題名 臺灣職業流動的模式及其變遷 作者 張銀旭 貢獻者 謝雨生
張銀旭日期 1988 上傳時間 4-五月-2016 17:26:57 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 參考文獻 一、中文部份: 內政部 1985 "中華民國內政統計提要"台北:政府出版品 文崇一、張曉春 1979 "職業聲望與職業對社會的實用性" 台灣人力資源會議論文集 623-669頁 台北:中央研究院經濟研究所 何友暉、廖正宏 1969 "今日中國社會職業等級評價之研究" 台大社會學刊第五期 151-156頁 陳寬政 1980 "結構性社會流動影響機會分配的過程" 台大人口學刊第四期 103-126頁 1982 "能力與成就的社會學考察"中國社會學刊第六期 1-25頁 1983 "經濟發展與所得分配:均與富之辨" 第三次社會指標研討會論文 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 陳寬政、陳文玲 1982 "社會分化與收斂的模型" 社會科學整合論文集 125-142頁 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 陳文玲 1985a "社會階層與社會階級----概念與分析" 思與言 第二十二卷第六期 591-606頁 1985b "人口成長對社會流動的影響--理論探討與教育流動之實証研究" 東海大學社會研究所碩士論文 許嘉猷 1982 "出身與成就:台灣地區的實証研究" 社會科學整合論文集 265-299頁 1985 "組織結構之特性及其對薪資的影響:勞力市場分割理論的初步探討" 第四次社會科學會議論文 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 1986 "社會階層化與社會流動" 台北:三民書局 1987 "台灣的階級結構" 中國社會學刊第十一期 春季號 25-60頁 張曉春、林瑞穗、章英華和詹火生 1981 "社會學概要" 台北:三民書局 張維安、王德睦 1983 "社會流動與選擇性婚姻" 中國社會學刊第七期 191-214頁 張家銘、馬康莊 1985 "社會分化、社會流動、與社會發展:台灣地區的實証研究" 中國社會學刊第九期 99-122頁 蔡淑鈴 1984 "職業地位結構:台灣地區的變遷研究" 台灣社會與文化變遷研討會論文 台北:中央研究院民族研究所 1987 "社會地位取得:山地、外省及閩客之比較" (抽印本) 蔡淑鈴、文崇一 1985 "性別與社會流動:台灣之實証研究" 台北:中央研究院民族研究所集刊 第六十期 121-147頁 瞿海源 1985 "勞力市場與出身對成就之影響" 台北:中央研究院民族研究所集刊 第五十三期 133-153頁 二、英文部份 Baker, and Nelder 1978 "The GLIM System: Manual" London: Royal Statistical Society Press. Baron, James N. 1980 "Indianapolis and Beyond: A Structure Model of Occupational Mobility across Generations" American Journal of Sociology 85 : 815-839. Barrett, Richard E. and Matin K. Whyte 1982 "Dependency Theory and Taiwan: Analysis of a Deviant Case" American Journal of Sociology 87: 1064-1089. Bishop, Yvonne M. M.; Stephen E. Fienberg and Paul W. Holland 1975 "Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice" London: The MIT Press. Blau, Peter M. and Otis D. Duncan 1967 "The American Occupation Struture" New York: Wiley. Breiger, Ronald L. 1981 "The Social Class Structure of Occupational Mobility" American Journal of Sociology 87 : 578-611. Buroway, Michael 1977 "Social Structure, Homogenization, and The Process of Status Attainment in the United States and Great Britain" American Journal of Sociology 82: 1031-1042. Davis, K. and W. E. Moore 1945 "Some Principles of Stratification" American Sociological Review 10 : 242-249. Duncan, Otis D. 1966 "Methodological Issue in The Study of Social Mobility Pp. 51-97 in Neil J. Smelser and Lipset S. M. (eds) Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development, Chicago: Aldine. 1968 "Social Strtification and Mobility: Problem in the Measurement of Trend" in Eleanor B. Sheldon and Willert E. Moore (eds) Indicators of Social Change. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1979 "How Destination Depends on Origin in Occupational Mobility Table" American Journal of Sociology 84 : 793-803. Durkheim, Emile 1933 "The Division of Labour in Society" New York: The Free Press. Erikson, Robert; John H. Goldthorpe and L. Portocarero 1982 "Social Fluidity in Industrial Nations: England. France and Swedon" British Journal of Sociology 33: 1-34. Featherman, David L. and Robert M. Hauser 1978 "Oppertunity and Change" New York: Academic. Featherman, David L. ; F. L. Jones and Robert M. Hauser 1975 "Assumption of Social Mobility Research in The United States: the Case of Occupational Status" Social Science Research 4: 