由與積極自由:伯林的論點評述」,政治學報,第十三期,頁二八七至三二四。
     7. Isaiah Berlin 著,彭淮棟譯(民76年) ,俄國思想家(台北:聯經)。
     8. Isaiah Berlin 著,陳曉林譯(民78年) ,自由四論(台北:聯經)。
     9. Charles Taylor著,陳忠賢譯(民79年) , 「消極自由的錯誤」,憲政思潮,第八十九期,頁十九至廿七。