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題名 我國大學畢業男女所得差異及其相關因素之探討
作者 柯淑芬
貢獻者 馬信行
日期 1987
上傳時間 4-五月-2016 17:28:15 (UTC+8)
摘要 參考書目
參考文獻 參考書目
     Arrow, K. J. (1973). The theory of discrimination. In Orley Ashenfelter & Albert Rees (Eds.), Discrimination in labor markets (pp. 3-33). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
     Bergmann, B. R., & Adelman , I . (1973). The 1973 report of the President`s Council of economic advisers: The economic role of woman. The American Economic Review, 63(4), 508–514.
     Bridges, W.P., & Berk, R.A. (1978). Sex, earnings, and the nature of work: a job-level analysis of male-female income differences. Social Science Quarterly, 58(4), 553–565. Cohen, M.S. (1971). Sex differences in compensation.
     The Journal of Human Resources, 6. 434–447.
     Cook, A.H. (1975). Equal pay: where is it? Indus– trial Relations, 14(2), 158-177.
     Corcoran, M., & Duncan, G. J. (1979). Work history, labor force attachment, and earnings differences between the races and sexes. The Journal of Human Resources, 14(1), 3-20.
     Corcoran, M., Duncan, G. J., & Ponza, M. (1983). Alongitudinal analysis of white woman`s wages. The Journal of Human Resources, 18 (4), 497-520.
     Coverman, S. (1983). Gender, domestic labor time, and wage inequality. American Sociological Review, 48, 623-637.
     Featherman, D. L., & Hauser, R.M. (1976). Sexual inequalities and socio-economic achievement in the U.S. 1962–1973. American Sociological Review, 4 1. 462-483.
     Ferber, M.A., & Huber, J.A. (1979). Husbands, wives and careers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 41, 315-325. Ferber, M.A., & Lowry, H.M. (1976). The sex differentials in earnings: a reappraisal. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 29, 377–387.
     Fuchs, W. R. (1974). Recent trends and long-run prospects for female earnings. American Economic Review, 64(2), 236–242.
     Goldfarb, R.S., & Hosek, J. R. (1976). Explaining male-female wage differences for the "same job". The Journal of Human Resources, 11, 98-107.
     Gordon, N. M., Morton, T.E., & Branden, I. C. (1974). Faculty salaries: is there discrimination by sex, race and discipline? The American Economic Review, 64(3), 419–427.
     Gunderson, M. (1978). The influence of the status and sex composition of occupations on the male-female earnings gap. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 31(2), 217-226.
     Halaby, C. N. (1979). Sex inequalities in workplace: an employer-specific analysis of pay differences. Social Science Research, 8, 79-104.
     Hill, M.S. (1979). The wage effects of marital status and children. The Journal of Human Resources, 14, 579–593.
     Holmes, R.A. (1975). Male-female earnings differential in Canada. The Journal of Human Resources, 11, 109-117.
     Levitan, S.A., Mangum, G. L., & Marshall, R. (1982). Human resources and Labor market (3rd ed.). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.
     Malkiel, B.G., & Malkiel, J. (1973). Male-female pay differentials in professional employment. The American Economic Review, 63(4), 693–705.
     Mallan, L.B. (1982). Labor force participation, work experience, and the pay gap between man and woman. The Journal of Human Resources, 17(3), 437-448.
     Mincer, J., & Ofek, H. (1982). Interrupted work career: depreciation and restoration of human capital. The Journal of Human Resources, 17(1): 3–24.
     Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. (1974). Family investments in human capital: earnings of woman. Journal of Political Economy, 82(2), 76–108.
     Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. (1978). Woman`s earnings reexamined. The Journal of Human Resources, 13(1), 118-134.
     OECD (1975). The role of woman in the Economy. Paris: OECD.
     Oppenheimer, W.K. (1968). The sex-labeling of jobs. Industrial Relations, 7(3), 219–234.
     Oaxaca, R. (1973). Male-female wage differentials in urban labor market. Industrial Economic Review, 14(3), 693–709.
     Polachek, S. (1975). Differences in expected post-school investment as a determination of market wage differentials. International Economic Review, 10, 451–467.
     Polachek, S. (1975). Protential biases in measuring male-female discrimination. The Journal of Human Resources, 10, 205-229.
     Ragan, J. F., & Smith, S.P. (1981). The impact of differences in turnover rates on male/female pay differentials. The Journal of Human Resources, 16(3), 357-365.