329-360. Fei, John C. and G. Ranis 1975 "A Model of Growth and Employment in The Open Dualistic Economy: The Cases of Korea and Taiwan" Journal of Development Studies 11 No.2. Glass. D. B. 1954 "Social Mobility in Britain" London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Glodthorpe, John H. 1980 "Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain" Oxford: Clarendon. Goodman, Leo A. 1969 "On The Measurement of Social Mobility: An index of Status Persistence" American Sociological Review 34: 831-850. 1978 "Analyzing Qualitative/ Categorical Data: Log Linear Modles and Latent Structure Analysis" Cambrige Abt. 1979 "Multiplicative Models for The Analysis of Occupational Mobility Tables and Other Kinds of Cross-Classification Tables" American Journal of Sociology 84: 804-819. 1981 "Criteria for Determining Whether Certain Categories in a Cross-Classification Table Should Be Combined, with Special Reference to Occupational Categories in an Occupational Mobility Table" American Journal of Sociology 87: 612-650. 1984 "The Analysis of Cross, Classified Data Having Ordered Categories" Cambridge: Harvard University. Grichting, M. L. 1971 "Occupational Prestige Structure in Taiwan" National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology 7 : 67-78. Grusky, David B. and Robert M. Hauser 1984 "Comparitive Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries" American Sociological Review 49 : 19-38. 1987 "Cross National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions" CDE Working Paper No. 87-13. Hauser, Robert M. 1978 "A Structure Model of The Mobility Table" Social Forces 56: 919-953. 1987 "Reply to Kim" Social Forces 65 : 806-815. Hauser, Robert M.; J. N. Koffel; H. P. Travis and P. J. Dichinson 1975 "Temporal Change in Occupational Mobility: Evidence for Men in The United States" American Sociological Review 40: 279-297. Hope, Keith 1982 "Vertical and Nonveritical Class Mobility in Three Countries" American Sociological Review 47 : 99-113. Hout, Michael 1983 "Mobility Tables" London: Sage. Kerckhoff, A. C.; R. T. Campbell and I. Winfield-Laird 1985 "Social Mobility in Great Britain and The United States" American Journal of Sociology 91: 281-308. Kim, Jan-on 1987 "Social Mobility, Status Inheritance, and Structural Constraints: Conceptural and Methodological Considerations" Social Forces 65: 783-805. Knoke, David; Peter J. Burke 1909 "Log-Linear Models" London: Sage. Lipset, Seymour M. 1963 "The Value Patterns of Democracy: A Case Study in Comparative Analysis" American Sociological Review 28: 515-531. Lipset, Seymour M. and R. Bendix 1959 "Social Mobility in Industrial Society" Berkeley: University of California Press. Lipset, Seymour M. and Hans L. Zetterberg 1959 "Social Mobility in Industrial Societies" Pp.11-75 in Seymour M. Lipset and R. Bendix (eds) Social Mobility in Industrial Society Berkeley: University of California Press. Marx, Karl 1867(1967) “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy” New York: International Publishers. Matras, Judah 1980 "Comparative Social Mobility" Annual Review of Sociology 6 : 401-431. McClendon, M. J. 1980 "Occupational Mobility and Economic Development: A Cross-National Analysis" Sociological Focus 13 : 331-342. Norusis, Marija J. et. al. 1983 "SPSSX User’s Guide" New York: SPSS