     Roos, P.A. (1981). Sex stratification in the work– place: male-female differences in economic returns to occupation. Social Science Research, 10, 195–224.
     Rosenfeld, R.A. (1978). Woman`s employment patterns and occupational achievement. Social Science Research, 7, 61-80.
     Rosenfeld, R.A. (1980). Race and sex differences in career dynamics. American Sociological Review, 45, 583–609.
     Rosenzweig, M. R., & Morgan, J. (1976). Wage discrimination: a comment. The Journal of Human Resources, 11(1), 3-7.
     Sanborn, H. (1964). Pay differences between men and women. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 17(4), 534-550.
     Sandell, S.H., & Shapiro, D. (1980). Work expectation, human capital accumulation, and the wage of young woman. The Journal of Human Resources, 15(3), 335-353.
     Sawhill, I.W. (1973). The economics of discrimination against woman: some new findings. The Journal of Human Resources, 8(3), 383-396.
     Sloane, P. J., & Seibert, W. S. (1980). Low pay against woman. In P.J. Sloane (Ed.), Woman and low pay (pp. 9-56). London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.
     Treiman, D.J., & Terrell, K. (1975). Sex and the process of status attainment: a comparison of working woman and man. American Sociological Review, 40, 174-200.
     Waite, L.J., & Stolzenberg, R. (1976). Intended childbearing and labor force participation of young woman: insights from nonrecursive models. American Sociological Review, 41, 235-252.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006218
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 馬信行zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 柯淑芬zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 柯淑芬zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1987en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-五月-2016 17:28:15 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-五月-2016 17:28:15 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-五月-2016 17:28:15 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002006218en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/91098-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 參考書目zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第一章 緒論………1
     第一節 研究動機和目的………1
     第二節 名詞解釋………6
     第二章 文獻探討………7
     第一節 男女所得差異的情形………7
     第二節 影響男女所得差異的重要因素………12
     第三節 研究假設………37
     第三章 研究方法………39
     第一節 研究對象………39
     第二節 研究工具………40
     第三節 實施過程………42
     第四節 統計方法………43
     第四章 研究結果與討論………45
     第一節 我國大學畢業男女所得差異情形………45
     第二節 所得、性別與各自變項間的關係………46
     第三節 其他相關變項的分析………106
     第四節 影響我國大學畢業男女所得的重要因素………111
     第五章 結論與建議………119
     第一節 結論………119
     第二節 檢討與建議………121
     附錄一 全體樣本在各變項上的平均數、標準差、及相關矩陣………132
     附錄二 男性樣本在各變項上的平均數、標準差、及相關矩陣………133
     附錄三 女性樣本在各變項上的平均數、標準差、及相關矩陣………134
     附錄四 我國大學畢業男女所得差異及其相關因素研究調查表………135
     圖1 1966年美國各年齡層男女(已、未婚)平均所得………14
     圖2 各年齡層男、女及所有樣本的平均所得………52
     表1 1955-1978年美國婦女勞動參與率及男女所得比例………8
     表2 不同研究者對男女所得差異的實證研究結果………9
     表3 台灣各年度女性/男性工資之比率………11
     表4 美國各年度不同年齡層男女所得比例………13
     表5 女性薪資對男性薪資之比率按年齡分………15
     表6 1981年我國與日本女性薪資對男性薪資之比率按年齡組分(%)………16
     表7 1966年美國各年齡層不同婚姻狀況男女所得比例………19
     表8 男女性就業者工作時數之比較………25
     表9 1956-1965到1966-1975的改變:美國各年齡層男女在十年中的工作經驗………26
     表10 本研究樣本人數分佈情形………40
     表11 所得、性別與各自變項間的相關係數………47
     表12 性別在各變項上的t考驗………48
     表13 不同年齡組樣本在所得上之變異數分析摘要表………49
     表14 表13資料的事後多重比較………50
     表15 不同年齡組的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………51
     表16 已婚和未婚者在所得上的t考驗………54
     表17 不同性別之已、未婚樣本在所得上的t考驗………54
     表18 不同婚姻狀?之男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………55
     表19 不同子女數的樣本在所得上之變異數分析摘要表………57
     表20 表19資料的事後多重比較………57
     表21 不同子女數之男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………58
     表22 學、碩士樣本在所得上的t考驗………60
     表23 不同性別的學、碩士樣本在所得上的t考驗………60
     表24 不同學歷的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………61
     表25 不同學校之樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………61
     表26 表25資料的事後多重比較………61
     表27 不同學校的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………63
     表28 不同學校之男性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………64
     表29 表28資料的事後多重比較………64
     表30 不同學校之女性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………64
     表31 表30資料的事後多重比較………65
     表32 不同性質學校的樣本在所得上的t考驗………66
     表33 不同性別的公、私立學校樣本在所得上的t考驗………66