INC. Rogoff, Natalie 1953 "Recent Trends in Occupational Mobility "New York: Free Press. Sobel, Michael E. 1983 "Structural Mobility, Circulational Mobility and The Analysis of Occpational Mobility: A Conceptual Mismatch" American Sociological Review 48: 721-772. Sobel, Michael E.; Michael Hout and Otis D. Duncan 1985 "Exchange, Structure and Symmetry in Occupational Mobility" American Journal of Sociology 91: 359-372. Sorokin, Pitirim A. 1972 "Social and Cultural Mobility" New York: Free Press. Treiman, Donald J. 1970 "Industialization and Social Stratification" Pp.207-234 in Edward O. Laumann (ed) Social Stratification: Research and Theory for The 1970s New York: Bobbs-Merrill. Turner, Ralph H. 1960 "Sponsored and Contest Mobility and The School System" American Sociological Review 25: 855-867. Wang, Charlottes S.Y. 1980 "Social Mobility in Taiwan" Papers in Social Sciences No.80-3 Institute of Three Principles of People: Academia Sinica. 描述 碩士
社會學系資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005942 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 謝雨生 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 張銀旭 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 張銀旭 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 1988 en_US dc.date.accessioned 4-五月-2016 17:26:57 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 4-五月-2016 17:26:57 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-五月-2016 17:26:57 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002005942 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/91072 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 社會學系 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論………1 第一節 研究動機………1 第二節 研究目的………5 第三節 本論文的安排………6 第二章 文獻探討………7 第一節 社會流動的模式………9 第二節 職業流動模式的比較研究………17 第三節 臺灣社會流動研究的回顧………22 第三章 資料、研究方法與職業流動模式之假設………29 第一節 資料來源及有關限制………29 第二節 研究方法………35 第三節 職業流動模式的設計原則………48 第四節 臺灣職業流動模式的假設………51 第四章 實證結果………59 第一節 職業的分佈………59 第二節 粗職業流動模式………62 第三節 最佳職業流動模式………67 第四節 職業流動的相對機會………76 第五節 職業結構變動對流動變遷的影響………84 第五章 結論與檢討………89 參考文獻………95 圖目錄 圖3-1 民國65年及民國75年父子職業流動模式之假設………52 表目錄 表3-1 民國65年及民國75年之父子職業流動表………32 表3-2 二元交叉表(範例) ………37 表4-1 民國65年及民國75年父代與子代職業之分佈………60 表4-2 民國65年及民國75年之父代職業流出表………63 表4-3 民國65年及民國75年之子代職業流入表………65 表4-4 流動模式與資料之吻合度………68 表4-5 民國65年父子職業流動模式期望次數………73 表4-6 民國75年父子職業流動模式期望次數………74 表4-7 民國65年及民國75年流動密度母數推定值及各層次間密度的差異………77 表4-8 民國65年及民國75年各職業類別間相對的流動機會………81 表4-9 父子職業流動型態之同質性分析………85 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005942 en_US dc.title (題名) 臺灣職業流動的模式及其變遷 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻 一、中文部份: 內政部 1985 "中華民國內政統計提要"台北:政府出版品 文崇一、張曉春 1979 "職業聲望與職業對社會的實用性" 台灣人力資源會議論文集 623-669頁 台北:中央研究院經濟研究所 何友暉、廖正宏 1969 "今日中國社會職業等級評價之研究" 台大社會學刊第五期 151-156頁 陳寬政 1980 "結構性社會流動影響機會分配的過程" 台大人口學刊第四期 103-126頁 1982 "能力與成就的社會學考察"中國社會學刊第六期 1-25頁 1983 "經濟發展與所得分配:均與富之辨" 第三次社會指標研討會論文 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 陳寬政、陳文玲 1982 "社會分化與收斂的模型" 社會科學整合論文集 125-142頁 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 陳文玲 1985a "社會階層與社會階級----概念與分析" 思與言 第二十二卷第六期 591-606頁 1985b "人口成長對社會流動的影響--理論探討與教育流動之實証研究" 東海大學社會研究所碩士論文 許嘉猷 1982 "出身與成就:台灣地區的實証研究" 社會科學整合論文集 265-299頁 1985 "組織結構之特性及其對薪資的影響:勞力市場分割理論的初步探討" 第四次社會科學會議論文 台北:中央研究院三民主義研究所 1986 "社會階層化與社會流動" 台北:三民書局 1987 "台灣的階級結構" 中國社會學刊第十一期 春季號 25-60頁 張曉春、林瑞穗、章英華和詹火生 1981 "社會學概要" 台北:三民書局 張維安、王德睦 1983 "社會流動與選擇性婚姻" 中國社會學刊第七期 191-214頁 