     表34 不同性質學校的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………67
     表35 不同學院別樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………68
     表36 表35資料的事後多重比較………68
     表37 不同學院別的男性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………69
     表38 表37資料的事後多重比較………69
     表39 不同學院別的女性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………69
     表40 表39資料的事後多重比較………70
     表41 不同學院別的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………71
     表42 不同職業別之樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………72
     表43 表42資料的事後多重比較………73
     表44 不同職業別的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………74
     表45 不同職業別的男性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………74
     表46 表45資料的事後多重比較………75
     表47 不同職業別的女性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………75
     表48 表47資料的事後多重比較………75
     表49 不同從業身分之樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………76
     表50 表49資料的事後多重比較………77
     表51 不同從業身分的男性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………77
     表52 表51資料的事後多重比較………78
     表53 不同從業身分的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………79
     表54 不同工作時數的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………81
     表55 不同年資的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………83
     表56 不同工作經驗的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………85
     表57 不同職業中斷時間之樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………86
     表58 表59資料的事後多重比較………86
     表59 不同職業中斷時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………87
     表60 是否曾職業中斷在所得上的t考驗………88
     表61 不同在職訓練時間的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………89
     表62 表61資料的事後多重比較………89
     表63 不同在職訓練時間的男性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………90
     表64 表63資料的事後多重比較………91
     表65 不同在職訓練時間的女性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………91
     表66 表65資料的事後多重比較………91
     表67 不同在職訓練時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………92
     表68 不同病假時間的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………94
     表69 不同病假時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………94
     表70 不同事假時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………95
     表71 不同家務時間的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………96
     表72 表71資料的事後多重比較………97
     表73 不同家務時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………98
     表74 不同配偶家務時間的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………100
     表75 表74資料的事後多重比較………100
     表76 不同配偶家務時間的女性樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………100
     表77 表76資料的事後多重比較………101
     表78 不同配偶家務時間的男、女樣本在所得上的t考驗………102
     表79 不同同事性別的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………104
     表80 表79資料的事後多重比較………104
     表81 各組人數、百分比、及其在所得上的平均數、標準差………105
     表82 兩性配偶教育程度分配………107
     表83 不同職業計劃的樣本人數、所得平均數、標準差………110
     表84 不同職業計劃的樣本在所得上的變異數分析摘要表………111
     表85 以所有自變項預測全體樣本所得的多元逐步?歸分析………112
     表86 以所有自變項預測男性樣本所得的多元逐步?歸分析………114
     表87 以所有自變項預測女性樣本所得的多元逐步?歸分析………116
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006218en_US
dc.title (題名) 我國大學畢業男女所得差異及其相關因素之探討zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     Arrow, K. J. (1973). The theory of discrimination. In Orley Ashenfelter & Albert Rees (Eds.), Discrimination in labor markets (pp. 3-33). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
     Bergmann, B. R., & Adelman , I . (1973). The 1973 report of the President`s Council of economic advisers: The economic role of woman. The American Economic Review, 63(4), 508–514.
     Bridges, W.P., & Berk, R.A. (1978). Sex, earnings, and the nature of work: a job-level analysis of male-female income differences. Social Science Quarterly, 58(4), 553–565. Cohen, M.S. (1971). Sex differences in compensation.
     The Journal of Human Resources, 6. 434–447.
     Cook, A.H. (1975). Equal pay: where is it? Indus– trial Relations, 14(2), 158-177.
     Corcoran, M., & Duncan, G. J. (1979). Work history, labor force attachment, and earnings differences between the races and sexes. The Journal of Human Resources, 14(1), 3-20.
     Corcoran, M., Duncan, G. J., & Ponza, M. (1983). Alongitudinal analysis of white woman`s wages. The Journal of Human Resources, 18 (4), 497-520.
     Coverman, S. (1983). Gender, domestic labor time, and wage inequality. American Sociological Review, 48, 623-637.