張家銘、馬康莊 1985 "社會分化、社會流動、與社會發展:台灣地區的實証研究" 中國社會學刊第九期 99-122頁 蔡淑鈴 1984 "職業地位結構:台灣地區的變遷研究" 台灣社會與文化變遷研討會論文 台北:中央研究院民族研究所 1987 "社會地位取得:山地、外省及閩客之比較" (抽印本) 蔡淑鈴、文崇一 1985 "性別與社會流動:台灣之實証研究" 台北:中央研究院民族研究所集刊 第六十期 121-147頁 瞿海源 1985 "勞力市場與出身對成就之影響" 台北:中央研究院民族研究所集刊 第五十三期 133-153頁 二、英文部份 Baker, and Nelder 1978 "The GLIM System: Manual" London: Royal Statistical Society Press. Baron, James N. 1980 "Indianapolis and Beyond: A Structure Model of Occupational Mobility across Generations" American Journal of Sociology 85 : 815-839. Barrett, Richard E. and Matin K. Whyte 1982 "Dependency Theory and Taiwan: Analysis of a Deviant Case" American Journal of Sociology 87: 1064-1089. Bishop, Yvonne M. M.; Stephen E. Fienberg and Paul W. Holland 1975 "Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice" London: The MIT Press. Blau, Peter M. and Otis D. Duncan 1967 "The American Occupation Struture" New York: Wiley. Breiger, Ronald L. 1981 "The Social Class Structure of Occupational Mobility" American Journal of Sociology 87 : 578-611. Buroway, Michael 1977 "Social Structure, Homogenization, and The Process of Status Attainment in the United States and Great Britain" American Journal of Sociology 82: 1031-1042. Davis, K. and W. E. Moore 1945 "Some Principles of Stratification" American Sociological Review 10 : 242-249. Duncan, Otis D. 1966 "Methodological Issue in The Study of Social Mobility Pp. 51-97 in Neil J. Smelser and Lipset S. M. (eds) Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development, Chicago: Aldine. 1968 "Social Strtification and Mobility: Problem in the Measurement of Trend" in Eleanor B. Sheldon and Willert E. Moore (eds) Indicators of Social Change. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1979 "How Destination Depends on Origin in Occupational Mobility Table" American Journal of Sociology 84 : 793-803. Durkheim, Emile 1933 "The Division of Labour in Society" New York: The Free Press. Erikson, Robert; John H. Goldthorpe and L. Portocarero 1982 "Social Fluidity in Industrial Nations: England. France and Swedon" British Journal of Sociology 33: 1-34. Featherman, David L. and Robert M. Hauser 1978 "Oppertunity and Change" New York: Academic. Featherman, David L. ; F. L. Jones and Robert M. Hauser 1975 "Assumption of Social Mobility Research in The United States: the Case of Occupational Status" Social Science Research 4: 329-360. Fei, John C. and G. Ranis 1975 "A Model of Growth and Employment in The Open Dualistic Economy: The Cases of Korea and Taiwan" Journal of Development Studies 11 No.2. Glass. D. B. 1954 "Social Mobility in Britain" London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Glodthorpe, John H. 1980 "Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain" Oxford: Clarendon. Goodman, Leo A. 1969 "On The Measurement of Social Mobility: An index of Status Persistence" American Sociological Review 34: 831-850. 1978 "Analyzing Qualitative/ Categorical Data: Log Linear Modles and Latent Structure Analysis" Cambrige Abt. 1979 "Multiplicative Models for The Analysis of Occupational Mobility Tables and Other Kinds of Cross-Classification Tables" American Journal of Sociology 84: 804-819. 1981 "Criteria for Determining Whether Certain Categories in a Cross-Classification Table Should Be Combined, with Special Reference to Occupational Categories in an Occupational Mobility Table" American Journal of Sociology 87: 612-650. 