     Featherman, D. L., & Hauser, R.M. (1976). Sexual inequalities and socio-economic achievement in the U.S. 1962–1973. American Sociological Review, 4 1. 462-483.
     Ferber, M.A., & Huber, J.A. (1979). Husbands, wives and careers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 41, 315-325. Ferber, M.A., & Lowry, H.M. (1976). The sex differentials in earnings: a reappraisal. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 29, 377–387.
     Fuchs, W. R. (1974). Recent trends and long-run prospects for female earnings. American Economic Review, 64(2), 236–242.
     Goldfarb, R.S., & Hosek, J. R. (1976). Explaining male-female wage differences for the "same job". The Journal of Human Resources, 11, 98-107.
     Gordon, N. M., Morton, T.E., & Branden, I. C. (1974). Faculty salaries: is there discrimination by sex, race and discipline? The American Economic Review, 64(3), 419–427.
     Gunderson, M. (1978). The influence of the status and sex composition of occupations on the male-female earnings gap. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 31(2), 217-226.
     Halaby, C. N. (1979). Sex inequalities in workplace: an employer-specific analysis of pay differences. Social Science Research, 8, 79-104.
     Hill, M.S. (1979). The wage effects of marital status and children. The Journal of Human Resources, 14, 579–593.
     Holmes, R.A. (1975). Male-female earnings differential in Canada. The Journal of Human Resources, 11, 109-117.
     Levitan, S.A., Mangum, G. L., & Marshall, R. (1982). Human resources and Labor market (3rd ed.). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.
     Malkiel, B.G., & Malkiel, J. (1973). Male-female pay differentials in professional employment. The American Economic Review, 63(4), 693–705.
     Mallan, L.B. (1982). Labor force participation, work experience, and the pay gap between man and woman. The Journal of Human Resources, 17(3), 437-448.
     Mincer, J., & Ofek, H. (1982). Interrupted work career: depreciation and restoration of human capital. The Journal of Human Resources, 17(1): 3–24.
     Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. (1974). Family investments in human capital: earnings of woman. Journal of Political Economy, 82(2), 76–108.
     Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. (1978). Woman`s earnings reexamined. The Journal of Human Resources, 13(1), 118-134.
     OECD (1975). The role of woman in the Economy. Paris: OECD.
     Oppenheimer, W.K. (1968). The sex-labeling of jobs. Industrial Relations, 7(3), 219–234.
     Oaxaca, R. (1973). Male-female wage differentials in urban labor market. Industrial Economic Review, 14(3), 693–709.
     Polachek, S. (1975). Differences in expected post-school investment as a determination of market wage differentials. International Economic Review, 10, 451–467.
     Polachek, S. (1975). Protential biases in measuring male-female discrimination. The Journal of Human Resources, 10, 205-229.
     Ragan, J. F., & Smith, S.P. (1981). The impact of differences in turnover rates on male/female pay differentials. The Journal of Human Resources, 16(3), 357-365.
     Roos, P.A. (1981). Sex stratification in the work– place: male-female differences in economic returns to occupation. Social Science Research, 10, 195–224.
     Rosenfeld, R.A. (1978). Woman`s employment patterns and occupational achievement. Social Science Research, 7, 61-80.
     Rosenfeld, R.A. (1980). Race and sex differences in career dynamics. American Sociological Review, 45, 583–609.
     Rosenzweig, M. R., & Morgan, J. (1976). Wage discrimination: a comment. The Journal of Human Resources, 11(1), 3-7.
     Sanborn, H. (1964). Pay differences between men and women. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 17(4), 534-550.
     Sandell, S.H., & Shapiro, D. (1980). Work expectation, human capital accumulation, and the wage of young woman. The Journal of Human Resources, 15(3), 335-353.
     Sawhill, I.W. (1973). The economics of discrimination against woman: some new findings. The Journal of Human Resources, 8(3), 383-396.
     Sloane, P. J., & Seibert, W. S. (1980). Low pay against woman. In P.J. Sloane (Ed.), Woman and low pay (pp. 9-56). London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.
     Treiman, D.J., & Terrell, K. (1975). Sex and the process of status attainment: a comparison of working woman and man. American Sociological Review, 40, 174-200.
     Waite, L.J., & Stolzenberg, R. (1976). Intended childbearing and labor force participation of young woman: insights from nonrecursive models. American Sociological Review, 41, 235-252.