1984 "The Analysis of Cross, Classified Data Having Ordered Categories" Cambridge: Harvard University. Grichting, M. L. 1971 "Occupational Prestige Structure in Taiwan" National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology 7 : 67-78. Grusky, David B. and Robert M. Hauser 1984 "Comparitive Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries" American Sociological Review 49 : 19-38. 1987 "Cross National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions" CDE Working Paper No. 87-13. Hauser, Robert M. 1978 "A Structure Model of The Mobility Table" Social Forces 56: 919-953. 1987 "Reply to Kim" Social Forces 65 : 806-815. Hauser, Robert M.; J. N. Koffel; H. P. Travis and P. J. Dichinson 1975 "Temporal Change in Occupational Mobility: Evidence for Men in The United States" American Sociological Review 40: 279-297. Hope, Keith 1982 "Vertical and Nonveritical Class Mobility in Three Countries" American Sociological Review 47 : 99-113. Hout, Michael 1983 "Mobility Tables" London: Sage. Kerckhoff, A. C.; R. T. Campbell and I. Winfield-Laird 1985 "Social Mobility in Great Britain and The United States" American Journal of Sociology 91: 281-308. Kim, Jan-on 1987 "Social Mobility, Status Inheritance, and Structural Constraints: Conceptural and Methodological Considerations" Social Forces 65: 783-805. Knoke, David; Peter J. Burke 1909 "Log-Linear Models" London: Sage. Lipset, Seymour M. 1963 "The Value Patterns of Democracy: A Case Study in Comparative Analysis" American Sociological Review 28: 515-531. Lipset, Seymour M. and R. Bendix 1959 "Social Mobility in Industrial Society" Berkeley: University of California Press. Lipset, Seymour M. and Hans L. Zetterberg 1959 "Social Mobility in Industrial Societies" Pp.11-75 in Seymour M. Lipset and R. Bendix (eds) Social Mobility in Industrial Society Berkeley: University of California Press. Marx, Karl 1867(1967) “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy” New York: International Publishers. Matras, Judah 1980 "Comparative Social Mobility" Annual Review of Sociology 6 : 401-431. McClendon, M. J. 1980 "Occupational Mobility and Economic Development: A Cross-National Analysis" Sociological Focus 13 : 331-342. Norusis, Marija J. et. al. 1983 "SPSSX User’s Guide" New York: SPSS INC. Rogoff, Natalie 1953 "Recent Trends in Occupational Mobility "New York: Free Press. Sobel, Michael E. 1983 "Structural Mobility, Circulational Mobility and The Analysis of Occpational Mobility: A Conceptual Mismatch" American Sociological Review 48: 721-772. Sobel, Michael E.; Michael Hout and Otis D. Duncan 1985 "Exchange, Structure and Symmetry in Occupational Mobility" American Journal of Sociology 91: 359-372. Sorokin, Pitirim A. 1972 "Social and Cultural Mobility" New York: Free Press. Treiman, Donald J. 1970 "Industialization and Social Stratification" Pp.207-234 in Edward O. Laumann (ed) Social Stratification: Research and Theory for The 1970s New York: Bobbs-Merrill. Turner, Ralph H. 1960 "Sponsored and Contest Mobility and The School System" American Sociological Review 25: 855-867. Wang, Charlottes S.Y. 1980 "Social Mobility in Taiwan" Papers in Social Sciences No.80-3 Institute of Three Principles of People: Academia Sinica. zh_TW